Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
the numbers were around at one time ... the full redo of the west deck .. moving the press box to the top suites row .... and adding a club level would add 100-200 seats to the stadium .. but would generate lots of new revenue because of the new club level seats and extra suites
Exactly. I wish someone in the broader sports media could ask Joe C about this project in particular, if for no other reason than to satisfy my curiosity. I mean, isn't that good enough reason?

All kidding aside, I'd like to hear the status of that project (dead, delayed, or otherwise) from Joe C. I heard Stoops make overtures in this direction a few months back (commenting about the state of the press box at OMS), and thought surely that was the first volley in a campaign to get that project going - but it never went anywhere.

Surely there are some reporter types that lurk on this board and might come across this question, and could solicit a response from Joe C on it...I mean, its not like it would be some double-secret thing If the economy is picking up, surely the folks in the AD's office have a pretty good feel for the "temperature of the water" as it were for a project like this.