Moving to Oklahoma City - SkyscraperCity
This guy wants to move to OKC from LA... He's looking for info... I figure the OKCTalk crowd would be JUST the people to help.
Moving to Oklahoma City - SkyscraperCity
This guy wants to move to OKC from LA... He's looking for info... I figure the OKCTalk crowd would be JUST the people to help.
Have you ever been to Santa Barbara? I've been through there a couple of times.
It is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.
If he doesn't actually live in Santa Barbara--but in LA, instead--I'd have to think that he must have earthquakephobia or something to be thinking about moving to OKC. And $650 a month with a view of the skyline? Dreamweaver. Unless he's considering moving into a new refrgerator or box under an underpass and paying the fines for vagrancy on a regular basis. Or possibly staking a land claim in the vicinity of the ruins of Stage Center . . .
sorry . . . that was, like, totally unkind and uncalled for.
Perhaps one might consider subscribing to/registering for the site from which the appeal for guidance arose and post him a link to this site . . . ?
Be Grateful. Or Greatful. Whichever the case may be. Like, whatever . . . Your pick. =) LOLx2^^^
i sure hope we don't treat the third or fourth or fifth generation of "okiespawn"--returning to the homeland--the same way that they ["native californians"] treated "our" forebears. or forebearers either. =)
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