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Thread: Official Firearms Thread

  1. #1

    Default Official Firearms Thread

    I didn't see one of these and thought it would be a good thread to start. A couple of other forums I frequent have had good success with this type of thread.

    All I ask, and I'm sure most can agree, that we keep debate on firearms out of this thread. Please only post if you want to talk about firearms you own, want to buy, or have enjoyed shooting, etc.

    I've recently purchased a Ruger SR22 and Taurus PT709. The Taurus is going to be my CCW after I take the handgun carry class here in a few weeks. The SR is just for sport, plus it helps that ammo is so much cheaper.

    One of these days I'd like to get a Glock 17 or 19 and maybe even a 1911.

    What's everyone else got? Also what ranges do you guys frequent?

  2. Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Have my CLEET card for armed PI and did the conceal and carry a couple of weeks ago with my wife and neighbors (had let my prior C&C expire). Wife owns a S&W 9mm and she lets me borrow it!

    We do like to go shooting though on some land in Guthrie. Friends there have a vast array of pistols, shotguns and assault rifles. He has a 50mm Desert Eagle that is fun to shoot and several AR15 types/styles.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    How was the class and where did you take it if you don't mind me asking?

  4. Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    I took my original class years ago at H&H and it was really good (some odd people in the class though - I know, looks who's talking!). This most recent class we did as a private class. We got 10 of our neighbors together and had an instructor (Sheriff in some nearby county) teach us and have us shoot at an outdoor range near/in Deer Creek. I prefer the group private class personally. But, its a set curriculum so it shouldn't matter where you go. I just found it was a great way to get to know your neighbors and know you're all trained if someone needs assistance.

    I did my CLEET Phases 1-4 at some private school that's no longer around and my wife took her courses at night at a local Vo-tech.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    I actually have a group of 6 that plan on doing there's, so police chief at a small town nearby is doing a class for ours. Very reasonable at $50 a person as I've seen some classes lately closer to $70. Really glad I picked up that 22 as I have quite a bit of ammo for it, but not very much for my 9. Seems like everywhere I go around here is sold out and no one knows when they are getting more. Online seems to be about the same deal.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    I've been wanting to get a gun for home and personal protection. I do not own a firearm now. My plans are to buy something and I'm researching what that something will be. I then want to get training and I've been told H&H is excellent for that. As for where to purchase, I'm lost on that. Best place to buy? What is the wait time for a retail purchase? What if bought at one of these gun shows at the fairgrounds? What is the wait time and paperwork for that? I'm learning but don't know exactly where to start, like the best place to purchase. This might be a good thread to offer thoughts for me?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Academy sells guns at fair prices. Savage Trading Co in Yukon held the CCW class I attended. Those are my recommendations. Ruger LCP 380 for CCW and Ruger .357 for home protection. Currently don't own a long gun but a shotgun may be in the future.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    If you're looking for a concealed carry class I suggest H&H. The reason I say that is they bring in a lawyer to basically answer any (or most) of your questions regarding when it is and isn't legal to shoot someone.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    academy has really good prices on guns and ask alot of questions in the concealed class because even smart people have different understandings / perspectives on what you can do.

    oklahoma is gun friendly, but you open yourself up to alot of liability.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    I've been wanting to get a gun for home and personal protection. I do not own a firearm now. My plans are to buy something and I'm researching what that something will be. I then want to get training and I've been told H&H is excellent for that. As for where to purchase, I'm lost on that. Best place to buy? What is the wait time for a retail purchase? What if bought at one of these gun shows at the fairgrounds? What is the wait time and paperwork for that? I'm learning but don't know exactly where to start, like the best place to purchase. This might be a good thread to offer thoughts for me?

    I'm here to help and will gladly give my opinion. To start with the gun buying process is easier. First off to start make sure your driver's license is current with the address you live at. If anything doesn't match you will get rejected. The whole process takes about 20-30 minutes for them to do the background check. Most places (pawn shops, local gun shops) make you fill out the transfer form whereas others (bass pro) have it all on a computer. As long as you don't have a felony or anything else that would keep you from being able to own a handgun, the process is quick and easy.

