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Thread: www.mysecret.tv

  1. #1

    Default www.mysecret.tv

    Has anyone checked out this website? It's the current series we're doing at church. It's been getting a lot of hype world-wide. The Daily Oklahoman did an article on it Sunday (see below) as well as the New York Times wants to do a piece on it. Check it out!!:respect:

    Adults air dirty laundry online

    Carla Hinton
    The Oklahoman

    A craving for pornography: "I've not been able to stop lusting after these images."

    A hidden addiction: "For the past few years I have been sinking into a huge hole created from my gambling."

    A regretful deed: "When I was younger I had an abortion to hide the sinful life I was living."

    These are among the hundreds of secrets being confessed on an adults-only Web site recently launched by Edmond-based Life Church.

    The site -- www.mysecret.tv -- began simply as an online component of a message series started earlier this month by senior pastor Craig Groeschel.

    However, church officials said it has quickly taken on a life of its own.Church members spread the word about the site through posters, yard signs, e-mail, Web logs and cards. More than 650 anonymous confessions and 50,000 hits later the site has apparently become a starting point for individuals looking to come clean about hidden sin and hurtful situations long buried away.

    Bobby Gruenewald, the church's new campus development leader and a pastor on the church executive leadership team, said there's no mystery to the phenomena: Many people have a secret and they feel the need to share it.

    "This series we thought would help people in dealing with some of those challenging topics, to maybe shine some light on those areas of their lives," he said.

    Gruenewald said the Web site was created so that people could confess their secrets from the privacy of their computers. Confes sion, he said, is indeed good for the soul.

    "The Bible says that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us. It's always amazing how God can transform someone's life if they're willing to confess and be forgiven."

    The site includes a link where people can ask for prayer and Life Church members have been asked to pray for those who request it, he said. Church leaders also respond to the confessions by sharing resource information such as help for addictions and other online sites. Gruenewald said thus far, some people have been willing to unmask for the sake of receiving face-to-face help from pastoral leaders.

    However, most people posting confessions appear to enjoy anonymity. They have posted their secrets in various categories provided on the site, such as pornography, gambling, abuse, relationships, adultery, eating disorders and others. Anyone scrolling the site can read the confessions, which warn that the postings may not be suitable for youths 17 and younger.

    Some revelations might be disturbing to some people. Gruenewald said he and other Life Church leaders believe there are really no surprises when it comes to sin and all of the confessions are not sinful in nature, but merely long-held secrets. In one posting, a person who said she was active in a local church while also a practicing wiccan. "It's always shocking to kind of see some of the dark things that people have gotten themselves into but sin is sin and we've all sinned," he said.

    "As a pastor of a church, that's part of the reason we're discussing these things now. The great news is that God has made a way of redemption for all of us -- a redemption process through His son, Jesus Christ."

    The categories with the most posting have been pornography, sexuality and abuse, he said.

    This week, the church included a link that includes the postings of individuals who say their lives have been changed after their online confession.

    "This gives others hope," said Gruenewald.

    "As people begin to take these steps. As they acknowledge it, they begin the process towards restoration."

    Scott Rodgers, campus pastor for Life Church in Mesa-Gilbert, Ariz., said the new Web site generated local print and TV news stories about the validity of online confessions.

    He said he sees the confessions as valid because the first step toward healing is admitting there is an issue that needs to be addressed."The thing about it being anonymous is that it's very safe. It's helping people take that first step."

    Meanwhile, Life Church's mysecret.tv is part of a growing trend in interactive Web sites created by churches, said Chris Forbes, an Oklahoma City consultant who specializes in church marketing solutions. He said he had not heard of any other church use a Web site for confessions.

    Forbes said churches are beginning to see the endless outreach opportunities that come with the World Wide Web.

    "The Internet is a response media like direct marketing and people really haven't used that in church until recently," he said.

    "What you have with the Internet is a great roadside billboard on the information highway, but you now have a place where they can pull over."

    Forbes said interactive Web sites serve as outreach tools because such sites are "three dimensional" instead of "flat."

    Forbes, founder of ministrymarketingcoach.com and marketing evangelism specialist with the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, knows what he is talking about.

    He helped created www.mostimportantthing.org, an interactive evangelism Web site launched several years ago by the Baptist convention, and also provided input for a similar site, www.askGodanything.org, launched by Edmond's First Baptist Church earlier this year.

