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Thread: Count Gregore/C.J. Cherryh at SoonerCon

  1. #1

    Default Count Gregore/C.J. Cherryh at SoonerCon

    I wanted to spread the word about some special recognition John Ferguson AKA Count Gregore is getting next week (as well as Oklahoma Native C.J. Cherryh). I'm pretty excited that we're able to something special for him. Below is a press release we sent out earlier today.


    SoonerCon to establish Oklahoma Speculative Fiction Hall of Fame; releases inaugural inductee list.

    Oklahoma City, Ok - SoonerCon, Oklahoma's own ComicCon/Pop Culture Expo, has announced their creation of the Oklahoma Speculative Fiction Hall of Fame. Beginning in 2013, SoonerCon will induct members into the Hall of Fame, and present them with the newly created "Nucleon Award". Members of the Hall of Fame will be Oklahomans (and those originally from Oklahoma) who have contributed significantly to the development of pop culture and speculative fiction in both Oklahoma and the world.

    The 2013 Class of the Oklahoma Speculative Fiction Hall of Fame is John Ferguson, aka Count Gregore, and author C.J. Cherryh.

    John Ferguson is perhaps better known by his horror host persona Count Gregore, who first appeared in 1958 on WKY-TV in Oklahoma City. John is considered the longest-running horror host in the world, and has been extremely influential both locally and nationally among the horror host genre.

    C.J. Cherryh is an award winning science fiction and fantasy author. Raised primarily in Lawton Oklahoma, and graduating from the University of Oklahoma, she has written more than 60 books since the mid 1970s. She has won the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, three Hugo awards for Best Novel and Best Short Story, and the Oklahoma Center for the Book's Arrell Gibson Lifetime Achievement Award in 2005. In addition to the Nucleon Award and induction to the Oklahoma Speculative Fiction Hall of Fame, C.J. Cherryh is also being honored as Guest of Honor this month at SoonerCon 22.

    SoonerCon is Oklahoma City's premier annual convention celebrating arts and the imagination, featuring comic books, science fiction, fantasy, horror, literature, arts & crafts and everything in-between. SoonerCon's purpose is to promote artistry, creativity, imagination and innovation in Oklahoma, and to offer a platform for media-savvy, creative individuals to mingle as well as meet and converse with leading national and regional creators, authors and artists. SoonerCon 22 is being held June 28th-30th in Midwest City at the Reed Convention Center. More information is available on the website at SoonerCon 22 | June 28-30 2013 - Midwest City, Oklahoma along with a full schedule of events.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Count Gregore/C.J. Cherryh at SoonerCon

    CJ Cherryh is one of my favorite SF writers. Sometimes I think she's better recognized outside of Oklahoma.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Count Gregore/C.J. Cherryh at SoonerCon

    C. J. Cherryh (as Carolyn Cherry) was my Latin II teacher at what-now-remains-of John Marshall HS 1968-69. I've long since gone where millions of Okies have gone before--Southern California--and discovered her second act while browsing Life Magazine in the mid-1980s. However, not being the least bit inclined toward science fiction (a job at Waldenbooks killed what negligible affinity I might have ever had), I've never investigated her writings. But congratulations to her on her success and finding her passion in life. It's a lot more than I can say for my what-remains-of-a television career.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Count Gregore/C.J. Cherryh at SoonerCon

    SoonerCon just aint good as it used to be..

  5. #5

    Default Re: Count Gregore/C.J. Cherryh at SoonerCon

    I grew up watching Count Gregore. He introduced me to countless number of cheesy B horror flicks and sci-fi movies. His face and voice are burned into my brain.

    Staying up so late to watch those dumb movies. Was it Friday night or Saturday night? I can't remember. It felt so wicked staying up that late as a kid. Later on he had that guy in the gorilla suit on all the time, like a sidekick. But I didn't really care for the gorilla.

    The funny thing was that Count Gregore could do the straight scary bit quite well. But then he'd break things up with a joke or a silly sight gag. Like he couldn't decide if he wanted to be scary or campy. Frequently he was a bit of both at the same time.

    Ah Count Gregore. One of a kind.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Count Gregore/C.J. Cherryh at SoonerCon

    Quote Originally Posted by Praedura View Post
    I grew up watching Count Gregore. He introduced me to countless number of cheesy B horror flicks and sci-fi movies. His face and voice are burned into my brain.

    Staying up so late to watch those dumb movies. Was it Friday night or Saturday night? I can't remember.
    The night of the week may have changed at some time but I know for sure it he was on Saturday nights. My parents played poker with friends every Saturday in the 50's when I was young. The kids always wanted to watch his horror movies while they were playing late.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Count Gregore/C.J. Cherryh at SoonerCon

    If I recall, by the late 70's he was on channel 4's "Sleepwalker's Matinee" which was Friday nights.

    The award ceremony at SoonerCon was great. John actually did a full on "Count Gregore" transformation during the ceremony, speaking in character.

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