He hasn't spent nearly as much time as you have so far in this thread. Agreed, Bunty should have stayed on topic too. Yet his was one post, one line...you've gone above and beyond that. Anyways. You are normally on top of any energy discussion, especially if it impacts your beloved Oil and Gas friends, so would really like to see your thoughts on the recent posts.
I have long known that high oil prices cause serious economic problems. Unless you want bad thing for our nation high energy prices doesn’t make any economic common sense what so ever.…. Since high energy prices lowers our standards of living anyone wanting high energy prices is extremely stupid, particularly since we still import much of our transportation fuel adding to our national trade deficit.
Please consider and then remember what this economist says.
“This is University of California, San Diego, economist James Hamilton noted in a recent study that 10 out of 11 post-World War II recessions in the United States were preceded by a sharp increase in the price of crude petroleum. The only exception was the mild recession of 1960-61 for which there was no preceding rise in oil prices”
Oil Price Shocks and the Recession of 2011? - Reason.com.
The price of oil and to a lesser extent other energy’s controls the world’s economic well-being. We must know that and remember that in making our decisions. But we also must remember that for now nothing can replace crude oil and NG based on affordability and scale.
If and when some cheap abundant energy source comes along that can be used to fuel vehicles I’m all for it, even if it displaces oil products and NG liquids. Why ,because just like other energy advancements of the past it will advance the health and well-being of man…. That’s called prosperity in my book.
This is where I hope the new GE center working with OU can make a real deference. We have a huge opportunity before us and unlike anything we have ever seen in our state before.
I will invest accordingly regardless of how it impacts my Oil & NG friend. But sleep well, I’m sure many of them will too since they are in the business of energy.
But wasn't NG suppose the new vast, cheap energy source that we suddenly had tons of? Then when the prices started dropping too low, due to too much production, the companies scaled back to get prices to go back up. So I don't really get the defense of the Oil and Gas industry when they are more than capable of brings prices down, but they choose not to. I don't even want to touch on energy independence, but that come into play here as well. We could be that way today if we really wanted to, but we export so much that it's not going to happen.
Of course the Oil and Gas folks will sleep well tonight - record profits tend to do that.
Now how about commenting on the possibilities of fusion and better battery technology, like I had mentioned, as a way to get costs back down. That would be a good thing wouldn't it? Eliminate a lot of the smaller cars and trucks, at least, from using CNG or Oil products and that would raise the supply available and logically lower prices for the larger vehicles (trains, trucks, etc). So shouldn't we be full steam ahead to eliminate the use of gasoline in vehicles to reduce the demand on that portion of the energy sector?
They didn’t directly scale back to get prices back up, they scaled back because they were losing money. Wouldn’t you stop doing something if you were loosing your rear end on it….?
If you or anyone else thinks that all the oil and gas companies have record profits then you simply don’t know very much about the industry. Besides it’s about profit margin anyway. Even in their best years most of the big major integrated oil & NG Co. don’t have profit margins that are out of line with other industries. There are other large companies who have higher profit margins.
NG is still cheap and we have lot of it that we could use for transportation… If this White House and congress could ever work together on this issue NG could start making a bigger difference in transportation... but NG was never going to be a full replacement for gasoline, but it can still help.
In the big picture the price of cude oil still controlled by OPEC and there production quota system and not the oil corporations. Saudi Arabia is the only country with significant spare capacity. The USA has huge oil & NG reserves that our government has put off limits. So if you want energy independence and lower than other wise prices, there it is.
In the next few months there will huge amounts of new oil production becoming available on the world markets. In addition the USA will grow its production by much smaller amounts.
But we don’t export any crude oil except for Alaskan crude due to cost considerations.
It’s ridiculously stupid and short sighted to be poorer than you need to be!
Poor people in poor societies have always cared less about how and what they pollute.
Poor societies don’t solve problems, like our energy problem.
The actions of our Government have made people poorer and the USA has the largest energy reserves of energy of any nation on earth. We will probably be the very last to run out.
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