Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
But, but, but, he patiently stalked his prey, waited for the right moment, and killed it. Therefore, in his overjoyed mind, he had won his quest. Had he taken the hole just four spots down, he might of had to, horror of horrors, endure the smirk of another over stressed hunter, ever so pleased with himself that he had bagged the better prey, and with fewer steps afterwards on is way to braggartville.

Yeah, it's silly, but whatcha gonna do..
I hear ya lol . . . I wasn't angry at all, I was just kind of in shock. I mean 20mins!?!?!?! lol. . . I think it just became an issue of prinicple for this guy or something, maybe he thought I was just trying to piss him off (which I wasn't) and just wanted to prove a point O_o