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Thread: www.bricktownokc.org

  1. #1

    Default www.bricktownokc.org

    While stumbling through the newly revamped website, I noticed some observements. #1 they are promoting events in the Arts District on their calendar. I personally have nothing wrong against that.

    #2 Under "Retail" they only have listed Bass Pro Shops and "The Painted Door". Why aren't they promoting local "Firefly" who intends on becoming a chain. What about the Indian Gallery or OmniFlag, or The Laughing Fish?

    I think the Bricktown Association is a laughing joke more like it. And heck, if they can promote events in the Arts District, why can't they promote the retail Lit Clothing in nearby Deep Deuce?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    Good points. I think some are slow to realize how important an up to date and relevant site is. No doubt it could be their best bang for buck promotional tool. And it's better than any other promotional tool becuase everyone that is using it is seeking out that information. Your target comes to you.

  3. #3

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    I think and I know many agree that the Bricktown Association and Bricktown developers are a joke and their to egotistical to even realize it.

  4. #4

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    I believe that the site is still under construction. Give them some time before you start throwing stones.

  5. #5

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    www.bricktownokc.com is worse.

    It's been around for years but they only udpate it about once or twice a year.

    And the .org site is missing scores of restaurants, so perhaps you have to be a member of their organization to gain a listing.

  6. #6

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    Yep, that's how it will work. The association is developing the site so it will list their members.

  7. Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    Here is the contact info from the site.. maybe a nicely worded email with the above suggestions might yield some results.

    Contact Us:
    Frank Sims, Executive Director: bricktownokc@aol.com

    Contact Us At :
    115 E. California Ste. 301
    Oklahoma City, OK 73101
    Phone: (405) 236-8666
    Fax: (405) 235-8427
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. #8

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    Why are there two different websites for Bricktown?

    And then there's http://www.bricktowninfo.com/ which states they are updating and points to http://www.bricktown.com/ for more information, which redirects to http://www.bricktownokc.com/.

    Shouldn't there be one unified website for Bricktown with current/correct information so as not to confuse possible visitors?

  9. Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    If you click on "contact us" section of www.bricktownokc.com, you will see the email is to Brent Brewer at Brewer Entertainment. So apparently the old site is controlled by the Brewer family, and the new one is controlled by the Bricktown Association.

  10. #10

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    Ding! Ding! Ding!

    We have a winner!!

  11. Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    So why can't they combine sites, Kim?
    (odds you can't/won't answer: damn high)

  12. #12
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    Kim, we're all ears?

  13. #13

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    Because that would mean that BT would have to hold hands and play nice. As you know, there are many "personalities" in BT, each with their own views of the BT world.

  14. Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    I didn't think you diplomatically answer that one. My hat is off to you, miss.

  15. Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    Remind me to buy her a drink.

  16. #16

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    Bricktownokc.com was launched around ten years
    ago before there was basically a BT association (merchant/dues funded)
    or DOKC (property owner/bid $ funded) with the only support ($$) of Connect Oklahoma
    and Brewer Entertainment. At the time any site was desparetly neededed and this site was better than no site at all with no other entity wanting to do the work and spend the money for develolpment and promotion. To this day there have been no support($) from the current director of the BTA (commission paid) , DOKC, or the merchants since then. Both of which have benefited greatly. The site averages close to 100k hits per month. The reason there is two sites now is that the current BTA director(receiving commision on sales) wants to control a site completely. It is a control issue. Which is fine but why coat tail off of the name recognition and past investment of the bricktownokc name and not just start a bta.org. Esspecially since he has never supported it and has had many oppurtunities to do so. Bricktownokc.com is going to move on regardless. The area and technology have changed since the initial launch and the
    bicktownokc site is now under renovation with a new launch in '07 that the merchants and the city will be very proud of.

  17. Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    I always thought BricktownOKC.com was owned by the Oklahoman, since they link to NewsOK.com and all their Bricktown-related articles.

  18. #18

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    Connect Oklahoma is now Newsok.com. Not the
    owners just development and promo partners.

  19. #19

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    windowphobe, I'll take that drink now! :spin:

  20. #20

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    Next hes going to start a McDowells and
    make a better burger than McDonalds or
    has this already been tried. New BTA director

  21. #21

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    I would like to see Steve do an article/survey
    on nationwide parking prices for certain events (local and national),lunchtime, dinnertime, number of spots,
    etc. in similar and non similar downtown destinations.
    It would be interesting to compare apples to apples and see where we stand in OKC.

    It would also be nice to read an article stating the total amount of bid money received annualy. This total separated by each area and the percentage each area is to the total amount. Then where and what this money is being spent on.

    Issues I think people would be interested in.

  22. Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    OKCboy, are you suggesting it's better to have a site controlled by Jim Brewer than by the district association?

  23. #23

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    I'm just stating the facts. In my opinion the Bricktown Association director doesn't have the ability or resources to operate these types of projects. People talk about conflicting "personalities". The way the BTA director handled this only drives the wedge even deeper. Jim Brewer personally financed and ran
    the "association" when no one else would. He raised $50,000 seed money for the MAPS vote. Like it or not, he has been a major influence in what we see today. When hes gone he will be missed. Now that the area is popular he becomes an easy target. Remember he is a mom and pop businessman that has a right to make a return on his investment. He's not a Torchmark, Devon, or Cheasepeake. People should listen to him more, they might learn something about life even if they don't agree with his business. He's came pretty far since dropping out of highschool, living in a chicken coop, and selling papers in capitol hill.

  24. #24

    Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    School of hard work......
    Blood, sweat, and tears.
    Don't teach that at college these days.

  25. Default Re: www.bricktownokc.org

    OKCboy, you seem to know him. Why is he tearing down old buildings?

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