A 2013 System Profile document is posted at About Us | METRO Transit Providing Central Oklahoma Transportation & Bus Service Options in the right column.
A 2013 System Profile document is posted at About Us | METRO Transit Providing Central Oklahoma Transportation & Bus Service Options in the right column.
Tim Payne and Thomas Wittmann present their preliminary study findings to City council around 54:00:00 mark
Thanks for posting. I was able to watch it with one eye so I am going to have to watch it again when I get time to focus as there are lot of comments to make.
1) It is about 80% of what I proposed
2) The basic buiding block of urbansim is the neighborhood so establishing local hubs outside the core is a good place to start
3) These hubs (as well as the routes themselves) should use the exsiting transportation cooridors which, as was pointed out, would increase service frequency within the cooridor.
4) I though their box for a transit zone was too small and the argument for keep service outside the transit zone was a little weak. Of course people outside the transit zone use the bus service, but even a broken clock is right 2X a day, that doesn't mean if I buy a new clock it should only be required to be right 2X a day. But anyhow, maybe there is room here for compromise.
5) Dr Shadid's example of new public services (Social Security office) not being aligned with a transit route underscores the whole problem of TOD and bus routes. Once constructed, the SSA office is a fixed object on the earth - it won't move. The bus routes are colored lines on map which are subject to change.
6) Using their suggested improvementss 3.5% of the current users would essentially lose access but it wold still result in upto a 10% increase in ridership.
7) I am still not a supporter of a grid bus sysem. I think connecting neighborhood centers (local transit hub) via transporation cooridors is the best system.
At some point we have to start building the kind of system we want instead of trying to retro-fit a system in to a city arranged by past failed transportation planning. I guess it comes down to evolution vs. revolution.
I heard Shadid tried to propose spending streetcar money on something else and the guy filling in for Mayor Mick just cut him off with the gavel. Frickin awesome!
While it was not far off it does not seem entirely accurate either. It seemed like the question was going to be about interaction between the streetcar and the bus system. The guy seemed upset by both he had said the previous question should be the last question and implied the question might have been heading out of the scope of the discussion.
Here is the article and the quote. It says no such thing.
Consulting firm weighs in on improving Oklahoma City transit system | News OK
Shadid tried to question the consultants about their proposals in relation to the MAPS 3 plans for a downtown streetcar but council member Pat Ryan — sitting in for Mayor Mick Cornett — said the discussion had gone on for an hour and gaveled the meeting to a close.
lj, pardon me, I misread.
There is an easy way to see what Shadid said, watch the video. The part about the street car and ending the session is at the very end - skip to the end and see. Shadid did make some valid points about planning, but he worries me in that he seems to believe his is the only valid point. Political leadership involves cooperation and compromise as much as it does any kind of insight. He seems to lack these virtures, his intelligence is not in question, his 'smarts'... a little. Though he is correct about a funding source - something that other council members seem to realize. Messing with the street car funds, etc. is political suicide. What he does not seem to get is that the streetcar project, no matter how rough the process, is the beginning of bringing awareness of the potential of mass trans to citizens of OKC. He risk a lot in messing with this - no matter how insightful and well-meaning he may be.
I have noticed in some other cities some buses always pulling into a small indentions in the street so they didn't interupt traffic flow. While a bunch of sidewalks and streets are being redone, would that be a possibility? I know it would probably be a lot of work for the city attorneys to get the rights to the property it is infringing on, but I also think it would make it more safe.
Please make plans to attend a public meeting on May 21 to discuss the findings and proposed re-routing of the bus system. Meetings will begin promptly at Noon and 5 pm and will be held in the Downtown Library Auditorium, 4th floor. More details will become available within the next week. For any questions or comments, please contact 297-1331.
Yes they will be posted online. As soon as everything is up, we'll get a link posted here.
Ed Shadid posted a copy of the proposal on his facebook.
Looks like all bus service to the airport would end. Big League cities have frequent mass transit options available at their airports.
Have the proposed time tables for the revised routes been released yet?
A related story:
Oklahoma City metro-area bus system considers fare hike
The proposal is to raise the fare for a single ride from $1.50 to $1.75, an idea that didn't sit well with riders waiting to catch a bus at the downtown Oklahoma City transit station.
William Crum
May 6, 2013
Frankie Turner thinks Oklahoma City should expand bus service if it expects to raise fares.
Metro Transit is considering whether to raise the single-ride fare from $1.50 to $1.75. That would bring in an estimated $220,000 per year, a spokesman said.
Turner, 50, waited for a bus about 1 p.m. Monday at the Downtown Transit Center at NW 5 and Hudson. Turner said he caught his first bus of the day on SE 44 at 6:56 a.m
Read the rest of the story at: Oklahoma City metro-area bus system considers fare hike | News OK
Pardon my ignorance, but I had missed the fact that the downtown trolleys had been replaced with modern buses. Well, I had heard that it was going to happen, but didn't know they had been replaced already.
Links about the new buses:
New Buses Roll Onto Downtown Streets as Trolleys Are Retired | METRO Transit
Oklahoma Gazette News: Downtown Discovery
Downtown Discovery | METRO Transit
Anyone here have a comment about the new buses? Are they any better, more comfortable than the old trolleys? Do you prefer them or do you miss the trolleys?
Or maybe some eateries snarf a few up and use them to roll their customers to and from events at the arena
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