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Thread: What Church do you attend?

  1. Default What Church do you attend?

    Here is a "get to know you."

    What Church do you attend, and why? Do you like it? What about it do you like or dislike?

    Mine? Church of the Epiphany of the Lord. Catholic parish. I like it because the homily is short and one of the Priests has a great sense of humor which he always uses.

  2. Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    I go to the church of bandnerd. The hours are flexible, the food is good, and the congregation is small

    As for organized religion, I do not partake for many reasons.

  3. #3

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    St. Joseph's Old Cathedral downtown. I'm Catholic, so I just go to the nearest Catholic church to where I live. It's a small and diverse congregation. I'm not really involved, I just show up when I have time.

  4. #4
    1Adam12 Guest

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd
    I go to the church of bandnerd. The hours are flexible, the food is good, and the congregation is small

    As for organized religion, I do not partake for many reasons.
    I know you are trying to be humurous, but when it comes to talking about church and serving the Lord, it is not a laughing matter. I don't believe in "organized religions" myself, but I do believe in Christianity, which is not an organized religion, it is a relationship with Christ.

    As far as not having time to go, I believe that is a cop out. Everybody has time to go, one way or another. The problem is, you choose to sleep in, and you feel that you don't need a church. Well, you are wrong.

    Church is one of the most important part of our lives, or it should be. If you don't attend church, and you don't take your children to church (when you have children), you are guilty of child abuse. You are guilty of not allowing your child the opportunity to learn about the Lord and to be around good Christian people.

    Unfortunately, when children grow up without the opportunity to go to church, then they usually end up like their parents, with no morals, spiritual leadership, or goals. These will be the same kids that will lead a life of crime and will always be getting in to trouble.

    BTW, I attend a non-denominational church, that has drums, guitars, light shows, etc....and we are reaching the lost everytime the doors are open. No book store, no cafeteria, no kitchen, no concession stand, and no vending machines. Just good Christian worship.

  5. Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    WOW Adam, way to make a generalization.

    Most of the kids I knew who went to church were the ones out drinking, having sex, stealing things, etc. They were the "cool" kids at our school.

    I do not tell you how to live your life, I did not shove my opinions down your throat, and I will expect you to respect my decision to not go to church and leave it at that.

    While I may not attend a church, or even believe in the Bible, etc, it does not make me an immoral person. Not taking my hypothetical children to church is FAR from child abuse. We did not attend church (I went on my own when I did go) and Sundays were "family days" for us. We'd sit and talk, read the paper together, go for walks, do some shopping...do things that families are often too busy to do these days. We'd have a big Sunday dinner and watch football or a movie. My sister and I would practice the piano. Yes, even when we had our drivers licenses, we still stayed at home on Sundays. Do not tell me that my family is immoral or wrong for taking a day to themselves to rest in their own way, just because it didn't involve any organized worship. I would expect that my children would understand this concept.

    As for why we stopped going to church as a family, well, my dad was injured on the job and sitting in pews was incredibly painful for him. Instead of torturing him every Sunday, we'd just spend the day all of us together.

    Maybe you should think about the reasons WHY someone would choose not to go, before you go calling them child abusing, law-breaking non-Christians.

    Not everyone is religious. Maybe you should get over it already.

  6. #6
    1Adam12 Guest

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd
    WOW Adam, way to make a generalization.

    Most of the kids I knew who went to church were the ones out drinking, having sex, stealing things, etc. They were the "cool" kids at our school.

    I do not tell you how to live your life, I did not shove my opinions down your throat, and I will expect you to respect my decision to not go to church and leave it at that.

    While I may not attend a church, or even believe in the Bible, etc, it does not make me an immoral person. Not taking my hypothetical children to church is FAR from child abuse. We did not attend church (I went on my own when I did go) and Sundays were "family days" for us. We'd sit and talk, read the paper together, go for walks, do some shopping...do things that families are often too busy to do these days. We'd have a big Sunday dinner and watch football or a movie. My sister and I would practice the piano. Yes, even when we had our drivers licenses, we still stayed at home on Sundays. Do not tell me that my family is immoral or wrong for taking a day to themselves to rest in their own way, just because it didn't involve any organized worship. I would expect that my children would understand this concept.

    As for why we stopped going to church as a family, well, my dad was injured on the job and sitting in pews was incredibly painful for him. Instead of torturing him every Sunday, we'd just spend the day all of us together.

    Maybe you should think about the reasons WHY someone would choose not to go, before you go calling them child abusing, law-breaking non-Christians.

    Not everyone is religious. Maybe you should get over it already.
    Maybe you should chill, girl. So, let me get this straight. Since daddy couldn't sit in the pews, the whole family sympathetically quit going to church, because somebody had to keep dad company, huh? I can see daddy staying home, but it is a pitiful excuse for the rest of you.