    Life Church has an average weekly attendance of more than 16,000 people at its eight campuses, including an Internet campus.

  2. #2

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    I read through this a few days ago. It's just a bunch of wimps bellyaching about problems that most of us deal with every single day.

    Besides that, I thought you protestants didn't believe in the confession of sins.

  3. #3

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    I looked at this site the other day, after reading about it in The Oklahoman.

    Personally, I find it as catering to the voyeuristic.
    Confession, meditation, reparation, atonement - these are private matters between a person and his/her Deity.

    Metro - tell me, honestly - how does a website such as this get the message out? As an agnostic, I really don't understand. Do people get forgiveness online? Or is it the simple act of writing out a sin that eases the soul?

    I intend no disrespect, I'm just confused.

  4. #4

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    I don't claim to have all the answers, just present the facts. If you have a question regarding the series, I encourage you to contact the church directly to get your answer.I don't want to get into a debate. I also encourage you not to jump to conclusions without seeking an answer directly from the church.

    As far as protestants and confession goes, I have always thought protestants are open to confession, and in fact encourage it. I've never heard nor experienced otherwise. Mid, your just looking for a debate and the attempts are getting old.

  5. #5

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    You work for "the church." You're just avoiding the subject.

    Don't think you can defend something? Don't post it.

  6. Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    I always thought that you could just pray and confess your sins privately, between you and God. Posting them on an internet website seems a little odd, to me at least. But if these people feel better for their mistakes, then I guess that's fine. Whateva.
    Still corrupting young minds

  7. #7

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    Think they use web guys to figure out where the poster lives and immediately dispatch 4 old ladies to their home to counsel them : )

  8. #8

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    Or 4 young nubile lasses to put them out of their misery?

  9. #9

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    You work for "the church." You're just avoiding the subject.

    Don't think you can defend something? Don't post it.
    So as a member I "work" for the church? If this is your definition than I suppose so. If this is not your definition than you are wrong. And not everyone that posts on the website attends Lifechurch.tv . Many from other churches or those who don't attend church have posted on the site. Who are you to judge how they feel they need to confess to God their sins? I've still seen no scriptural reference from you in regards to judging Mid. I gave you plenty of scriptures that in fact advise us not to judge. You openly admitted that you've never attended a service. Perhaps you're your secret is that you're afraid of any confrontation or your unwillingness to try and get something out of a lifechurch.tv sermon? You can download and watch the sermons online in privacy if you choose. Who knows you might actually get to people's hearts and see what a difference it is making if you'd actually be open enough to see both sides of the story, but as usual you'd rather judge and come to your own conclusion without hearing the other side. I challenge you to watch/attend just one sermon on the My Secret series and then see what you have to say.

  10. #10

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    i saw this series hyped on the side of one of the lc campuses this past sunday and wondered what it was about. so now i know.

    the mysecret site reminds me of an ongoing community art project that i saw over a year ago called postsecret. both sites solicit 'confessions' from their audiences and appeal to the same sense of voyeurism. while confession is a good thing, i don't see how posting anonymously on a website really achieves the same effects.

    interesting link, though. -M

  11. #11
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    Quote Originally Posted by metro
    So as a member I "work" for the church? If this is your definition than I suppose so. If this is not your definition than you are wrong. And not everyone that posts on the website attends Lifechurch.tv . Many from other churches or those who don't attend church have posted on the site. Who are you to judge how they feel they need to confess to God their sins? I've still seen no scriptural reference from you in regards to judging Mid. I gave you plenty of scriptures that in fact advise us not to judge. You openly admitted that you've never attended a service. Perhaps you're your secret is that you're afraid of any confrontation or your unwillingness to try and get something out of a lifechurch.tv sermon? You can download and watch the sermons online in privacy if you choose. Who knows you might actually get to people's hearts and see what a difference it is making if you'd actually be open enough to see both sides of the story, but as usual you'd rather judge and come to your own conclusion without hearing the other side. I challenge you to watch/attend just one sermon on the My Secret series and then see what you have to say.

