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Thread: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

  1. Default Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    Soliciting some advise from fellow OKCTalker's that have hosted garage sales in the last few years or regularly attend them.

    I'm thinking about having one in a week or two.

    I know I have to get a permit from the city.

    After that, is it worth advertising in the paper? I did the online configure thing and it looks like it could run from $30-$60. I think that's pretty crazy. But, is that where you get alot of potential buyers?

    Then there's free listings on Craigslist and even a Facebook page for OKC garage sales.

    After the permit, the signs, and possibly an ad, I feel like I'm working for everyone else. Oh yeah, and I'm supposed to collect sales tax.

    I'm thinking of just going with signs and Craigslist.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    After having done a garage sale... I would say you should just take all the stuff and donate it and get the tax write off. lol. By the end of your garage sale you will be ready to punch someone....

  3. #3

    Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    I tend to think people who take the time and money to advertise in the paper have a more legit sale going on. By spending more money, they most likely have more valuable items. Stingy sellers breed stingy buyers.

    Just remember, if the goal is to get rid of stuff, make sure it is priced that way.

  4. Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    When I had mine I just used Craigslist and I had a steady stream of people both days.

    Post it about 48 hours before the day of and then you can re-post it that morning to bump it back to the top without it being considered spamming.

  5. Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    Quote Originally Posted by WichitaSooner View Post
    After having done a garage sale... I would say you should just take all the stuff and donate it and get the tax write off. lol. By the end of your garage sale you will be ready to punch someone....
    I've done many garage sales over the years, but just not one in the last few years.

    I've also had pretty good luck and felt it was better than just throwing it away and I'm not a big supporter of GoodWill as I do not think they are good stewards of their funds.

    Usually results in some weekend pocket money or sometimes enough to pay for some small home project.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    wow... I didn't now you needed a permit to have a garage sale.

  7. Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    wow... I didn't now you needed a permit to have a garage sale.
    City of Oklahoma City | Garage Sale Permits

  8. #8

    Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    Making money any way they can.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    Do they enforce that?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    I don't know about other folks but my SO is a garage sale junkie and never uses the paper for listings just heads out early in the morning cruising for signs because as we all know the best finds are found at the unadvertised spots. Heck, I need to have a garage sale just to thin out the garage sale bargains piling up around here.

    I got a feeling though yours is a garage sale well worth visiting. Why not list it on OKCTALK.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    Wife listed the big stuff on Craigslist as available in garage sale on blah blah blah...Ended up selling all the big pieces prior to the garage sale for asking price...Prefer that method since most folks coming to garage sales want to get you down on the prices

  12. Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    Load up the stuff and take it to Mary's swap meet on 23rd street bright and early on a Saturday morning. Costs you $8-$10 for a spot, no need for a permit, and you're done by noon.

  13. Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    Quote Originally Posted by so1rfan View Post
    Load up the stuff and take it to Mary's swap meet on 23rd street bright and early on a Saturday morning. Costs you $8-$10 for a spot, no need for a permit, and you're done by noon.
    But who wants to load up an entire garage sale (would take a moving truck - $100) and then unload it and then hope it sells so you don't have to haul it all home?

    Thanks, but I'd give it all away first.

    I used to have a spot at AMC Flea market. I didn't work it much, but it was a pain in the ass (fun, but a pain).

    I go to Mary's (when my shots are current) every few years.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    When I lived over by 50th & May, I just put one sign out and got plenty of business. I do not advertise in the paper. Where I live now, I posted plenty of signs and put an ad on Craigslist. I do Saturday only and do not buy a permit.

  15. Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    UPDATE: Decided to do our garage sale this past Saturday. Posted to Craigslist the night before and morning of and also posted three signs (front yard, end of the street and the the main street in front of the neighborhood).

    Went from 8-3pm and felt it was really successful. So-much-so that we didn't do it on Sunday. Don't see how spending $30-$60 with the paper would have done any better.

    Donating what was left over.

  16. Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    When I lived over by 50th & May, I just put one sign out and got plenty of business. I do not advertise in the paper. Where I live now, I posted plenty of signs and put an ad on Craigslist. I do Saturday only and do not buy a permit.
    I remember we called them the Jerry Springer garage sales!!!

  17. #17

    Default Re: Having a garage sale.... Newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook.....

    Glad it went well for you two. Been to many a sale in days gone by. Still use a lot of the many corningware items from early 80's sales. That stuff is danged near indestructible. We still have a bit of the furniture finds here and there s it has spread out amongst family over time.

    My lovely still gets out from time to time, but I haven't hit a driveway in a good long spell. As for holding one, between extended family, younger friends and folks we learn about, most usable items we no longer need are simply transferred on to others who can make use of them. And of course sometimes we simply set something near the curb with a free sign and/or a freecycle or craigslist note. It's usually gone fast, often within 2 hours.

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