Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
All you lucky folks in the Bass....my time there was stuck in the Parker section of Petree... in those horrible paper-thin-wall "practice" rooms. I'm trying to cram a marimba in a room and all i can hear is a voice major bellowing next door...ALL the time. Then lugging our crap up and down the elevator, having to take it all apart every time.

It's so awesome that the space it what it is now. I drool over the practice rooms for sure.

We actually tried to have a Wind Phil rehearsal in Kirkpatrick a few times while i was there too. It was a disaster....and simply getting on-stage for that was a pain. Not to mention how the floor feels like you're going to fall through with how fluid it is. And that depressing gray paint inside...ugh.
I was actually in the first class to have the Bass from Day 1. But I do remember going up to the school for a variety of functions (performances, audition, meet Dr. Knight, etc.) and hearing horn players practicing in the hall. One of the marimbas was always located at the end of the hall on the second story. I really can't imagine how you all functioned.