Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
What you say is mostly true IMHO. However if there is no prenuptial agreement in place the easiest thing to do for all involved may be to seek a buyer for CLR. That would probably be bad news for OKC.

With the major egos involved we could eventually see this having a major impact on many average CLR employees who had nothing to do with the personal matters of the CEO?
If I'm Harold Hamm, no way do I let the company just get sold like that. He's still getting paid very handsomely and will have plenty of capital over time to buy enough shares to maintain the largest holding of any one entity in the company. I imagine he'll give everything he has to maintain 51% of the shares if he has to.

Even if she gets half, 34% is a massive number, and he's getting (and would continue to get) paid much more than she is which will mean he would eventually be able to buy a significantly greater portion of shares to maintain his power.

(Just for the record: Hamm would maintain 51% of CLR if he maintains 75% of his current share count. If he can win a case where he only has to give her 25%, then he's still the majority partner.