    Now for guns, everyone is going to have an opinion on this. If you are just wanting something to shoot every once in awhile, and want it for home protection, and never plan on carrying it with a permit, I say get a fullsize 9mm. 9mm is some of the most common handgun ammunition and is going to be significantly cheaper than .40SW and .45ACP. 9mm is still a hefty round and does have plenty of stopping power. Because of this a lot of people won't carry anything less than a 9mm. I will be carrying a 9mm (Taurus PT709) as the .380's I've shot seem to be about the same size and honestly have a bit more kick. I'd rather just have the bigger bullet.

    The other reason I chose 9mm is like I stated before ammo is cheaper, but the main reason is because I want commonality in my guns. I have 9mm and .22LR. This means I really only need to focus on 2 types of ammo when I'm buying. Keeps it easier, and if **** hits the fan, my firearms use 2 of the most common ammunition in the world. Might not be important, but it's something to think about.

    So now comes the tricky question, what gun. Price is almost always a factor. Obviously you get what you pay for. More expensive guns like Glocks, who are known for reliability, will be good out of the box and serve you well. That's not to say something cheaper like a Hi-Point wouldn't be as effective. Many people who don't care to have the gun for more than anything but defense buy the Hi-Points, keep them cleaned, and never have an issue. Those can be had at the pawn shop (saw today) for $179 plus tax. But the most important thing is that when you pull the trigger it goes bang. If not it's as effective as a brick.

    Academy usually has good prices, but lately they haven't had anything in stock. There is a pawn shop off of SW59th call Sooner State Pawn that usually has some of the better prices on guns. Good people too. I'd recommend looking up gun prices online, that way you have an idea of what it should cost. At the very least visit the manufacturers website and see suggest MSRP on it. Right now I've seen some pawn shops price gouging on people that don't know better, and those are the people I'll never do business with.

    I'd get an idea on a few guns and then just hold them, see how they feel. Another good place to look for guns for sale, new and used is armslist.com. It's sort of like the craigslist of guns. Very handy.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    This is atrocious.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post

    This is atrocious.
    You came in here to trash my avatar? What part of keep the BS out didn't you understand?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    You came in here to trash my avatar? What part of keep the BS out didn't you understand?
    Oh, I haven't read any of the thread. Just wanted to comment on that ugly thing.

    Welcome to OKC Talk.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    I've been wanting to get a gun for home and personal protection. I do not own a firearm now. My plans are to buy something and I'm researching what that something will be.
    To get an accurate recommendation, you'll need to really to think about your needs. Kids, type of structure, etc. If you want ease of use, maximum firepower, and "fear factor" for an intruder, you'll never do better than a pump shotgun. It's more difficult to secure and conceal, but seldom malfunctions and accuracy isn't much of an issue. It will make a mess of anything you hit within a distance you would be shooting inside a home, and as long as you aren't shooting slugs there is minimal danger of penetrating a wall and hitting an unintentional target. Cheap gun, cheap ammo, and easy to practice with. The best gun you can own is the one you can shoot confidently.

    Just food for thought. Good luck, and be careful.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    A lot of very helpful posts, thanks to all and thanks, Zuplar for taking the time to post a lengthy response.

    A couple of more questions.....

    1. What if I didn't want to go the handgun route but wanted to go with a shotgun for home protection? Pros and cons? Maybe get and train with both?

    2. What about the gun shows that advertise so heavily on the radio? Are they known for good deals? Bad deals? Crap guns? Is the procedure the same for the background check? Though, that doesn't sound like the hassle at a retail store that I was imagining it to be.

    (thanks positano, I had already typed this when I saw your thoughts on a shotgun)

  16. #16

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Oh, I haven't read any of the thread. Just wanted to comment on that ugly thing.

    Welcome to OKC Talk.
    Sarcasm doesn't usually go over well on the internet. Let's keep it on topic.

    And thanks for the welcome.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Sarcasm doesn't usually go over well on the internet. Let's keep it on topic.

