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Overlooked in all this discussion about tax increases is the ability of the individual Oklahoma citizen to fork over more $$$ merely because our relative tax rate is lower than other locations. This isn't a state flush with cash. We're in the midst of one of the largest tax increases in our nation's history with Obamacare coming online. There's nothing here that takes into consideration the slightest notion about overall taxation levels, income levels, or affect on Oklahoma's lowest-income citizens.
There has to be more to the public policy of raising taxes than just "everyone else's taxes are higher, so we should raise ours." That's an effete and sophomoric rationale. What are state and local governments funding that shouldn't be funded? What are our priorities?
If the best reason we can create for justifying gas tax (or any other tax, for that matter) increase is "everyone else taxes more," then I'm delighted to be a "short-sighted Republican" working hard to knock those notions down hard and fast.