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My understanding is that an audit was requested and completed in 2004 by the City Auditor. They found that bonds were sold, but projects were not started or, if started (engineering start, not construction) there was no one keeping track and ensuring they were being completed. If I recall correctly, Public Works was completing about $25 million a year in projects, but to get it all done in the time originally scheduled it should have been about $70 million a year. So, in 2005, they created a mini division in Public Works with a specific manager and staff to manage only GO Bond projects. This really ramped up construction and helped complete a lot of old projects. There were multuple 1989, 1995 and 2000 GOB projects that were far for completion in 2005. I believe all 1989 and 1995 are now done. Not sure about 2000.
Yes, if it is a specific listed project, it must be completed in the spirit of the section it was in. For instance, in 2000, the wrote the ballot so specific that widening projects said "Widen to 4 lanes". Therefore, if budget was lacking, it still had to be done and $$$ pulled from elsewhere. In 2007, we wrote the ballot more nuanced, to say "widen...", which allows flexibility. (Side note, you won't see any three lane widenings unless things change. PW is of the mindset that any road over 5,000 ADT should be 4 lanes, min. I do not personally agree with that... but oh well)