  12. #12
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd
    I always thought that you could just pray and confess your sins privately, between you and God. Posting them on an internet website seems a little odd, to me at least. But if these people feel better for their mistakes, then I guess that's fine. Whateva.
    I agree 100%

  13. #13
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    By the way, I don't even see where posting your sins in public is scriptural. What's the point? Sounds like a publicity stunt to me. Sins need to be confessed to God, not to the people in this world.

  14. #14

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    james 5:16-
    "therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."

    i'm just not so sure that posting something anonymously on the internet is the same as confession... -M

  15. #15

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    m, even if you take the meaning of the above scripture in its own context, I don't see how anonymous postings of sins on the internet were contemplated in that passage.

    Sure, some of it gets lost in translation, but I don't see the word "anonymously," I see "to each other."

  16. #16

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    yep. i kinda said that exact same thing in my above posts, captain obvious.

    my comment was in direct response to 'sins need to be confessed to god, not to the people in this world.' while i'm not trying to devalue confession to god, my point was that there is scriptural evidence for confessing our sins to each other. -M

  17. Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    Why does there always have to be a debate? Each individual can confess in their own way. Whether that be privately to God, to a priest, to individuals, or in the case on a website. Stepping up and acknowledging your sins, (making a confession), is only the first step. What an individual does from there on is between them and God. I am not one to judge. It is wonderful that people are able to admit what their problem is so then they may be able to get help and heal from their past sins.
    When it rains it pours... but when the blessings come they overflow!

  18. #18

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    Quote Originally Posted by Faith
    Why does there always have to be a debate? Each individual can confess in their own way. Whether that be privately to God, to a priest, to individuals, or in the case on a website. Stepping up and acknowledging your sins, (making a confession), is only the first step. What an individual does from there on is between them and God. I am not one to judge. It is wonderful that people are able to admit what their problem is so then they may be able to get help and heal from their past sins.
    I couldn't agree more. Who are we to judge how a person needs to confess and heal from their past sins.

  19. #19

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    just a clever marketing ploy to get more members is all...even quoted a church marketing professional...lets throw out a website that seems to want to help people, but can also add membership...but that is just a bonus not the real reason of the site

    Of course it's not

  20. #20

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    Quote Originally Posted by Faith
    Why does there always have to be a debate? Each individual can confess in their own way. Whether that be privately to God, to a priest, to individuals, or in the case on a website. Stepping up and acknowledging your sins, (making a confession), is only the first step. What an individual does from there on is between them and God. I am not one to judge. It is wonderful that people are able to admit what their problem is so then they may be able to get help and heal from their past sins.
    Not a debate, just a statement that what LifeChurch does for the most part has very little to do with God.

  21. #21

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    Mid, I still can't buy your arguement. Again, you've openly admitted that you've never took the time to watch or attend one sermon! You can download one and watch it in entirity in less than 30 minutes. I don't think that is too much to ask considering all the time you've wasted criticizing something you're not familiar with. Are you scared you might actually get something out of the message? I've personally been to plenty of Catholic masses, and attended services of many other religions so I consider myself fairly open minded and respective of the issue. Not once have I criticized your religion or your church, but yet every time you fail to relate to Lifechurch or others.

  22. Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    No offense to anyone debating midtowner but you're only feeding his fire no matter how constructive your comments are. Don't argue with an **** those watching can't tell the difference.
    Last edited by Keith; 08-16-2006 at 05:04 PM. Reason: Name Calling...against the Terms and Conditions.

  23. #23

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    JD: Very Christ-like of you -- calling me an idiot and all.

    Metro: My younger brother attended Life Church, and I know several people who do. They find the experience enjoyable. Most of what they have to say to me is how much fun it is. The essence of my criticism stems from my observation that LifeChurch has little to do with God, and everything to do with entertainment, and charismatic motivational speakers.

  24. #24

    Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    I have personally found myself critical of LifeChurch and, specifically, Craig Groeschel. I attended there for a time after the merger with Metrochurch.

    Even with the high entertainment value, I cannot agree in the least with your statement, Midtowner, that "LifeChurch has little to do with God." I may not agree with everything about LifeChurch, but I can say with confidence that LifeChurch has made a meaningful difference in many people's lives, connecting and/or reconnecting them with God in a personal way that may not have happened through more traditional, mainline denominations.

    Your arguments much of the time are substantive and persuasive, but you are woefully lacking in this discussion.

  25. Default Re: www.mysecret.tv

    See ya bye MT, thanks for playing

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