He is leader of this nation, this is his job. He should come here. Pics don't convey enough. Disasters like this must be felt up close. The smells, the sounds, the overwhelming presence, He must come here to fully understand.
I think it's the right thing to do.
I would love to see Obama put on some work gloves and help, even for just an hour, it would say a lot.
I'm not saying it's a bad idea but I don't think it would mean that much. Mary Fallin has provided some good support by touring the area and with her statements but she hasn't put on any gloves just as no other touring Oklahoma politicians have not. It's just not a big issue.
My chime on this...and it's not political cause I can't stand the opinions...
We're in a country that has a leader that represents the well being of his citizens. Set the political agendas aside. He's not coming in to sit front row at a Thunder game. He's here to witness the devastation of Moore and to talk to state and local leaders, who in my opinion are pieces of crap for not welcoming the President when he came to Oklahoma a year and a half ago or so to present a speech in Cushing, and are only now bowing down before him because he's (probably) reluctantly coming back to Oklahoma to talk to them, albeit briefly, about federal assistance before he goes back to pissing everyone off.
My advice, is...regardless of who the President is, appreciate the fact that they're coming to Oklahoma to witness first hand the war zone that Moore is.
I agree. It's like the video I posted in another thread about Kevin Durant touring the destruction. He wasn't wearing gloves and picking through debris but the people in the area were thrilled to see him and it obviously raised their spirits to know how much he cares.
The people that complain about him coming in is analogous to someone who has a grudge against someone, but their friend just died. This person would then show up for the funeral and afterwards at the wake bring up why they have the grudge. There is a time and a place for everything. People that don't like him don't have to celebrate him, but don't hate on him for doing what every other President would have done is illogical. If he didn't come the same people would be saying he hates Okies because he decided not to come.
Glad to see cooler heads prevailing in this thread. I don't think we should have many complaints about the response of the federal and state governments and businesses and individuals. There are other issues I have mentioned in other threads, but taken as a whole, everyone has done as much as possible to provide assistance as quickly as possible.
For him to say "America will stand with its fellow citizens as long as it takes" and then to read the comments on this website is very heartbreaking to me. No words..
Considering that a) it was a campaign visit, and b) it was scheduled during a time that the Gov had already scheduled a trip, I don't see the snub. I don't expect most politicians would cancel trips to make campaign appearances for a candidate in the opposition party. If he was coming here on business I'm sure she would have stayed and met with him.
Im a republican and I am glad he is coming to visit. Sometimes you have to respect the position rather than the person.
(a)The visit was in conjunction with the tar sands pipeline, not a campaign visit. Why would he campaign in Oklahoma? A large cache of electoral votes in a state that can go either way? Puhleeeze. (b) Mary was going on a vacation trip, which we all know she could have deviated from. You are selling weak sauce.
You can argue the point of his visit, but it was a quick stop, to make a speech, and then leave. Yes, he spoke about the pipeline, and yes, the governor's office did send someone there to represent the state. No, he didn't try or plan to meet with the governor, no he didn't go to the capital (he flew to Cushing directly from Tinker), and yes, her trip was scheduled before this visit was announced (In fact, she was already in PR when she was notified). Again, I don't understand the requirement that the governor attend every non-business function of an opposition party president, especially if it involves cancelling her and her family's plans. Is that in the state constitution somewhere?
I'm okay with the visit. It's the presidential thing to do and should be expected after a tragedy of this scale.
Not true again. The Governor sent no one. The state was not represented. The highest ranking official was the Mayor of OKC, who is not a state official. The mayor represents OKC. The President is not only what you refer to as an "opposition party president", he is also the head of state. The pipeline is not a non-business function in a state where petro is not only business, but is the biggest business here. She was elected to represent our state all the time, not when it fits her vacation schedule.
Your "facts" about a campaign stop, non business function, and the governor sending "someone" to reprersent are all wrong and nothing but BS. Get your own facts straight.
How about we move this discussion about Obama's last visit somewhere else? I don't think it really matters in the context of this visit.
Anyway, does anyone know if the president will make an appearance at the memorial service on Sunday?
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