Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Sodexo (I kinda can't, since my mother works for them

However, in response to several of the thoughts above:
1. Cafeterias are not restaurants
2. The food is, to me, not the problem with the Caf or Alvin's (Sodexo)...It's the borderline horrendous service and work ethic...and most of my friends seem to be in agreement (I was a student from '06 - '10 but lived off campus...Spent a decent amount of time on campus last two academic years as well)
3. It won't be as convenient because it's essentially off-campus...the only things closer to "Rehearsal" than the Caf are Draper/Harris and the Kappa Sig house. Now, it will be an alternative, and that alone will make it popular enough for people who don't have class to worry about, but it won't draw a massive lunch crowd.
4. A cafe is not a restaurant
5. I'm 98% positive there will be no liquor it will be 3.2 beer at best...but I think even that is doubtful
6. A cafeteria/cafe is not a restaurant.
I hope it works out well, but I'm skeptical of Sodexo's ability to put together a convincing restaurant concept and for OCU's food-service team in particular to hire the staff that will make it a great option/change-of-pace/value.