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Thread: From Popular Mechanics 8 ways to protect your home against Tornadoes

  1. #26

    Default Re: From Popular Mechanics 8 ways to protect your home against Tornadoes

    I'm still wondering about the relative value of poured in place forms rather than conventional tree-byproduct methods for residential construction.
    Thankfully, platform framing replaced balloon framing a long time ago. (any "conclusions" from the "Tech Research Team" from 1999 to now?)

    And what about geodesic domes? Wouldn't they resist uplift from high winds? (just kidding. thanks for starting a very valuable and thought provoking non-political discussion. sincerely.)

    (btw: was it texas tech or a different group of studiers who performed that "bonfire pyramid" experiment? probably it wasn't texas tech.
    dang: i was right: it was A&M =)

  2. #27

    Default Re: From Popular Mechanics 8 ways to protect your home against Tornadoes

    Having lived for four years in a house built with ICFs, I would not use any other construction method were I to build again. While my current house is about 800 sq feet smaller than my last house, in the four years we've lived here, we've saved about $20,000 in utility bills. I suspect we've already covered any increased construction costs. Now, seeing that its one way of tornado proofing (relatively speaking) a home, that just reinforces my happiness with this type of construction.

  3. #28

    Default Re: From Popular Mechanics 8 ways to protect your home against Tornadoes

    Thanks, Betts, for the report from the field!
    Tell that to the "researchers" if you have a chance to do so.
    (And mention them there (currently) imaginary Worst Case Individual Personal Survival Pods. =)

    Yet don't discount the possible even better efficacy of a geodesic dome with that cement fabric shell. =)

    (the thread is about "Popular Mechanics" suggestions . . . it isn't, like, National Geographic or Gourmet.)

  4. #29

    Default Re: From Popular Mechanics 8 ways to protect your home against Tornadoes

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Having lived for four years in a house built with ICFs, I would not use any other construction method were I to build again. While my current house is about 800 sq feet smaller than my last house, in the four years we've lived here, we've saved about $20,000 in utility bills. I suspect we've already covered any increased construction costs. Now, seeing that its one way of tornado proofing (relatively speaking) a home, that just reinforces my happiness with this type of construction.
    We plan on using ICF construction when we build in the mountains, of course up here we are more concerned with wildfires than a tornado. It will be just one method we use to mitigate the danger of a wildfire. I did some ICF buildings in the Austin area, different types, it and AAC (autoclaved aerated concrete) are both great alternative building materials.

    If you are looking for something very different than a typical home then one interesting method is the monolithic dome like the one that survived Hurricanes Ivan and Dennis on Pensacola Beach. That one was built by the Monolithic Dome Institute in Italy, Texas, if you have ventured south of Dallas on I-35E you have probably seen their work along the side of the interstate.

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