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Thread: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

  1. #26

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    I sure hope JTF is being sarcastic. I've only been here 4+ years and know several who have done it, and several others who are currently living downtown, and work downtown, who plan on moving out when they have kids. Oh the horror, right?

    And guess what, the ones who have done it, still drive downtown when not going to work to enjoy what the city has to offer. As far as the commute, it's not terrible, especially if you've lived elsewhere where there is real traffic.

  2. #27

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    I sure hope JTF is being sarcastic. I've only been here 4+ years and know several who have done it, and several others who are currently living downtown, and work downtown, who plan on moving out when they have kids. Oh the horror, right?
    Well, you added a criteria that doesn't exist with the example we are talking about here - kids. However, there are people living downtown with kids now so if you are going to move for that reason you might want to reconsider. Also, research Cul-de-sac kids.


  3. #28

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Moving in advance of kids down the road? They don't always wait until they are pregnant or have a little one. Could be an unlisted factor of the OP's colleague.

    If we didn't have a kid, we'd probably move downtown in a heartbeat from where we are.

  4. #29

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Some of you guys are funny. lol.

    Reminds me of the Yogi Berra quote, "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too busy."

    You guys ever wonder WHY the Quail Springs area is so busy? Could it quite possibly be because PEOPLE WANT TO LIVE THERE??? I mean, I'm just spitballing here, but damn... lol

    My suspicion is that there are other motivations for moving from their urban dwelling to a more suburban setting that the coworker isn't mentioning. My guess would be either kids coming soon or the more likely option that his wife decided she wants a bigger place and they can only afford it by moving... and since she has the poon... they are now moving.

  5. Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Yeah, I know people who moved downtown-to-burbs too. Generally for kids, but some just because...who knows? There are lots of lifestyles not for me, and I'm sure downtown's not for everybody, for whatever reason. Either way, well over a million people in the metro currently choose to live in the suburbs over downtown - including many tens of thousands close to or north of Quail - so around here it's actually a pretty popular choice.

    Personally I think if more people were exposed to the convenience of downtown living and working they would choose to be here, but that will take time. OKC still has a primarily suburban mindset. To each his own.

    I will say that my best friend, who moved to 63rd/Independence area years ago to have and raise kids, REALLY wants to get back downtown as soon as it makes sense (his kids are still quite young).

  6. #31

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I actually hope we can get a follow-up on this decision in a few months. This type of move hasn't happened in OKC in nearly 50 years.
    Let me solve our current issue so we can stay on topic.

    I actually hope we can get a follow-up on this decision in a few months. This type of move hasn't happened very often in OKC in nearly 50 years.

  7. #32

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Let me solve our current issue so we can stay on topic.

    I actually hope we can get a follow-up on this decision in a few months. This type of move hasn't happened very often in OKC in nearly 50 years.
    this type of move with or with out kids on the way .. (often singles that move upon marrige) happens all the time in the last 5 years much less 50 ... there is a reason why the NW side of OKC is the fastest growing area ...

  8. #33

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    This type of move hasn't happened very often in OKC in nearly 50 years.
    Lets flip the script on you...can you provide facts and concrete evidence that this move has not happened often in nearly 50 years? Exaggerate much?

  9. #34

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Again, just like there are people who like different kinds of music, play sports, watch sports or hate sports, drive different types of cars or don't drive at all, there are people who like to live in different types of places with different amenities. In Oklahoma City, until a few years ago, no one wanted to live downtown. Even Heritage Hills had fallen off in popularity. Now there are people who want to live downtown and can't imagine living anywhere else. And some people who thought I was crazy 5 years ago are kind of wistful when they ask me how I like it. That's where the sea change has occurred. While there are always going to be people who try downtown and find its not for them, in a few years we will have the interesting retail. We will have a streetcar and a school. We already have more interesting restaurants. I believe interest in downtown living will snowball even more than it has already.

  10. #35

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    I'm sure people move downtown and they find it isn't for them and they move back into the suburbs and I'm sure people move from the suburbs to downtown and ask themselves "why the hell did I not do this sooner!!!!!". I live in north Edmond and commute to Moore and Norman daily and I have no problem with it. Driving distance is no factor at all when I consider where I live. That just me though, for some, driving is everything and that's just fine.

    Having different options is what makes a city great, imo. That's why we need a light-rail and a good bus system!

