Originally Posted by
Pete Brzycki
It's really not fair to compare any U.S. city to any European one as they have been developed so completely different. In fact, American towns really are unique to anywhere, even similar places like Canada and Australia. Unique in they were all developed with the car first and foremost in mind.
I don't even think $10 gas would change much. Heck, it's almost $5 already and I don't see hardly any change in driving habits. People complain, maybe drive a bit less for a while, then go back to exactly what they are doing. There are still way, way more huge SUV's on the road than hybrids.
The sell in the U.S. will primarily be fun and exercise. Even here in L.A. where there are thousands and thousands of cyclists (and I know a good many of them) almost nobody uses their bike for transportation and I don't see that changing.