One can get an idea of the horror that suddenly erupts when you get in a car to race a tornado to shelter and the tornado wins here in story at bottom half of page: Stillwater's Friday the 13th Tornado
One can get an idea of the horror that suddenly erupts when you get in a car to race a tornado to shelter and the tornado wins here in story at bottom half of page: Stillwater's Friday the 13th Tornado
With a lot of underground utilities in newer areas I would add that if the lights are repeatedly flickering it could be a sign of something bad.
The cause of this can occur many miles away.
I have seen this more than a few times in my life and I’m surprised that the weather folks don’t give this tip out as something that very busy or distracted people could be on the look out for.
One of the astonishing things to me during the May 3 tornado was watching the live image of it on TV tearing through power lines and my lights browning in concert with each of the flashing shorts. I live miles from where it was but I guess it would have been on us pretty quick after that had we been in the path.
I once helped design/build a big garage in the back yard of a Del City Dweller that involved the jackhammering and filling-in of one of those old, reinforced, concrete storm cellars that were once considered to be an asset so we could extend his driveway from its existing terminus to the new garage/storage building. They don't build 'em like they used to. =) Plus, at the time there probably would have been a lot of slimy water in the bottom that would have rendered it uncomfortable even in the face of a tornado.
The next door neighbors didn't complain too much on account of we gave them a new concrete walkway on account of the concrete truck was there anyways. And it was Del City. (all permits pulled/approved/verified/etc.).
I've seen two tornadoes. I have been in three tornadoes. The fourth one involved my SweetHeart and I huddling in an interior closet praying fervently. It missed us. But not by much: Really tore up the area to the NNE, especially that nice homestead over by the water treatment plant out around Hefner and Sooner.
Word on the TV set said that the injuries suffered out there involved impalement.
It sounded serious. Of course, that was maybe four or five years ago.
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