    I beg to differ with you on one thing. If you don't read the Bible and live by God's rules, then you are an immoral person. Yep, believe it or not, you are.

    I also don't know what school you went to, but the Christian kids I went to school with were great examples to others. It was the non-Christians that were so immoral that they were pulling some of the Christian kids down with them. You see, temptation affects everyone, even Christians.

    I don't condemn you for what you believe, however, you seem so adament in many of your posts that you don't care for church, or people that go there because you feel they are shoving religion down your throat. That's crap. You are shoving your unbeliefs down our throats all the time.

    I suggest that you and Midtowner both grow up and learn to respect others and what they believe in. Yes, I accept some kind of smart alec reply and some type of attack on me, because it is what you and Midtowner do. Members on this forum get tired of hearing you both whine all the time. I'm used to pathetic people, though, I see them on the streets all the time.

  7. Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    You have no right making it sound like we made excuses, Adam. You were not a member of my family, you don't know the whole situation, and I have no patience to type it all out for you, and it's not like you'd care about me or my family, anyway.

    I think you are not being very Christian right now, Adam. I think you are judging me.

    I don't hate people who go to church. All my friends do, and it's fine with me. My sister and her husband go to church. I can respect that they enjoy it, and that it is part of their lives...but they also respect that it is not my way and they have never once forced it on me like you and some others on this board, but mainly you at this time.

    I am more grown up than you think I am. Just because you don't like my comments doesn't mean that they are any less valid or true. They just aren't valid or true to YOU.

    And for the record, I have never had anyone complain to me about my "tired comments." If they have a problem, then they need to say something. But no one ever has, except you. If it's personal, that's fine, it's your problem, but don't go bringing innocent bystanders into your issue.

    Sorry, mranderson. I didn't mean to take over your whole thread. I will retire from it now. People can PM me if they have problems with me. I really do apologize to you. But only to you.

  8. #8
    1Adam12 Guest

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd
    You have no right making it sound like we made excuses, Adam. You were not a member of my family, you don't know the whole situation, and I have no patience to type it all out for you, and it's not like you'd care about me or my family, anyway.

    I think you are not being very Christian right now, Adam. I think you are judging me.

    I don't hate people who go to church. All my friends do, and it's fine with me. My sister and her husband go to church. I can respect that they enjoy it, and that it is part of their lives...but they also respect that it is not my way and they have never once forced it on me like you and some others on this board, but mainly you at this time.

    I am more grown up than you think I am. Just because you don't like my comments doesn't mean that they are any less valid or true. They just aren't valid or true to YOU.

    And for the record, I have never had anyone complain to me about my "tired comments." If they have a problem, then they need to say something. But no one ever has, except you. If it's personal, that's fine, it's your problem, but don't go bringing innocent bystanders into your issue.

    Sorry, mranderson. I didn't mean to take over your whole thread. I will retire from it now. People can PM me if they have problems with me. I really do apologize to you. But only to you.
    I don't judge people, God does. Most of a time when people proclaim to be a Christina, and then they make a comment that somebody else doesn't like, then they are considered as not being very Christian. I sure get tired of that. Christians have opinions too.

    It's nothing personal. I just get tired of people getting shot down for what they say, when all they are doing is giving their opinion.

    Enjoy the apology, mranderson, because it may be the only one you get for a long time. By the way, mranderson, thanks for starting this thread. It brings out the "best" in people.

  9. #9

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Quote Originally Posted by 1Adam12
    I don't judge people, God does. Most of a time when people proclaim to be a Christina, and then they make a comment that somebody else doesn't like, then they are considered as not being very Christian. I sure get tired of that. Christians have opinions too.

    It's nothing personal. I just get tired of people getting shot down for what they say, when all they are doing is giving their opinion.

    Enjoy the apology, mranderson, because it may be the only one you get for a long time. By the way, mranderson, thanks for starting this thread. It brings out the "best" in people.
    So you think you have all of God's answers? That's extremely arrogant. You are now the diviner of what's right and wrong? Although I'm a Christian, I also find the moral belief systems of other religions to be of value. Buddhists, for example -- I'd call them highly moral. Hindu's? Except for the caste system, I can't find a lot of problems (the caste system is a pretty huge problem though). I even think that from time to time fundamentalist Bible thumpers can be some pretty moral people when they're not telling the rest of the world that we're going to hayul for our sinful ways.

    As for "shoving our beliefs," you might want to note that about 98% of the posts here are pushing Christianity (or shoving in cases such as yours). We, the 2% find it perfectly acceptable to be just as strong in our views and beliefs as you are in yours. If you have a problem with that, too bad buddy.

