I know that when price spikes (large or small) happen, it renews the call for alternative fuels, but the problem with the alternatives is that once you cull away the hype from the reality you find out that there really aren't extensive, practical mass fuel alternatives. When GM solicited battery proposals for their Volt, they received a boatload of great proposals from lots of great green startup-type companies, but guess what - they were all just variations on essentially the same technology.
The explanations behind all of this don't make it down through regular media, because it starts to get into discussions about physics and technology limits that aren't overcome just because a senator or Hollywood type or *insert favorite pundit here* says they should. You have to figure out a way to get X amount of energy from mechanism Y, and right now the closest thing we can get in practical terms are the semi-electric hybrids and CNG vehicles.
Fuel cell technology is extremely promising conceptually, but those implementations are primarily hydrogen based, and no one has quite yet posited a way to roll out a slew of micro H-bombs on the roads bouncing around at 70mph and sometimes hitting each other. Fusion is very intriguing, but practical implementations are still years away (there's an example of a skunkworks project
Fuel cell technology is very intriguing, but its so expensive that its unlikely to get past what are termed "niche" applications. Though I'm loathe to use Wikipedia for a reference for nearly anything, I'll grant myself an exception for what seems to be a pretty decent general article on the subject
here. The point is not to dismiss them, and not that we
shouldn't pursue them, but just temper expectations. Reality is often an ugly obstacle.
I remember a lecture back in Engineering school at OU that talked about the maximum available energy from various sources, and how back then the prof was talking about (and this isn't a quote, its a paraphrase) "
these are the physics limits we face right now." He was talking about how great it was to consider solar, wind, and all the other forms that are popular to discuss, but the physical limits of those technologies were pretty sobering. Mind you, this transcended politics.
This was about how we turn the discussions about alternative energies into something useful, and its a darned sight more difficult than it seems. The battery notion with the Volt is just a contemporary manifestation of that very same notion -
at some point, no matter how badly we want an alternative to work, the physics is sometimes the biggest roadblock.
Sorry for the diversion.