  11. #36

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Quote Originally Posted by WichitaSooner View Post
    Some of you guys are funny. lol.

    Reminds me of the Yogi Berra quote, "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too busy."

    You guys ever wonder WHY the Quail Springs area is so busy? Could it quite possibly be because PEOPLE WANT TO LIVE THERE??? I mean, I'm just spitballing here, but damn... lol

    My suspicion is that there are other motivations for moving from their urban dwelling to a more suburban setting that the coworker isn't mentioning. My guess would be either kids coming soon or the more likely option that his wife decided she wants a bigger place and they can only afford it by moving... and since she has the poon... they are now moving.

    Maybe they just don't like the neighbors.

  12. #37

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    Lets flip the script on you...can you provide facts and concrete evidence that this move has not happened often in nearly 50 years? Exaggerate much?
    Considering no one other than homeless people and some hold outs at Sycamore Sq and Regency Tower lived downtown for the better part of 40 years - what more proof do you need? If you look at the number of people who relocate within metro-OKC over the past 50 years the number of people who moved from downtown to the suburbs is statistically 0. That is all I meant.

  13. #38

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Haha, good point, as the dark years of downtown OKC are definitely before my time here. However, since the renaissance to claim that number as zero is a bold statement.

    Hell my wife has a coworker who lived downtown and moved to Marlow! And commutes to downtown daily! No thank you.

  14. #39

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    That is why I would like to see a follow-up to this decision. In fact, if there are other people who used to live downtown over the past 10 years or so and moved out to the suburbs I would like to hear how that transition went as well.

  15. #40

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    What are you considering "the burbs" in this case? I'd say if someone moved from downtown to say, Belle Isle, they'd still be pretty close to town and not be a good study.

  16. #41

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Quote Originally Posted by WichitaSooner View Post
    Some of you guys are funny. lol.

    Reminds me of the Yogi Berra quote, "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too busy."

    You guys ever wonder WHY the Quail Springs area is so busy? Could it quite possibly be because PEOPLE WANT TO LIVE THERE??? I mean, I'm just spitballing here, but damn... lol

    My suspicion is that there are other motivations for moving from their urban dwelling to a more suburban setting that the coworker isn't mentioning. My guess would be either kids coming soon or the more likely option that his wife decided she wants a bigger place and they can only afford it by moving... and since she has the poon... they are now moving.
    Well I know for sure its not about the money, as I know for a fact he makes $85,000/yr, and he is only 27. I don't know how much his wife makes, but on his salary alone, they could afford to live in a nice condo/apartment downtown. As for them expecting a baby, he hasn't shared that with me. Honestly, when I asked him the reason for them moving to the Quail Springs area was because of the quick access to leisure options of shopping, dining, and the affluency of the area. They moved here from small town Durant, Ok less than a year ago to take his current position, so maybe that has something to do with it, just an educated guess.

  17. #42

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    I mean it makes sense...

    Quail Springs area dominates downtown in terms of close proximity retail and restaraunts. This board is a poor reflection of the overall OKC thinking because most of us here are urbanists or wanna-be urbanists who want to walk to work and the store. While most of OKC lives in their vehicles and drives any chance given as opposed to walking.

  18. #43

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Well I know for sure its not about the money, as I know for a fact he makes $85,000/yr, and he is only 27. I don't know how much his wife makes, but on his salary alone, they could afford to live in a nice condo/apartment downtown. As for them expecting a baby, he hasn't shared that with me. Honestly, when I asked him the reason for them moving to the Quail Springs area was because of the quick access to leisure options of shopping, dining, and the affluency of the area. They moved here from small town Durant, Ok less than a year ago to take his current position, so maybe that has something to do with it, just an educated guess.
    Quail Springs isn't even that nice of a shopping area. I could understand Penn Square, but Quail? Especially when you don't have to worry about schools? Whatever makes you happy, I guess.

    In any event, I really don't understand why this thread was created. One couple decided downtown wasn't for them. Lots do. Different strokes....

  19. #44

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Vehicles drive a large portion of the economy. Think of how many people work in the sales profession? A bunch. Field services? Also a bunch, considering the O&G economy of our state. For those folks who are already in their car a lot for work, being somewhere that they can walk to everything doesn't really matter to them. The city can support both types.

