Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
The Kirkpatrick family had an impact on that new auditorium....which was going to be in a weird place anyway. Not one that i would prefer. If it is ever to be used for music concerts and not just large productions, then it really needs to be connected to Bass. Carting stuff outside is crazy. There are some interesting issues bewteen the Kirkpatrick family foundation and how Kirkpatrick could ever be remodeled. When it was remodeled in the 70's, they killed ANY acoustic flavor. The place USED to be THE auditorium in town and all the state band contests were held there. After the renovation, it's a pile. And Unfortunately, the sideways shoebox of Petree is "deader than a doornail". Several groups just have their concerts in the rehearsal halls because they have better acoustics than the auditoriums.....sad. Anyway....

But the master plan is just that...which often doesn't come true. It's VERY different from the masterplan before 09. Although i would say that it's predecessor accomplished a far higher percentage of proposed structures. But as we see on this one, poor Loefler continues to have a replacement planned, but with no funding to it.
Kirkpatrick (via the rest of the old building) is connected to BSoM. And choosing Acoustics that benefited the Theater/Opera programs only made sense, since that is the SoM's bread and butter. It's why They'll make the new PAC a Theater/Opera hall and then convert Kirkpatrick into a orchestral hall.