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Thread: The Walking Dead

  1. #1

    Default The Walking Dead

    Best show on TV. Not even close. I watch The Bible too. Both are just fantastic.

  2. Default Re: The Walking Dead

    One of our favorites. Keep waiting for them to insert some plot twist that ruins that whole thing - but luckily it hasn't happened yet!

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Been watching since episode 1... the best show I have ever watched! Excited and sad for Sunday, thankfully Game of Thrones starts Sunday.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Would someone just please put a bullet in Rick and get it over with....

    (in case anyone reading this doesn't watch the show, "Rick" is a character. Didn't want anyone to think this was some random call for violence...)
    Last edited by positano; 03-26-2013 at 06:42 PM. Reason: Clarification

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by positano View Post
    Would someone just please put a bullet in Rick and get it over with....

    (in case anyone reading this doesn't watch the show, "Rick" is a character. Didn't want anyone to think this was some random call for violence...)
    Lol, well Rick is the main character so their never going to kill him. Same goes for Carl. Last I check their the only to original characters still in the comic book.

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    TWD is my second favorite show. Only behind Homeland.

    It goes:

    1. Homeland
    2. The Walking Dead
    3. The Following
    4. Game of Thrones

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by positano View Post
    Would someone just please put a bullet in Rick and get it over with....

    (in case anyone reading this doesn't watch the show, "Rick" is a character. Didn't want anyone to think this was some random call for violence...)


    I think Rick will get over his hallucinations about his wife and put a bullet in the governors head at the end of this season. Either him or Glenn will kill him. Michonne also dies. That's my prediction.

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Hated Merle and then I almost cried. Just sad.

    Downton Abbey is another great show.

  9. #9

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    I heard Rick and Carl (their actors, obviously) were told their characters wouldn't survive this season. I can easily see Rick getting killed off and Darryl assuming the lead.

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    I heard Rick and Carl (their actors, obviously) were told their characters wouldn't survive this season. I can easily see Rick getting killed off and Darryl assuming the lead.
    I can't see Rick being killed off. We will see.

  11. #11

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Just saw it's on Netflix streaming so I may have to start at the beginning.

  12. #12

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    Just saw it's on Netflix streaming so I may have to start at the beginning.
    Yes, do it! Excellent show!

  13. #13

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    It is one of the best shows on, and that's saying something with the shows that are on tv lately. It's a great time for smart tv. TheWalking Dead, Breaking Bad, The Americans, Homeland, True Blood, I could go on, but this is my favorite. I had a tear in my eye when Carl had to do what he did earlier this season!

    It's just such an entertaining show. And this coming from a guy who doesn't like horror. I just enjoy the storytelling and the characters. If you haven't seen it yet, catch up this week. Very entertaining.

  14. #14

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    TWD is my second favorite show. Only behind Homeland.

    It goes:

    1. Homeland
    2. The Walking Dead
    3. The Following
    4. Game of Thrones
    I like your 3 and 4, though I'd flip the order myself. Not familiar, completely unaware of actually, both Homeland and Walking Dead.

  15. #15

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    I like your 3 and 4, though I'd flip the order myself. Not familiar, completely unaware of actually, both Homeland and Walking Dead.
    I watch The Americans too. Awesome show. As for not knowing, or being unaware of Homeland or The Walking Dead? Wow. Not meaning to sound rude, but you'd have to be living under a rock. The Walking Dead is so popular they have a talk show after it that lasts an hour. All it does is talk about the episode that just aired. I read where 200 million people watch it, world wide, every Sunday night. That's pretty unreal. Highest rated show on TV. Cable or network. It's not even close, either. Second highest gets 6 percent less of the TV shares. The Walking Dead gets between a 10-13 share,weekly.

  16. #16

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    I heard Rick and Carl (their actors, obviously) were told their characters wouldn't survive this season. I can easily see Rick getting killed off and Darryl assuming the lead.
    Nah. Andrea was on the talking dead and said that Carl was safest character on the show. I'm betting Milton, Gonzalez and The Governor die. Michonne is safe. Morgan makes a return. He has to comeback because he does on the comics. From the group? I'm betting Tyresse enters too. Can't put a finger on which ones will die. I do know Tyresse will be part of the good guys soon.

  17. #17

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    NewsOk wrote an opinion piece on Andrea today. Hey, ?Walking Dead? fans, let?s be real here: Andrea needs to die | NewsOK.com

    I happen to disagree with it. Andrea has to turn into the badass she is in the comics soon. Keep her.

  18. #18

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by chan2754 View Post
    Hated Merle and then I almost cried. Just sad.

    Downton Abbey is another great show.
    Mash-up concepts: 1) The characters from The Walking Dead find themselves at Downton Abbey (you decide which TWD character plays which DA role), or 2) The characters from Downton Abbey find themselves in rural Georgia, with the Crawleys in Woodbury and the downstairs staff in the prison.

  19. #19

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    I like your 3 and 4, though I'd flip the order myself. Not familiar, completely unaware of actually, both Homeland and Walking Dead.
    I highly suggest you rent the first season of Homeland on Netflix. Or if you have Showtime, just watch all the episodes on demand. It is the best show I have ever seen. In 2012, it swept the Emmys winning Best Drama series, Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series - Damian Lewis, and Best Actress in a Drama Series - Claire Danes. It beat out Boardwalk Empire, Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, and Mad Men.

  20. #20
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by bmrsnrou View Post
    It is one of the best shows on, and that's saying something with the shows that are on tv lately. It's a great time for smart tv. TheWalking Dead, Breaking Bad, The Americans, Homeland, True Blood, I could go on, but this is my favorite.
    I'm not sure when it happened....but for me television has surpassed movies as far as storytelling is concerned. I still love movies, but if one of my favorite shows has new episodes out I'll pick TV over a good movie every time.

  21. #21

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by chan2754 View Post
    Hated Merle and then I almost cried. Just sad.
    It's amazing how Merle could be such a terrible person the entire show, but you still feel terrible for him. Maybe it was really just sorrow for Daryl.

    Season 3 has been my least favorite season until these last 2 episodes. Last episode was one of the best ever. I hope they move on and learn more about what's happening in other places after this season. Without widespread communication, the possibilities are endless. Maybe there are societies that have figured out how to deal with walkers (and humans that will turn). I could definitely see a large population figuring it out and creating a secure society. These types of possibilities are why I'd like to see the group move on...

  22. #22

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Been (re)watching the first season. Interesting that the walkers moved much more quickly and used tools (banging out windows with a rock), which is much different than in the current season. These days you could leave them behind with a brisk walk.

  23. #23

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    Quote Originally Posted by positano View Post
    Been (re)watching the first season. Interesting that the walkers moved much more quickly and used tools (banging out windows with a rock), which is much different than in the current season. These days you could leave them behind with a brisk walk.
    I think they really nailed down "walker behavior" by season 2 (just going from memory). Also, their heads seem to squash easier now. Lol. A foot stomp crushes a head now.

  24. #24

    Default Re: The Walking Dead

    just finished watching the season finale... that certainly didn't end the way i thought it was. -M

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