Who's flinging the dogma here?
I don't care if you want to live in a house with 50 rooms. Just don't ask me to pay for the interest you are paying to the bank to finance it. Let's start there.
Suburbia would nearly vanish if there was no subsidy for home ownership and if utilities were priced based on their cost of delivery. We've spent the last 50 years pandering to voters to help taxpayers create a cozy way of life that they want. Regardless of costs.
This notion that cities are for people's dreams therefore BAM, suburbia is laughable. Come on guys. Any child can see right through that logic.
Cities have been around how much longer than suburbia? And what, for centuries people were just deprived of their wants and forced to live by what planners wanted?
Good grief.
No, cities have looked the same for all this time for one simple reason -- economics. Any comparison of the last 50 years to any 50 year period before it clearly shows how we've rigged the system to favor euclidean zoning and segregated development patters -- to include single use, family dwellings on large lots.
Look, I don't like grandstanding by New Urbanists as much as anyone else. Seriously, I don't even like the term "new urbanism". It's just urbanism. It's a result of transactions. Tons of them. It isn't some grand scheme or ploy. But that article and some of the comments here only prove a point by them. Far too many American's are perfectly oblivious to the mechanics (and costs) that have shaped our country. I'm not only tired of paying for it but I'm tired of pushing the costs onto our kids.
Cities, with zero help of any government, would look quite traditional and if you don't believe that, you are indeed living a dream. Heck, most cities were not platted by any government body. They were laid out by entrepreneurs. The urban form and function was just too obvious an advantage to
not use it. As cities grew in America, it was the know-it-all planners who thought they'd reinvent the city and elected officials who were happy to buy the votes.
My solution is simple. Stop providing any subsidies or tax incentives for any land use. Charge utilities based on actual cost (just like we do for any other product you buy. The farther the way it is from the point of origin + the fewer they sell, the more expensive it is). This is one of the reasons I could be sold on private utilities. They always raise prices closer to actual lifecycle costs and charge more appropriately for taps in the middle of nowhere. Oh, and stop trying to engineer the perfect city.
Planning is a tool for guiding common sense into reasonable actions. Like stormwater management and public saftey.
Sorry for the vent. We went so deep in la-la-land on this thread it triggered a more passionate response.
If people want to live in suburbia, that's fine. Just please let cities get back to being cities. I know, I'm dreaming again.