Re: Living with tornadoes in Central Oklahoma

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Far more people die from far more common random violent acts ranging from car accidents to mother nature.
Heat and drought kill more people than tornadoes. Harsh summers, winters and flooding rank higher than tornadoes too. Lightening kills almost as many people as tornadoes.
Earthquakes actually kill very few people.
I think its more psychological than anything else. If it wasn't for the over the top news coverage, it probably wouldn't rank so high in your fear factor.
Pay attention to the weather, have a shelter and/or a plan to flee the immediate area and carry insurance.
All of this. I have lived in OK for 32 entire life...and have never even seen a tornado in person, only on TV. The last nearly 15 years of that in the OKC metro area, mind you. I know it's traumatizing, and I have had my share of tornado-themed nightmares, but it is no reason, to me, to move. Anywhere you go, some sort of natural disaster can strike. You usually know what days are going to be good for severe weather. You have some warning before hurricanes. Blizzards, ice storms, heat waves...they all have some warning time. What matters is what you do to be prepared.
Still corrupting young minds