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Thread: Dear Dallas

  1. #1

    Default Dear Dallas

    Why must you be so dominant? It seems like you are taking over the world...Driving into your city it seems like the the 20 story towers go on forever. Construction cranes fill your city sky as if they were alive and breathing, as if they were controlling the city. 6 lanes highways grasp me and have me in awe, with 10 story overpasses welcoming me, as if they were saying thank you for coming. Upscale condo towers meet me at every turn...drawing me in...asking me to come in. Your children of tall glass buildings blind me on a sunny day...as if they were spoiled brats taunting me, and I couldn't do anything about it. How hard is it to give up, to just stop building, no more towers, no more roads, no more cars? The sea of roof tops of nice brick homes looks like the ocean...going to the edge of the Earth...as if the Earth was flat...Instead of playing games, my kids count all the airplanes flying into the city, as it never stops. I am coming Dallas...or am I going? I see your city lights in my rear view mirror headed back to my Oklahoma City.



  2. #2

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    While I have little to no use for Dallas and will never again drive on those interstates, I find it fascinating to look at, preferably from a jet plane.

    Give me OKC any day.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Dear Dallas:

    Please stay right where you are and resist sprawling.
    Think about investing a buck or two into driver's education and the enforcement thereof.
    Thank you, in advance, for your careful consideration of my suggestion(s).

    OKC doesn't want to be a copycat killer of dreams that really do come true.

    (the cowboys were never "america's team" . . . even the soap opera "Dallas" sucked big time.)


  4. #4

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Dear Dallas, thank you for being the site of the Cotton Bowl stadium and the host of the greatest rivalry game in college football.
    As a result of that, you allow us Sooner fans to come down once a year and OWN you. OU owns Dallas.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    RIP Dallas - you will never survive $6 gasoline. You have a bad case of the The Sprawl and it is terminal.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    I love Dallas! I've lived in OKC all of my life except for 5 years when I lived in Dallas and I was homesick and there is no way I'll ever abandon OKC, but Dallas is freakin awesome. It very might as well be my all time favorite city.

    Los Angeles
    Oklahoma City
    Kansas City
    New York City
    Washington D.C.

    All time favorite cities..(so far and those are not in order)...

    Anyways, I can see OKC becoming something big. We have the potential. Time is the name of the game. The right mix of funding towards urban and suburban agendas is the right way to go. IMO...

  7. #7

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    RIP Dallas - you will never survive $6 gasoline. You have a bad case of the The Sprawl and it is terminal.
    As CAFÉ standards increase they will be in good shape with their much higher rates of disposable incomes that will only go up if gasoline is $6 The Texas economy is always in boom mode when prices are that high! So is Oklahoma’s!

    But short of a war in the Middle East or massive dollar devaluation due to fed monetary policy, because there are massive amounts of new crude supplies coming on line around the world $6 gasoline in Texas is extremely unlikely for the foreseeable future.
    GTL will eventually put major pressure on high gasoline prices. It will help hold down prices for many, many decades to come. Fears of outrageously high transportation fuel prices are almost entirely unfounded and are not really a very rational way to think in today’s market place.

    Unless we allow our elected leaders to put us into utter national bankruptcy the abundance of relatively cheap transportation fuel puts the American culture of suburbia and the freedom of the automobile in a very secure place for a life time.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I love Dallas! I've lived in OKC all of my life except for 5 years when I lived in Dallas and I was homesick and there is no way I'll ever abandon OKC, but Dallas is freakin awesome. It very might as well be my all time favorite city.

    Dallas is fun place when you are young and have money to burn but after a while a person can get burned out on the superficial and pretentious parts of Dallas society that they are so well known for.
    But there are very nice areas and very nice people doing very good things in the DFW area.
    I like the slower pace of Norman much better.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by SOONER8693 View Post
    Dear Dallas, thank you for being the site of the Cotton Bowl stadium and the host of the greatest rivalry game in college football.
    As a result of that, you allow us Sooner fans to come down once a year and OWN you. OU owns Dallas.
    For the attending fans I don’t think sports is capable of being any better for the fans of the 2 teams involved than what takes place at Fair Park for the OU Texas game. + They are getting ready to make some more major stadium improvements.
    I have walked out of that stadium to many times on the wrong in of the score to ever say OU owns Dallas. One of these days Stoops won’t be around and Texas will finally have a good head coach and things won’t be the same…. Savor each win.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    I love Dallas. I never understood the Texas vs. Oklahoma crap and still don't. I go every year for a giant gaming convention called Quakecon. It's held at the Hilton Anatole which is one of the most beautiful hotels I have ever seen.

    I much prefer OKC over Dallas though. I just can't stand the traffic and the sh!tty drivers.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I love Dallas! I've lived in OKC all of my life except for 5 years when I lived in Dallas and I was homesick and there is no way I'll ever abandon OKC, but Dallas is freakin awesome. It very might as well be my all time favorite city.

    Los Angeles
    Oklahoma City
    Kansas City
    New York City
    Washington D.C.

    All time favorite cities..(so far and those are not in order)...

