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Thread: Aaron Tuttle

  1. #76

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Take care of that injury! and dont park in no handicap spots!

  2. #77

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    I really miss A.T.
    And A.T., if you ever read this again, I would totally support you if you started an independent oklahoma weather website. i'm just sayin...

  3. #78

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Hum....you've got me thinking!...

  4. #79

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Hey Tuttle!

    When we going to work out together!

  5. #80

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Hum, I don't know if I can hang with you Isaacs!

    BTW...for anyone interested in a good laugh I posted my old resume tape on youtube. It's 19 minutes of just pure entertainment, or boredom. Either way, I uploaded it for our local church, they wanted to see a clip. Just do a search on my name.


  6. Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Quote Originally Posted by atutt View Post
    How nice! I'm still around. Enjoying the job as from day one. My wife and I also have a side business called T&A Marketing Products doing vinyl, embroidery, signs, screen printing, sublimation, etc. I don't want to violate the rules here by posting the link, but if you need something for church, family, school function, or a business gift, just send me a pm and I'll send you the link to our website.

    BTW...Look for more changes at KOCO soon. There will be about a 75% turnover in 1 years time come the end of this summer for both on air and off air talent. More new faces on the way...
    Ohh I hope they don't get rid of Jessica Schambach!! She is not a strain to the eyes by any means!! I am definately glad to hear that you are doing well since leaving the station!! I remember watching you and I guess they were doing a bio on you or something mentioned something on air about how you liked listening to Snoop Dogg.. I was cracking up!! Its always good to hear when people can have fun on air.. Where Channel 9 seems just like they are trying way to hard and Channel 4 just misses their lines ALL THE TIME!!!! And I guess I am partial to 5 since I went to school with Patrick Spencer growing up....

  7. #82

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Gary England Drinking Game
    By Canada and Moose

    1. Everyone selects a storm chaser other than Val Caster. Every time Gary talks to your storm chaser, you take one drink. Take two drinks every time we see footage from your storm chaser. Take four drinks if your storm chaser says "tornado on the ground."

    2. Everyone selects a county other than Pottawatomie County. Every time Gary mentions your county, you take one drink. Take two drinks every time we see footage from your county. Take four drinks if a tornado touches down in your county.

    One drink
    1. Take one drink every time Gary says the following:
    "Hook echo" | "Updraft" | "Metro" | "Doppler radar" | "Wall cloud" | "Ranger 9" | "Underground" | "Mobile home"

    2. When Gary gives a list of counties, take one drink for every county in the list.

    3. Take one drink every time Gary interrupts a program. Take one drink if Gary says "You're not missing any of [program name]." Take one drink when Gary says "We'll keep you advised."

    Two drinks
    1. Take two drinks every time Gary says the following:
    "Baseball-sized hail" | "Waterloo Road" | "Pottawatomie County" | "Deer Creek High School"

    2. Take two drinks every time Gary mentions the following towns:
    Altus | Burns Flat | Dill City | Gotebo | Hydro | Lookeba | Meeker | Mulhall | Oktaha | Olustee | Shattuck | Slaughterville | Tryon | Vici | Waukomis | Wayne (or Payne) | Weleetka | Wetumkah

    3. Take two drinks every time Gary talks to Val Caster.

    Three drinks
    1. Take three drinks if we see footage from Val Caster.

    2. Take three drinks if we see footage from Pottawatomie County.

    3. Take three drinks if Gary mentions the following:
    "Immediate tornado precautions" | "National Weather Service" | "Mesocyclone" | "Portable Radio" | "Take shelter" | "Tornado warning in effect until …"

    Four drinks
    1. Take four drinks if Ranger 9 must land to refuel.

    2. Take four drinks if Gary issues his own tornado warning, not recognized by the NWS or says the following:
    "Will someone please answer that phone?" | "Do you see power flashes?"

    3. Take four drinks if a shirt-less tornado victim is interviewed.

    Finish your drink
    1. Finish your drink if someone uses the word tornado as a verb or if Gary mentions the nearest cross streets to you.

    2. If Gary says "We've lost Val," pour a little out for your homies and finish your drink.

  8. #83

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Last edited by Joe Kimball; 02-02-2010 at 06:10 PM. Reason: I was mistaken.

  9. #84

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    .. bump ..

    So many AT fans these days. Guess I should check him out.

  10. Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    I think this is his Facebook weather page:

    It always has great maps.

  11. Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Quote Originally Posted by drumsncode View Post
    I think this is his Facebook weather page:

    It always has great maps.
    It's not. That is someone other group. He always posts to: http://www.facebook.com/ATsFans

  12. Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    It's not. That is someone other group. He always posts to: http://www.facebook.com/ATsFans
    Sorry about that; it's the effects of the sequester setting in.

  13. #88

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    AaronTuttleOK: Yep it's true. I return to the Oklahoma TV and radio airwaves in April. Excited and grateful for the opportunity.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Interesting...wonder who is getting fired to make room for him?

  15. #90

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Interesting...wonder who is getting fired to make room for him?
    Well, has anyone taken over the hole at Ch 4 left by David Payne's migration to Ch 9?

  16. #91

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    According to his fan/facebook page, it will be a part time gig (also on the radio)....either way congrats A.T. - it'll be good to see you back!!

  17. #92

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    If he fills a void on KFOR, that will be perfect. Him and Mad Scientist Mike Morgan will be a match made in meteorological heaven.

  18. Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Tuttle should fill in nicely with the hype machine at KFOR. :-P

  19. #94

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Channel 9 has like 6 weather people now.I think he is going to either Channel 4 or back to 5

  20. #95

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    He was actually my favorite back in 2006-2007, I never immagined he'd be back =)

  21. #96

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerBoy18 View Post
    He was actually my favorite back in 2006-2007, I never immagined he'd be back =)
    About the only reason I'd watch Channel 5. Can't stand Jessica Schambaugh...such a witch...

  22. #97

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    But she's a witch that looks good

  23. #98

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    About the only reason I'd watch Channel 5. Can't stand Jessica Schambaugh...such a witch...
    Lol oh no, I LOVE Jessica, she is the only/remaining reason that I still give KOCO the time of day since they ripped apart the best News team EVER (Aaron Tuttle, Rick Mitchel, Jessica Schambaugh, Maggie Carlo, Tyler Suiters, John Flick, Tierney Cook)

  24. #99

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Somebody has a KOCO crush....

  25. #100

    Default Re: Aaron Tuttle

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Somebody has a KOCO crush....
    Give me a break

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