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Nothing wrong with a shotgun. If you go that route, 12 gauge would be your friend. (again I think of availability) The gun shows can have good deals, but lately, not much to choose from. Gun shows allow private sellers to sell guns, so they don't have to do a background check. This is what Obama refers to as the gun show loophole since they aren't doing a background check. Would be the same if a buddy says "hey I got a shotgun I'd sell you." Personally if someone breaks into my house I'd rather use a handgun as a shotgun will do a lot more damage to whatever is at the end of the barrel, and at the end of the day if I survive, I'd hate to have a huge mess to fix. Like mentioned above sometimes just the sound of a pump shotgun can be enough to deter, but that doesn't mean you should be ready to use it if they are feelin' lucky. I definitely think having a couple of options you feel comfortable with is best. Shotguns aren't too expensive so maybe that is an option.