Man I do miss In-N-Out.
Man I do miss In-N-Out.
Didn't there used to be a White Castle in Moore, on the service road just north of 12th street?
I don't think there was ever one in Moore unless it was there before 1980.
There was a burger place where Pickle's is, and if I remember right it may have even been called Pickle's then too, that served sliders back around 1986-87.
I remember going in there as a highschooler because they were selling $0.25 burgers. I hadn't seen $0.25 buirgers since I was a young child in the 70's and my parents would get a bag of burgers at McDonald's for $0.25 each. So imagine how disappointed we were when these little square burgers came out. We felt ripped off... LOL
What I find odd about White Castle is that it originated in Wichita but is no longer found in Kansas. I think the closest one to here is in Missouri.
It's been awhile since I've been down that way but there was a Fajita place in the building the last time I noticed. This woulda been some time around 1983 or so. Coincidentally, SWMBO mentioned something about it a few nights ago and I vaguely remembered it.
Las Fajitas has been there since the early to mid 80's. I don't remember what year exactly it opened.
My mom was the accountant for Las Fajitas back then and she confirmed that you are correct. That is where the slider burger place was before it became Las Fajitas and not where I thought it was at 27th.
White Castle was located in the spot where Las Fajitas is now.
I sure don't remember it being a White Castle..... I did drink a lot from 85-87 but I thought it had another name.
I found this Time Line for White Castle and it never mentions anything about opening any locations in Oklahoma.
I think McDonald's has magic heat lamps over the fries. Whether fresh from the fryer or fresh from under the heat lamp, McDonald's fries have an edibility lifespan of five minutes max. For that five minute span--and that is pushing it--they aren't bad at all. Eat them first before you touch anything else on your order. If you spend too much time sampling whatever else it was you ordered instead of plowing through the fries, they will have turned to . . . whatever alien, non-organic, mass they were carved or extruded from in the first place. Perhaps they come from another department in the lab that created the McRib.
During each and every one of our visits "UpNord"--in the vicinity of the twin cities--we drove by many a White Castle Burger place. I was really wanting to sample The Legend. My wife, who grew up there, never indicated that stopping to try one out would be a good idea. I didn't want to argue . . . and I wasn't really hungry. =)
The best burgers ever were at TwinBurger, out on Arapaho Ave, on the way to the Motorena Drive-In.
Their fries were nothing to sneeze at and they introduced the concept of the "banana shake" to an entire community yearning to expand their horizons.
I'm sure it wasn't a Krystal's.... It may very well have been called White Castle but it wasn't a White Castle which could be the reason it didn't last very long.
I remember the time I ate there the burgers tasted like the hamburgers served in school cafeterias and it was nothing like the White Castles I have had anywhere else.
You are correct. Krystal was founded in Chattanoga and recently relocated their corporate headquarters to Atlanta. There were several Krystal Burgers in the DFW area, however, they seemed to have all closed down.There may be a few left, but the ones I know of have all closed. I was never a fan of either White Castle or Krystal.
Had my first experience with In-N-Out back in '03. Good stuff, but nothing I couldn't live without. I was in Irving a couple weeks ago and they have one there now so I tried it again for lunch one day. On the recommendation of a coworker who grew up in southern Cali, I tried the double-double, animal style. It was a very good, tasty burger with what seemed like high quality ingredients but, again nothing I couldn't live without. It definitly has a distinct flavor so I could see how someone might crave it if that's what you grew up with.
As for fries, they were okay, but I like the fries at Tucker's better (as well as the burger - can't beat a good onion burger IMHO).
The place in Moore was not a White Castle. It was a White Castle clone with a different name. I think it was locally owned. White Castle started in Wichita, yet there are no White Castles in Wichita now. Most White Castles are East of the Mississippi River even though they have some in Denver. They are popular in St. Louis also. I think the burgers are ok, but nothing spectacular.
I like In-N-Out Burger too. I would rather eat a local burger like Nic's or an El Reno style onion burger though. I am not going to wait for an hour for an In-N-Out burger. Another California chain I like is Fatburger. Magic Johnson invested in the chain a few years ago and they opened some new locations outside of the west coast. There was one in the Jax Brewery Building in the French Quarter in New Orleans that closed after Hurricane Katrina.
Bigray in Ok
If you want the old-style McDonald's fries, and they're the best to me, you have to ask for the fries unsalted. One taste will bring back memories. They let you salt them yourself with little packets back in the day and most of the people I knew never did.
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