    And thanks for the welcome.
    Okay. I don't have any firearms, but if I did, I would print out your avatar and use it for target practice.

    I'll stop now. Cheers.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    A lot of very helpful posts, thanks to all and thanks, Zuplar for taking the time to post a lengthy response.

    A couple of more questions.....

    1. What if I didn't want to go the handgun route but wanted to go with a shotgun for home protection? Pros and cons? Maybe get and train with both?

    2. What about the gun shows that advertise so heavily on the radio? Are they known for good deals? Bad deals? Crap guns? Is the procedure the same for the background check? Though, that doesn't sound like the hassle at a retail store that I was imagining it to be.

    (thanks positano, I had already typed this when I saw your thoughts on a shotgun)
    Nothing wrong with a shotgun. If you go that route, 12 gauge would be your friend. (again I think of availability) The gun shows can have good deals, but lately, not much to choose from. Gun shows allow private sellers to sell guns, so they don't have to do a background check. This is what Obama refers to as the gun show loophole since they aren't doing a background check. Would be the same if a buddy says "hey I got a shotgun I'd sell you." Personally if someone breaks into my house I'd rather use a handgun as a shotgun will do a lot more damage to whatever is at the end of the barrel, and at the end of the day if I survive, I'd hate to have a huge mess to fix. Like mentioned above sometimes just the sound of a pump shotgun can be enough to deter, but that doesn't mean you should be ready to use it if they are feelin' lucky. I definitely think having a couple of options you feel comfortable with is best. Shotguns aren't too expensive so maybe that is an option.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    delete - already answered.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Nothing wrong with a shotgun. If you go that route, 12 gauge would be your friend. (again I think of availability) The gun shows can have good deals, but lately, not much to choose from. Gun shows allow private sellers to sell guns, so they don't have to do a background check. This is what Obama refers to as the gun show loophole since they aren't doing a background check. Would be the same if a buddy says "hey I got a shotgun I'd sell you." Personally if someone breaks into my house I'd rather use a handgun as a shotgun will do a lot more damage to whatever is at the end of the barrel, and at the end of the day if I survive, I'd hate to have a huge mess to fix. Like mentioned above sometimes just the sound of a pump shotgun can be enough to deter, but that doesn't mean you should be ready to use it if they are feelin' lucky. I definitely think having a couple of options you feel comfortable with is best. Shotguns aren't too expensive so maybe that is an option.
    Thanks for this. Good information.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Okay. I don't have any firearms, but if I did, I would print out your avatar and use it for target practice.

    I'll stop now. Cheers.
    Minus the OU, it was the original logo for the Thunder before they moved when they were coming up with different designs. On the other forums I frequent most have all their favorite teams in an avatar so I threw this together in paint as I figured no one would have anything like it. It's unique, so I stick with it.

    I can understand that if you have a Poke and a Mavs fan you may not like it. We all have our quirks.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Minus the OU, it was the original logo for the Thunder before they moved when they were coming up with different designs. On the other forums I frequent most have all their favorite teams in an avatar so I threw this together in paint as I figured no one would have anything like it. It's unique, so I stick with it.

    I can understand that if you have a Poke and a Mavs fan you may not like it. We all have our quirks.
    Thunder fan through and through. Watch every game. Equal fan of both OU and OSU (didn't go to either). I get the reasoning, I just think it's the lack of the main Thunder colors that's bugging me more than anything.

    Anyway, I've said my peace, and just want to go away now.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Alright, so my question is this: what is the best home defense firearm to disable an intruder but not necessarily cause lethal damage. I'm sure there are as many different opinions on this as people who post on this forum, but I would seriously like to know what works for that purpose. Moreover, I don't want bullets flying through walls harming my loved ones and my dogs.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Here is something neat. Don't think it is real though. Is The DeWalt Assault Nail Gun Real?

    ps... It is obviously lethal. Just thought I'd share it. ;P

  25. #25

    Default Re: Official Firearms Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    It is obviously lethal. Just thought I'd share it. ;P
    Hey... a panda's gotta protect itself. It's a crazy world out there.

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