    Anyways, I can see OKC becoming something big. We have the potential. Time is the name of the game. The right mix of funding towards urban and suburban agendas is the right way to go. IMO...
    I couldn't help but notice all of your 'favorites' are in the US. I can't think of a single city in the US that makes my top 50. If I had to pick a favorite US city it would probably be Philadelphia. Dallas doesn't make my top 10,000.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Los Angeles
    Oklahoma City
    Kansas City
    New York City
    Washington D.C.
    No love for Chicago??

  13. #13

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    I love Dallas. I never understood the Texas vs. Oklahoma crap and still don't. I go every year for a giant gaming convention called Quakecon. It's held at the Hilton Anatole which is one of the most beautiful hotels I have ever seen.

    I much prefer OKC over Dallas though. I just can't stand the traffic and the sh!tty drivers.
    I agree about the traffic in Dallas. Horrible to say the least. It is not going to get better either. The drivers in Dallas can be a little edgy and agressive. Dallas wants to continue to grow and grow with urban sprawl. They are very agressive at landing major corporate relocations and good paying jobs. Two weeks ago it was announced that Amazon would locate a large office and distribution center. Dallas wealth is quite phenomenal with lots of wealthy people with high disposable incomes. The upscale restaurants and shops are always busy as "many" Dallasites love to dine well and shop in high affluent shops. The new Perot Science Museum and the Winspear Opera House showcases Dallas as a very forward thinking, cosmopolitan city.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    Dallas is fun place when you are young and have money to burn but after a while a person can get burned out on the superficial and pretentious parts of Dallas society that they are so well known for.
    This! The traffic and the crowds don't really bother me. The general attitudes, however, annoy the hell out of me. I've been out of Dallas for a few years now, and while I doubt I will stay in OKC forever I'm in no hurry to move back. Very materialistic, lots of conspicuous consumption, not uncommon for people to be carrying serious credit card debt. It should be no surprise the term "credit card millionaire" was first used to describe the douchey club scene in Uptown Dallas. Just yesterday I saw on my facebook feed a friend from high school cheesing in front of a brand new BMW 5 series. I know for a fact this guy makes at most 50K but he is buying (or likely leasing) a car worth that much? This is not uncommon at all.

    I still enjoy going down there to see my parents and get a quick "big city fix" but I have been travelling to more cities in the past few years and I'm finding that the things DFW offers usually doesn't measure up for a city of its size. Its like the city has grown so big so fast the cultural attractions really haven't caught up. My friend, also a DFW expat, put it best. There are no Santa Monica Mountains or Carnegie Hall in Dallas. The only thing to do for fun is spend money.

    Anyway, this thread is very odd. But hey I responded to it.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    My friend, also a DFW expat, put it best. There are no Santa Monica Mountains or Carnegie Hall in Dallas. The only thing to do for fun is spend money.
    I will have to remember this quote in the future. I hope as OKC matures that we keep that little nugget tucked into the back of our mind so that we can develop some things that have charm, character, and singularity.

  16. #16
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    For me, Dallas exemplifies the phrase, "nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there", much like a few other cities like NYC , Chicago and Los Angeles.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I couldn't help but notice all of your 'favorites' are in the US. I can't think of a single city in the US that makes my top 50. If I had to pick a favorite US city it would probably be Philadelphia. Dallas doesn't make my top 10,000.
    The only other cities I've ever been too is Tehran. The pollution there alone is enough to make me say that is not on my favorite cities. Almost all cities in Europe are extremely urban(which, again, I am a suburb guy ) and I have never to been to them, so I can't accurately judge them. I've been to Tunis, Rio, and Medina. They're okay, but not my favorites.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    No love for Chicago??
    TBH, I haven't been to Chicago.

    Edit: I've been to O'Hare. Does that count?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    TBH, I haven't been to Chicago.

    Edit: I've been to O'Hare. Does that count?
    Not unless you love it.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Well, I don't know. Our layover lasted for about 5 minutes so I didn't really get to look around.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    The only reason I occasionally visit Dallas is because it's close. It's not on my favorite city list, I don't like the weather or the traffic and it has nothing to offer that other cities don't. Chicago is my favorite US city, followed by NYC and San Francisco. I like Kansas City, Miami, Minneapolis, Portland and Seattle, even Atlanta. Not Dallas.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    The only reason I occasionally visit Dallas is because it's close. It's not on my favorite city list, I don't like the weather or the traffic and it has nothing to offer that other cities don't. Chicago is my favorite US city, followed by NYC and San Francisco. I like Kansas City, Miami, Minneapolis, Portland and Seattle, even Atlanta. Not Dallas.
    Agree, as a transplanted Washingtonian, (and many Oklahomans are here) the allure of Dallas is very overrated. I can easily concur with your list including DC (minus the traffic)

  23. #23

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    My youngest lived in Dallas from end of high school until last month. He's fairly happy to be back in Oklahoma.
    He'd likely be happier about it if he'd brought all his heart with him. These things happen.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    TBH, I haven't been to Chicago.

    Edit: I've been to O'Hare. Does that count?
    If you landed the lunar module on the moon but didn't get it out, would you tell people you went to the moon? I would.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Dear Dallas

    Chicago is one of my favorite cities. Love it, love it, love it.

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