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Thread: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

  1. #1

    Default Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    The correlation between fluoride in drinking water and the reduction of caries has been shown not to exist. This graphic shows the decline in caries in fluoridated vs non-fluoridated countries:

    In fact, cavity rates have dropped worldwide, regardless of whether or not the drinking water (or, in some countries, table salt) is fluoridated. However, fluoride has been shown to have negative health effects, including staining of the teeth and enamel brittleness:

    A Quantitative Look at Fluorosis, Fluoride Exposure, and Intake in Children Using a Health Risk Assessment Approach

    Does it make sense to continue fluoridation when there are not only no proven health benefits, but also proven health detriments?


  2. Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    That may be the case for 12 year old children in some countries, but I thank OKC's fluoridated water & toothpaste for my lack of cavities after 63 years. Most dentists, to my knowledge, are still convinced that fluoridation of both water & toothpaste is essential to limiting the cavities of most Americans. Compare America's teeth to the British. I assume you're the sponsor of the banner ads on this thread?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    I think we had a tread on this already from a while back, one thing noted from studies in it was fluoridation of the water showed little or no positive effect, fluoride in toothpaste did have positive effects (assuming my memory is correct)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    So, its not hurting anything and may help so why end it? The communists don't care anymore.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Why end it? Because it may be hurting something but it is almost definitely not helping anything. And it would save the city thousands of dollars per year. Fluoride works topically; it only helps your teeth for the brief moment it is in your mouth before swallowing. After swallowing it provides no dental benefit but may provide harm as the second link shows (which is a real scientific study, not a conspiracy theory site; no mention of communists). It is far more beneficial to brush with a fluoride toothpaste.

    If you will check the information, it is not "some countries," it is all western countries in the graphic above. Speaking of the British, they have had fluoridation since 1948 in varying concentrations depending on area. There is another study that compared teeth in Britain and Sri Lanka. Both countries have areas where fluoridation rates are 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 ppm. In a blind study, both countries showed the highest rates of fluorosis in the highest fluoridation areas, but all areas had the same rates of caries. So you can thank OKC fluoridated water if you wish, but the science isn't on your side. It is far more likely that you need to thank Crest, Colgate, etc.

    And no, I'm not responsible for any ads that appear on this site or indeed anywhere on the internet; in fact, I don't even see the ads because I use an ad blocker. I'm just a regular working stiff in OKC who thinks fluoridation is not just a waste of money but also may be a health risk.

  6. Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    I believe the studies show that for those over the age of 12, it actually doesn't have an effect one way or the other. But for those under the age of 12, it is actually still VERY helpful and prevents cavities. Given that it actually doesn't DO anything for those over 12, i feel like it should stay.

    We could probably each find a study that supports our side compared to the other. Much like people can make the bible say whatever they want.

    Personally, i feel like it should stay.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    I believe the studies show that for those over the age of 12, it actually doesn't have an effect one way or the other. But for those under the age of 12, it is actually still VERY helpful and prevents cavities. Given that it actually doesn't DO anything for those over 12, i feel like it should stay.

    We could probably each find a study that supports our side compared to the other. Much like people can make the bible say whatever they want.

    Personally, i feel like it should stay.
    Pediatricians advise parents not to give their kids bottled water because it doesn't contain fluoride. If you don't want to drink fluoridated water, stick to bottled water.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC


    That’s an inside joke to some.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MsProudSooner View Post
    Pediatricians advise parents not to give their kids bottled water because it doesn't contain fluoride. If you don't want to drink fluoridated water, stick to bottled water.
    Hmm...that's a little strange, considering that the a significant portion of the mass-marketed, retail bottled water just comes from regular municipal water supplies, most of which as I understand it are still fluoridated. Ozarka says its from a private spring, so I guess that would be one significant exception...?

    If we can't prove it helps, but we can show it hurts, removing it is worth consideration. How some group "feels" either way needs to be backed with some objective, empirical data, and that WHO chart above is at least a start.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    I know we have discussed this here before, but I will again link you to a common side effect of fluoridation of public water supply:

    Dental Fluorosis - Safety - Community Water Fluoridation - Oral Health

    While I understand that it is not a 'serious' problem, it has been annoying to have brown spots on my teeth. And I do have to wonder whether there are more severe problems resulting from my apparent fluoride overdose...

  11. #11

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Hmm...that's a little strange, considering that the a significant portion of the mass-marketed, retail bottled water just comes from regular municipal water supplies, most of which as I understand it are still fluoridated. Ozarka says its from a private spring, so I guess that would be one significant exception...?

