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Thread: Louie's

  1. #1

    Multiple Locations Louie's

    I know there has been discussions about Louie's Bar and Grill expanding(Bob Stoops restaurant). They recently leased 4,246 sq. ft. of space in Rockwell Plaza at NW Expressway and Rockwell as well as 3,200 sq. ft. in Spring Creek in Edmond. Additionally they will be replacing the old Boomerang Grill at I-40 and Meridian. Sounds like a pretty big rapid expansion at hand. This will mark there 4th metro location plus the one on Campus Corner in Norman. Mod's can you please delete the City Bite's thread?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    Louie's has quality food and a friendly atmosphere. It's a perfect 'neighborhood bar', and the expansion proves it.

    A very nice place for a business lunch/dinner, happy hour drinks or just going out.

    Hal Smith has done well!

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    Quote Originally Posted by metro
    Mod's can you please delete the City Bite's thread?
    I took care of it.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    Anyone have any more news on Hal Smith and crew??

  5. #5

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    Quote Originally Posted by BricktownGuy
    Anyone have any more news on Hal Smith and crew??
    Such as?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    Quote Originally Posted by John
    Such as?

    Such as, new restaurants in the works? Such as, new people they might be partnering up with?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    Quote Originally Posted by BricktownGuy
    Such as, new restaurants in the works? Such as, new people they might be partnering up with?
    There are a couple of projects I've learned about. That's all I can say right now.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    Work is well underway on the Louie's going in Rockwell Plaza, it will be replacing the Souper Salad that was next to CiCi's pizza.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    While I would have to highly disagree that Louie's is the "perfect neighborhood bar," they do have solid food, especially for the money. Great club sandwich.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    i hear that louie's is expanding to sw 89th & western... it's a great place; i've been to the one on campus corner. -M

  11. #11

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    Isn't part of being a perfect neighborhood bar being in a neighborhood?

    The only Louie's I've seen is over by Red Rock/Pearls on the lake. I ducked my head in there once. It was really loud as I recall.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    I heard they took over the Champions location in Brookhaven in Norman as well. I saw one in Tulsa a few weeks ago. Louies on the lake is probably my favorite bar in okc

  13. Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    The one in Spring Creek Village in Edmond is very close to many residential neighborhoods.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    They also have a new one next door to Outback on Meridian...That one isn't doing too well...so they have $1.50 domestics all night Mon-Fri

    And that includes Boulevard Wheats!!...they are the only location that includes Blvd as a regular domestic

    Not very busy, but $1.50 Blvd's make me a regular there

  15. Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    If Freddies Custard is locating in the former Arvest building, and Louie's is expanding to the corner of SW 89 and Western, then how are the two taking the same intersection? You have CVS, Bank Of America, and Carl's Jr. on the other three corners. None are closing.

    I bet Freddie's is either not opening south at this point or the information on them is not accurate. The Louie's location was announced this morning in the Daily Oklahoman. Freddie's has not been mentioned to the best of my knowledge.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    i was thinking the same thing... where's it gonna go?

    the arvest seems like the most likely place though i did notice last week that the house just south of the cvs has its windows taken out... perhaps that's where louie's will locate. -M

  17. Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm
    i was thinking the same thing... where's it gonna go?

    the arvest seems like the most likely place though i did notice last week that the house just south of the cvs has its windows taken out... perhaps that's where louie's will locate. -M
    If that is the case, then it is not at the corner of SW 89 and Western. That places it in the range of the 9200 block of S Western. The corner is the corner and no place else.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    i totally agree that arvest is the most likely location. however, nothing here or in the article in today's oklahoman states that louie's will be on the 'corner' of 89th & western. the article simply gives the intersection as the proximate location for the facility... nobody i've heard from is implying that it has to be at the precise corner.

    i believe the target opening date is january. that's going to come pretty quickly, especially if it's new construction. existing vacant buildings in the 89th & western area are the former arvest, painted door and amy's attic buildings.

    as for new construction... on the southwest corner of the intersection (where cvs pharmacy lies) there are vacant homes and land to the immediate south and vacant land immediately to the west. besides that, the parking lot of the brookwood shopping center is possibly big enough to accomodate another outparcel just south of the existing arby's.

    while it's wishful thinking, i'd love to see both freddy's and louie's go in to this area... i'd bet both would do quite well. but i'm not holding my breath. -M

  19. Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    "as for new construction... on the southwest corner of the intersection (where cvs pharmacy lies) there are vacant homes and land to the immediate south and vacant land immediately to the west. besides that, the parking lot of the brookwood shopping center is possibly big enough to accomodate another outparcel just south of the existing arby's."

    None of those are on the corner. If someone says "on the corner," I expect something to be "on the corner" and no where else.

    BTW. I lived near that intersection for decades and have never heard of the Painted Door. Excatly where was it?

  20. #20

    Default Re: Louie's restaurant chain expanding

    wow, anderson. the very quote you posted states that the cvs pharmacy is 'on the corner' and that available land is adjacent to that. prior to that remark, the 'corner' is never mentioned anywhere other than where you whine about it.

    i only have access to the paper online via the library... so i can't get the article until tomorrow. will it help you to wrap your brain around this subject if i posted it word-for-word?

    before moving to bricktown (you've heard of nonna's, right?), the painted door was located a couple blocks north of 89th & western. i'd estimate it opened sometime in the 90's. -M

  21. #21

    Default Coming Soon: Louie's Grill and Bar in Yukon

    Looks like they are building a Louie's in Yukon next to Johnny Carino's on Garth Brooks Blvd. I am so happy!

  22. Default Louie's coming to Edmond

    I was looking at the council packet this weekend - looks like Louies is coming to the corner of NW 178 and Western

  23. #23

    Default Re: Coming Soon: Louie's Grill and Bar in Yukon

    Quote Originally Posted by rbayless View Post
    Looks like they are building a Louie's in Yukon next to Johnny Carino's on Garth Brooks Blvd. I am so happy!
    Same here!

  24. #24

    Default Re: Louie's coming to Edmond

    That's great news to me since I live less about a mile from there!

  25. #25

    Default Re: Louie's coming to Edmond

    Are there stoplights there yet?

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