  20. #45

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    I remember when he first moved here, he said he loved the fact that he could walk across the street to Cafe De Brasil, but I guess you can only eat there so many times, lol. I think his wife had a major influence of them moving out of downtown. Which brings up a study that I would like to see on how many single young professional women live downtown vs. how many single young profressional men live downtown. Do women take into account access to leisure options of shopping/dining over being close to the workplace?

  21. #46

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    I think the reaction on this thread to this one example of a decision not to live downtown should serve as a wakeup call to those who seem so dumbstruck at the notion that anyone might choose not to live downtown.

    I don't think many of the urban advocates here realize just how pious they sound sometimes in their thinly veiled condemnation of anyone's choice not to live downtown, as if it represents some sort of moral failing.

    I have no problem with people choosing to live downtown. If that's the lifestyle they prefer, power to 'em.

    I have no problem, either, with people choosing to live in the suburbs.

    For a board that works hard to promote and foster a diverse range of opinions, the reactions in this thread to this situation would suggest there's a ways to go in that regard. Neither choice of living in the 'burbs or in the new urban core represents a character defect. Calling someone's decision to live anywhere a "crappy lifestyle choice" is rather myopic. It is their choice, and I'm delighted that people have those options available to them.

  22. #47

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    I mean it makes sense...

    Quail Springs area dominates downtown in terms of close proximity retail and restaraunts.
    I would take the downtown/midtown/automobile alley restaurants over the whole collection of chainsville crap on Memorial any day of the week.

    As for retail, UPS delivers every evening around 5.

  23. #48

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    I think the reaction on this thread to this one example of a decision not to live downtown should serve as a wakeup call to those who seem so dumbstruck at the notion that anyone might choose not to live downtown.

    I don't think many of the urban advocates here realize just how pious they sound sometimes in their thinly veiled condemnation of anyone's choice not to live downtown, as if it represents some sort of moral failing.

    I have no problem with people choosing to live downtown. If that's the lifestyle they prefer, power to 'em.

    I have no problem, either, with people choosing to live in the suburbs.

    For a board that works hard to promote and foster a diverse range of opinions, the reactions in this thread to this situation would suggest there's a ways to go in that regard. Neither choice of living in the 'burbs or in the new urban core represents a character defect. Calling someone's decision to live anywhere a "crappy lifestyle choice" is rather myopic. It is their choice, and I'm delighted that people have those options available to them.
    You just summed up this entire place in a nutshell, well said. Reading most of this board I feel by living in 73162 I'm putting tremendous strain on OKC and preventing this city from being great (guess what, it already is, and it's not slowing down because I live outside of the CBD).

  24. #49

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    Plenty of people leave downtown. I know many of them. Ironically Deep Deuce and the other apartments are incredible "suburban development generators".

    People move into the CBD, and get accustomed to generating the income and paying the $850 - $1,650 per month rent. After several years of doing this, many of them start to realize, 'Geez! I could own a freaking home for what I'm paying here! And it might actually be an investment I can get some money back on later!' And many of them come to this conclusion often with or without kids.

    The suburban developer has efficiently generated a product that fits within this monthly rate and they are seduced to the suburbs because there is no reasonable quantity of "for sale" product that matches the rental rate people are paying downtown.

    The dynamic that has changed is that the amenities downtown have become so seductive in their own right, I suspect people are willing to rent for longer periods of time to enjoy them.

    But downtown does have a long term problem, a lack of people that are directly invested in it. While we have developers now that seem to care and be good partners, when apartment projects start to get flipped and deteriorate, we'll be wishing we had more homeowners scattered around to help keep them accountable.

    I personally believe that we need a well constructed quality condo tower that provides housing financed at monthly payments equivalent to rental rates or we need to be chopping up Urban Renewal parcels and offering small"personal sized" lots for redevelopment by individuals and their architects. A great start might be that half block area they own behind the 911 center or similar half blocks here and there.

  25. #50

    Default Re: "I Don't Want To Live Downtown"

    I think some of you are reading things that aren't be typed.

    The topic of this thread can only be based on the reasons provided by the OP. Couple X doesn't like having to drive, so they are moving from an area where walking is an option to an area where driving is the only option. We will see how that works out for them but it seems counterintuitive to me. They might very well be the first people in history to move to suburbia (which is by definition un-walkable) to avoid driving. Maybe they have other criteria as well - but who knows.

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