    If we can't prove it helps, but we can show it hurts, removing it is worth consideration. How some group "feels" either way needs to be backed with some objective, empirical data, and that WHO chart above is at least a start.
    While it generally is municipal water it is probably filtered, while not all methods will remove it, some of the comercial methods would

  12. #12

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    To revive this thread, it's interesting that Portland in May voted to reject to start adding fluoride to its water by a whopping 60 to 40%. Portland fluoride: For the fourth time since 1956, Portland voters reject fluoridation | OregonLive.com

    Background story: You Can’t Handle the Tooth: Why the political right and left both fight fluoride.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    All I needed to hear was that the anti-immunization nuts are also anti-fluoride. I remember my mother (extremely conservative) telling my father(not) that fluoride was a communist plot to weaken the brains of Americans. My incredibly mild-mannered father, who had just written a very patient editorial on the virtues of fluoride, looked in danger of losing the top of his head.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    I don't like the taste of tap water in OKC. Never have. I started drinking bottled water around 06, and have been drinking it ever since. I know it's bad for the environment and tap water is supposedly as good or better than bottled water.

    However, not liking the taste of tap water means I'll drink less of it, and drinking less water is less healthy.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Gene View Post
    I don't like the taste of tap water in OKC. Never have. I started drinking bottled water around 06, and have been drinking it ever since. I know it's bad for the environment and tap water is supposedly as good or better than bottled water.

    However, not liking the taste of tap water means I'll drink less of it, and drinking less water is less healthy.
    Have you tried filtered water?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    I used Brita for years, but it wasn't much better. I've considered getting a filtration system put in, but for now bottled water is convenient and not very expensive when you buy in bulk. I know that isn't a good excuse for wastefulness.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Do you know where water in bottled water comes from? Usually it is right out of the municipal water tap. Now having said that, we buy a lot of bottled water as well because it comes in a handy transportable size with a container I can toss away when I am done with the contents.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by betts
    I remember my mother (extremely conservative) telling my father(not) that fluoride was a communist plot to weaken the brains of Americans.
    except i'm pretty sure it is a commie plot... -M

  19. #19

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    You guys should tour a first class water treatment facility sometime and check out what all goes in to making your drinking water. I work in that industry and even though it's stupid, I take offense of people who complain about tap water. Of course, I drank the tap water in Phoenix too and everyone else there complained it had sand in it lol

  20. #20

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    You guys should tour a first class water treatment facility sometime and check out what all goes in to making your drinking water. I work in that industry and even though it's stupid, I take offense of people who complain about tap water. Of course, I drank the tap water in Phoenix too and everyone else there complained it had sand in it lol
    I LOVE the smell of a water treatment plant. Just something about it... Clean and fresh.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Gene View Post
    I used Brita for years, but it wasn't much better. I've considered getting a filtration system put in, but for now bottled water is convenient and not very expensive when you buy in bulk. I know that isn't a good excuse for wastefulness.
    But what about filtering shower and bath water? I don't know if fluoride can be absorbed through the skin, or not.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    except i'm pretty sure it is a commie plot... -M
    Last Nov. Wichita rejected a proposal to start fluoridating its water. I wonder how much money Oklahoma City would save every year from not fluoridating its water? $1,000,000?

    Surely, fluoridation proponents think its highly stupid and pointless to worry about what impact unused and so wasted fluoridated water has on the environment when sewer plants discharge it to streams.

    I think people are more likely to get fluoride's supposed benefit from toothpaste since it's topically applied at the same daily rates. Of course, the main downfall to that reasoning is that it doesn't account for people who don't brush their teeth everyday. Still it seems pretty chancy to put fluoride in the water to try to account for people who seldom brush their teeth, while hoping that people who brush their teeth 3 or more times a day with fluoridated toothpaste aren't getting too much fluoride.

    About two years or so ago, two federal government agencies recommended that cities fluoridating their water reduce concentration of it from 1 to .7 ppm. I wonder if Oklahoma City has complied with that? Just doing that would at least save some money.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    But what about filtering shower and bath water? I don't know if fluoride can be absorbed through the skin, or not.
    The idea of this doesn't bother me any more than the idea of swimming in a chemically treated pool. Again, it's not flouridation that keeps me from consuming tap water, it's taste.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Gene View Post
    The idea of this doesn't bother me any more than the idea of swimming in a chemically treated pool. Again, it's not flouridation that keeps me from consuming tap water, it's taste.
    Yet, the taste of chlorine in the water bothers you? Is the taste of OKC's municipal water so bad, you could easily distinguish it from bottled water in a blindfold test? What is decent tasting water supposed to taste like anyway?

  25. Default Re: Let's end fluoridation in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    All I needed to hear was that the anti-immunization nuts are also anti-fluoride. I remember my mother (extremely conservative) telling my father(not) that fluoride was a communist plot to weaken the brains of Americans. My incredibly mild-mannered father, who had just written a very patient editorial on the virtues of fluoride, looked in danger of losing the top of his head.
    My dad was a leader in the Tinfoil Hat Brigade, and I'm pretty sure that he and your mom went to the same meetings.

    Damn commies, gettin' in mah teef.

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