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Thread: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warming

  1. #1

    Default CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warming

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    A CNN anchor has asked on live television whether a meteor hurtling past Earth was the result of global warming.

    Deborah Feyeric made the faux pas when she transitioned from a discussion about global warming and the blizzard that struck to east coast into a a segment about Asteroid 2012 DA14 - which is projected to pass just 17,200 miles from Earth on Friday.

    'We want to bring in our science guy, Bill Nye, and talk about something else that’s falling from the sky, and that is an asteroid,' Feyerick says. 'What’s coming our way? Is this the effect of, perhaps, global warming? Or is this just some meteoric occasion?'

    Nye, who has an engineering degree from Cornell University, tries to cut Feyerick off before she even finishes asking the question.

    'No, no, no,' he says.

    For a moment, he fumbles to answer the ridiculous question.

    '... except it’s all science. The word meteorology and the word meteor come from the same root, so, uhh...' he says.

    Nye, who applied several times to become a NASA astronaut, seems flabbergasted that the CNN anchor seemed to equate a climatological phenomenon on Earth with an astronomical object traveling through the solar system.

    Feyerick, who has worked for CNN for nearly 13 years, graduated from Columbia University in New York City with a degree in English literature.

    Popular Science noted that Nye was charitable to his fellow Ivy League grad as he answered her preposterous question.

    'Nye was good enough to respond with what sounded like a non-sequitur... instead of saying, "No, dummy,"' noted Popular Science.

    The asteroid in question, 2012 DA15, is about 150 feet wide and will be passing closer to Earth than the orbit of many satellites - a close shave by astronomical standards.

    If it stuck the surface of the planet, it would likely impact with a force 1,000 times greater than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.

    A similar meteorite strike in a remote part of Russia in 1908 flattened 820 square miles of forest.

    CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warming | Mail Online

  2. #2

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Globa Warming - the cause of everything. That is how you know it is true.

  3. #3

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Too much precipitation? Answer: Global Warming

    Too little precipitation? Answer: Global Warming

    Too low of temperatures? Answer: Global Warming

    Too high of temperatures? Answer: Global Warming

  4. #4

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Kim Kardashian filing for emergency divorce? Global warming.

  5. #5

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Well, no one said CNN was the smartest of the news outlets.

  6. #6

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Quote Originally Posted by poe View Post
    Kim Kardashian filing for emergency divorce? Global warming.

    I'll tell ya, I wonder about the people on newscasts sometimes...

  7. #7

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Or that you know, some times people say things they really don't mean. Especially when you are paid to talk non-stop.
    So you're excusing her ignorant question? Is she a professional or not?

    Could it be that in the absence of a teleprompter telling the anchor exactly what words to speak, he/she will sometimes say things accidentally that betray his/her true self — like how ignorant he/she really is?

  8. Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Quote Originally Posted by Of Sound Mind View Post
    So you're excusing her ignorant question? Is she a professional or not?

    Could it be that in the absence of a teleprompter telling the anchor exactly what words to speak, he/she will sometimes say things accidentally that betray his/her true self — like how ignorant he/she really is?
    Vast majority of news media is crap. They are hired based on how they look on TV and how well they can read a teleprompter. Was the question stupid? Absolutely. Is this an isolated instance? Definitely not. You can turn to any of the 3 major cable news networks and hear ignorant statements/questions at least a dozen times an hour. :-P

    The funny thing here is people faking outrage over what is pretty much the norm in US TV news.

  9. Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    The economy is in the toilet? Global warming.

  10. #10

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Vast majority of news media is crap. They are hired based on how they look on TV and how well they can read a teleprompter. Was the question stupid? Absolutely. Is this an isolated instance? Definitely not. You can turn to any of the 3 major cable news networks and hear ignorant statements/questions at least a dozen times an hour. :-P
    I do not disagree with that. It certainly reflects the state of today's journalism (or purported journalism). 24-hour news networks have done more to dumb down the news than anything else.

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    The funny thing here is people faking outrage over what is pretty much the norm in US TV news.
    I'm not "outraged." It was just a very stupid thing to say.

    There are many things that global warming does contribute to. I was simply using someone's ignorant question to illustrate something everyone should be able to agree that global warming could not and does not contribute to.

  11. #11

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Oh come on. You say that with a tone like people don't make mistakes or if they are a professional, they are incapable of it.

    Record yourself every day, several hours a day, for a few years and then come back and let me know if you goofed or not.
    Oh come on. The differences are:
    1. I'm not paid to be a professional journalist — or at least give the appearance that I'm a professional journalist — on a purportedly journalism media outlet — the same could be said for this networks two chief competitor networks.
    2. I'm not attempting to interview an expert without knowing at least the bare minimum on the subject for which I'm inquiring.
    3. I'm not highlighting every goof and mistake this anchor has made for the last few years.

    I'm actually believe in global warming and I am equally bemused by global warming skeptics. However, this raises to a higher level than a simple goof or mistake because of its absurdity on its face. And if you want to put yourself out there as an informed professional journalist, you should be open to criticism when you make a significantly stupid statement on the air in the course of your professional duties.

  12. #12

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Oh come on. You say that with a tone like people don't make mistakes or if they are a professional, they are incapable of it.

    Record yourself every day, several hours a day, for a few years and then come back and let me know if you goofed or not.

  13. #13

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Give her a break - it isn't like she took a drink of water.

  14. #14

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Give her a break - it isn't like she took a drink of water.

  15. #15

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    sorry... dup

  16. #16

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

  17. #17

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    An new tower not being announced this year? Gloooooobal warming

  18. #18

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    Too much precipitation? Answer: Global Warming

    Too little precipitation? Answer: Global Warming

    Too low of temperatures? Answer: Global Warming

    Too high of temperatures? Answer: Global Warming
    Well, one suspects you are being sarcastic ... but you realize that in this case the answer is 'yes' - probably not in the same place, at least not at the same time.

  19. #19

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    My opinion of CNN remains the same.
    My opinion of Bill Nye remains the same (except for I hate to see him get so old. he was the Steve Martin of Science for awhile)
    My opinion of "News Presentation in General" remains unchanged: It gets worse and more idiotic every day.
    (but that's just my opinion and that's the way it is.)

  20. #20

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    It's unchanged because it's changing? 0_o

  21. #21

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Yes. It's much like the difference between banter and blather and the inability to know--or discern--the difference.
    (all of which revolves around the misuse of those pesky pronouns like it.)

  22. #22

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    My opinion of CNN remains the same.
    My opinion of Bill Nye remains the same (except for I hate to see him get so old. he was the Steve Martin of Science for awhile)
    My opinion of "News Presentation in General" remains unchanged: It gets worse and more idiotic every day.
    (but that's just my opinion and that's the way it is.)

  23. #23

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    In the face of Global Warming.

  24. #24

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Yes. It's much like the difference between banter and blather and the inability to know--or discern--the difference.
    (all of which revolves around the misuse of those pesky pronouns like it.)
    Give me a day or to, two ponder upon that, if you don't mind. ;P

  25. #25

    Default Re: CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warm

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Vast majority of news media is crap. They are hired based on how they look on TV and how well they can read a teleprompter. Was the question stupid? Absolutely. Is this an isolated instance? Definitely not. You can turn to any of the 3 major cable news networks and hear ignorant statements/questions at least a dozen times an hour. :-P

    The funny thing here is people faking outrage over what is pretty much the norm in US TV news.
    two dozen if you watch FOX morning show.

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