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Thread: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

  1. #1

    Default Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Westboro Baptist Church is planning to picket the Chesapeake Energy Arena tonight 6-8 p.m. because an NBA player came out recently. This is a great opportunity to give them a nice Oklahoma welcome. Thunder up :-)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    I will chide them tonight as I walk by.......bunch of fruitcakes....

  3. #3

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Yes they are. It takes a special kind to protest children's and soldiers' funerals.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Why do you want to feed the attention whores? Let them be, and they'll move on. Don't you see they want the attention?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    I actually doubt they will cause much trouble downtown. They have not had much success in Oklahoma because people have stood up to them here. My guess is that Thunder Alley will be more about celebrating a Thunder win tonight than being intimidated by WBC.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Quote Originally Posted by okcboomer View Post
    Why do you want to feed the attention whores? Let them be, and they'll move on. Don't you see they want the attention?
    This. If people didn't even act they existed, they would go away.

    I realize what they are saying is infuriating, but all WBC wants is to get a rise out of people. Why give them that satisfaction?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    No one is suggesting confrontation or counter protesting. I like what was said before about welcoming on the way to the arena. That's about all you can do anyway. They are well known for attempting to provoke attacks so that they can press charges, even when people approach to do nice things like offer coffee. So it is senseless to do much else but enjoy downtown tonight, and Thunder up. A quick one-liner before heading into the arena, if you're so inclined, would be enough.

  8. Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Hmm. Chance of storms then. Maybe a well aimed hail stone will take care of it?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Hmm. Chance of storms then. Maybe a well aimed hail stone will take care of it?
    Now that's a nice Oklahoma welcome!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Quote Originally Posted by boitoirich View Post
    No one is suggesting confrontation or counter protesting. I like what was said before about welcoming on the way to the arena. That's about all you can do anyway. They are well known for attempting to provoke attacks so that they can press charges, even when people approach to do nice things like offer coffee. So it is senseless to do much else but enjoy downtown tonight, and Thunder up. A quick one-liner before heading into the arena, if you're so inclined, would be enough.
    If you were on a jury and someone was being prosecuted for doing something to one of these folks, would you ever, in a million years find 'em guilty?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    I absolutely would because we are governed by the rule of law in this country, and that trumps whatever I may feel about the content of their message.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    These people have their right to their freedom of speech no matter what it is. Picketing funerals should stop or be required they are at least 1,000 ft. away. If they want to express their opinions, they every right to do so. Just because you don't agree with them, doesn't make them irrelevant. I HATE THESE PEOPLE, but they have a right to their opinion, plain and simple.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Who said anything about silencing their freedom of speech, or making them irrelevant? Their right to free speech is constitutionally protected, and they are irrelevant by their own doing.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Did I say or imply that anyone tried to "silence" them? If so, that's not what I meant.

    Also, them not being relevant, is your opinion.

  15. #15

  16. #16

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Quote Originally Posted by okcboomer View Post
    Why do you want to feed the attention whores? Let them be, and they'll move on. Don't you see they want the attention?
    So true. Just like on the internet if you want the trolls to go away you got to quit feeding them.

    Eh, as for myself other people's opinions and rhetoric don't ever bother me. So long as you don't touch me or take my stuff I couldn't care less what dribble you spew.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    There's not much anyone can do to get the WBC to just go away. They are certainly looking for high-profile events going on where there are sure to be tons of cameras around to get exposure. Ignoring them is one option -- and in my opinion a better one than slashing their tires.

    Not everyone will choose to ignore them, and some people will feel a need to respond with their visibility. This is also important because you have young people out there who feel that this hatred is directed at them, and do not have the ability to stand up for themselves. Seeing that there are people willing to have their back is more important than you can imagine.

    To that end, the Cimarron Alliance has decided to counter protest on the SW corner of Reno & Robinson "with peaceful signs of love, acceptance, and equality."

    I encourage everyone to handle WBC in own preferred way, as long as it does not involve provocation or violence.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    BTW on a side note, is anyone glad to see protest in OKC? As long as it's civil and for good causes, I think it signifies that of a big city. Obviously, I don't want the Westboro here, but it's interesting to see the "peace" group protesting and I'm glad people are responding!!!!!

    BTW Larry. . . GREAT ARTICLE MAN!!!!!!!!

  19. #19

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    In my honest opinion, I want to see the people leaving the arena, spit on them, break their windows, etc.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    BTW on a side note, is anyone glad to see protest in OKC? As long as it's civil and for good causes, I think it signifies that of a big city. Obviously, I don't want the Westboro here, but it's interesting to see the "peace" group protesting and I'm glad people are responding!!!!!

    BTW Larry. . . GREAT ARTICLE MAN!!!!!!!!
    Eh, maybe, but I've seen Westboro come to smaller cities, too (such as when they visited Rutgers back when I was there... New Brunswick has ~50,000 people).

  21. #21

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Quote Originally Posted by LocoAko View Post
    Eh, maybe, but I've seen Westboro come to smaller cities, too (such as when they visited Rutgers back when I was there... New Brunswick has ~50,000 people).
    Yeah, I've heard of Westboro protest in MUCH MUCH smaller cities than OKC and I don't really care about them, I just think some protesting adds to the "scene" of city life. I don't know how to explain it that well haha. As long as the protesting stays civil though.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    I had never realized they were that small an organization, man they have gotten a lot of attention for that few people. Given how almost any stupid idea can get at least hundreds or thousands of people to go along, they may be even more extreme than is publicized.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    I had never realized they were that small an organization, man they have gotten a lot of attention for that few people. Given how almost any stupid idea can get at least hundreds or thousands of people to go along, they may be even more extreme than is publicized.
    Do you know how many are there? I might swing by there and check it out lol

  24. #24

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Do you know how many are there? I might swing by there and check it out lol
    I do not know how many are at the peake but there are apparently only around forty people who are members of the church

  25. #25

    Default Re: Westboro Baptist at the Peake

    Wow, yeah I wouldn't imagine they would be very popular haha. I'm about to head down there now, so if you see someone driving a white 2004 F150 that's me!

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