  10. #10
    1Adam12 Guest

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    So you think you have all of God's answers? That's extremely arrogant. You are now the diviner of what's right and wrong? Although I'm a Christian, I also find the moral belief systems of other religions to be of value. Buddhists, for example -- I'd call them highly moral. Hindu's? Except for the caste system, I can't find a lot of problems (the caste system is a pretty huge problem though). I even think that from time to time fundamentalist Bible thumpers can be some pretty moral people when they're not telling the rest of the world that we're going to hayul for our sinful ways.

    As for "shoving our beliefs," you might want to note that about 98% of the posts here are pushing Christianity (or shoving in cases such as yours). We, the 2% find it perfectly acceptable to be just as strong in our views and beliefs as you are in yours. If you have a problem with that, too bad buddy.
    :tweeted: You are funny. I am not shoving any beliefs, I am just making an observation. You are a Christian?:tweeted: Ok, let me quit laughing long enough to pick myself up off the floor. Remember, you just go to church "when you have time." BTW, what's hayul?

    Do you have the statistics and studies that prove that 98% of the posts on here are pushing Christianity, or are you just spouting numbers without facts? I thought assumptions (98% of posts push Christianity?) were illegal on this forum, according to you. Maybe this will give you a chance to do some "research" and back up your statement.

  11. #11
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Not taking the kids to church = child abuse? Yeah, there's no judgement there.

  12. #12
    1Adam12 Guest

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk
    Not taking the kids to church = child abuse? Yeah, there's no judgement there.
    See, I knew somebody would agree with me.

  13. Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    I'll never forget hearing the most horrible story that I still have nightmares about to this day... in the Bay Area.. a very religious family decided that their young son was being 'defiant' by not eating all of his dinner... so night after night, they forced him to eat every bite of his dinner until he threw up, oh they were pissed, they just knew he was doing it on purpose .. and now the horrendous part, they would put the vomit in the refrigerator and force him to eat it the next day as a punishment for his defiance... this went on for some time.. when he didn't eat, they would beat him and punish him relentlessly .. he was being defiant and they didn't want him to turn out to be 'immoral'.. turns out the little boy had a terrible medical intesinal problem and was unable to eat his food and caused vomiting.. so the parents were convicted and the child taken away to live in foster care .. guess the charge? Child abuse..
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  14. #14
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Ummmm, can we please get back to topic here?

    Northwest Baptist Church, Oklahoma City.

  15. #15
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    Ummmm, can we please get back to topic here?

    Northwest Baptist Church, Oklahoma City.
    South Lindsay Baptist Church....Oklahoma City...for over 25 years.

  16. #16

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Quote Originally Posted by 1Adam12
    :tweeted: You are funny. I am not shoving any beliefs, I am just making an observation. You are a Christian?:tweeted: Ok, let me quit laughing long enough to pick myself up off the floor. Remember, you just go to church "when you have time." BTW, what's hayul?

    Do you have the statistics and studies that prove that 98% of the posts on here are pushing Christianity, or are you just spouting numbers without facts? I thought assumptions (98% of posts push Christianity?) were illegal on this forum, according to you. Maybe this will give you a chance to do some "research" and back up your statement.
    Your smiling faces are so helpful! Thanks for those.

    Yes, I'm Christian. I affirm the Nicene Creed. I'm a Roman Catholic to be specific. "When I have time to" refers to the fact that I work full time, as well as attending lawschool. This accounts for about 95 hours/week. I guard my personal time very jealously, and yes, church does lose out sometimes. You're in no position to judge though -- or if you are, please explain what makes you the arbiter of all things godly.

    12, if you disagree with my number, feel free to do the research yourself. You can start by listing the posters that do not support the fundie company line. That might come to something around 4 out of however many users there are here.

  17. Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Okay, I know I said I wasn't going to post here anymore, but I'd love for someone to actually use Google to find the definition of "moral" because as I found it, it has nothing to do with religion, just the ability to know right from wrong.

    As for being called immoral, I have *never* in my life been called immoral. I know you can't get an accurate snapshot of a person's personality or anything from a message board, but I would have to say that given any past comments on this board, I have never shown myself to be immoral. Open-minded, liberal at best...but never immoral. Just because I may not agree with everything everyone else says, I'm not immoral.

    I do get emotionally charged on this subject, because I have done the church thing, and it didn't work for me, and people don't understand why. It's like explaining why I don't like fish...people don't get it, so I just kind of quit explaining why. But *I* don't feel you have to go to church or be religious to understand that murder and rape and child abuse are wrong, and that giving back to your community, and adopting abandoned pets, and teaching at-risk youth are good things to do.

    People can say what they want, but when you know, you know. I *know* I am not a bad person, I do good things for the community and for its constituents...I may not give them speeding tickets but I have counseled a lost youth here or there...and I think that means a lot more than whether or not I attend a church.

