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The reality is, I doubt very seriously that any of us will be alive to see some sort of energy producing replacement for fossil fuels that will be reliable enough for airplanes, helicopters or other machines that need constant fuel and power. Can you imagine the size of such a reactor that would be needed to keep a 787 in the air. Or a Cessna 180 for that matter. How about one that would power an FA18 or F22? Just don't see it. And I don't know if I would risk my life for such. I wonder if oil will ever be fully replaceable for applications such as this? Maybe just maybe some cars could be powered thusly via batteries that are recharged by the fusion reactor. But really, I doubt that without cold fusion. I realize Doc Brown had a cold fusion reactor on the Delorean Time machine, but I just don't see it being an adequate replacement. It would be great if so...but I doubt any of us here will see it.