  18. #18

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    This thread reminds me of one that someone in my company sent out to everyone asking them to reply to him if they believed in god...can't believe he didn't get fired....this seems to me to be an attempt to find out who doesn't go to church at all instead of really wanting to know where

    I find that in nearly every situation this question is best left unanswered

  19. #19

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Henderson Hills Baptist Church and Lifechurch...

  20. Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Here is a "get to know you."

    What Church do you attend, and why? Do you like it? What about it do you like or dislike?

    Mine? Church of the Epiphany of the Lord. Catholic parish. I like it because the homily is short and one of the Priests has a great sense of humor which he always uses.
    LifeChurch. I have only attended here for 3 weeks. So far I like it for the bible teachings that relate to my everyday life. I also like the fact that the doors are open to everyone no matter who you are. I have been to several churches in the past that the congregation wouldn't be very accepting of a bum walking in off the streets. LifeChurch seems to welcome everyone the same, regardless of social status. To me that is setting God-like examples which all churches should do.
    When it rains it pours... but when the blessings come they overflow!

  21. Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    I go to Henderson Hills.

  22. #22

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Destiny Christian Center in Del City.

  23. Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Wow, I can't believe 1Adam12 hasn't been banned for his rude, hateful comments. He never even answered the question of the original poster.

    I attend Northwest Baptist Church in OKC (same as Patrick). I have gone there all my life except when we lived elsewhere. Even though we moved to Edmond ten years ago, we remained at Northwest because it is a very diverse church economically, ethnically, and socially. It isn't a bunch of WASPS. We are very close to OCU and the Asian district and have many Asians and other international students in our congregation. We also have African American families, Native American families, and mixed families. Our pastor shares relevant messages with a sense of humor and a casual style and avoids political messages. Our church is also strongly focused on missions, both internationally and locally. In addition to multiple international missions projects in China, Bosnia, Africa, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Guatemala, Taiwan, Romania, and other countries, we have outreach to the homeless, to neighborhood children, teachers, and families, and to single moms. We have a Spanish congregation, a Korean congregation, and an All Nations congregation in addition to our main congregation meeting on two campuses. The people are loving, friendly, and welcoming despite what you look like or how you act. We are also one of the more progressive Southern Baptist congregations in the state.

  24. #24
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84
    Wow, I can't believe 1Adam12 hasn't been banned for his rude, hateful comments. He never even answered the question of the original poster.

    I attend Northwest Baptist Church in OKC (same as Patrick). I have gone there all my life except when we lived elsewhere. Even though we moved to Edmond ten years ago, we remained at Northwest because it is a very diverse church economically, ethnically, and socially. It isn't a bunch of WASPS. We are very close to OCU and the Asian district and have many Asians and other international students in our congregation. We also have African American families, Native American families, and mixed families. Our pastor shares relevant messages with a sense of humor and a casual style and avoids political messages. Our church is also strongly focused on missions, both internationally and locally. In addition to multiple international missions projects in China, Bosnia, Africa, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Guatemala, Taiwan, Romania, and other countries, we have outreach to the homeless, to neighborhood children, teachers, and families, and to single moms. We have a Spanish congregation, a Korean congregation, and an All Nations congregation in addition to our main congregation meeting on two campuses. The people are loving, friendly, and welcoming despite what you look like or how you act. We are also one of the more progressive Southern Baptist congregations in the state.
    1Adam12 has not violated any of the terms and conditions of the forum. Being rude, and sometimes hateful is not against the rules. If it were, there would be many people already banned from this site.

    Unfortunately, sarcasm and hateful comments are allowed on this forum, just as long as they don't get out of control.

  25. #25

    Default Re: What Church do you attend?

    Quote Originally Posted by 1Adam12
    :tweeted: You are funny. I am not shoving any beliefs, I am just making an observation. You are a Christian?:tweeted: Ok, let me quit laughing long enough to pick myself up off the floor. Remember, you just go to church "when you have time." BTW, what's hayul?

    Do you have the statistics and studies that prove that 98% of the posts on here are pushing Christianity, or are you just spouting numbers without facts? I thought assumptions (98% of posts push Christianity?) were illegal on this forum, according to you. Maybe this will give you a chance to do some "research" and back up your statement.
    Adam, so very Christian of you to say these things.

    If you want to count the number of users on here who post, and then cound the number of athiests to Christians, I think you might find about 2 athiests with the rest being Christians. My wife and another gentleman come to mind immediately. 98% seems accurate, even generous to the Christian population. I have my doubts that 2% would be non-Christian.

    As for "hayul," I know phonics class was a long time ago. Sound it out. If you can't figure it out, I'm very sorry for you.

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