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Thread: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

  1. Default Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month, Vatican says - CNN.com

    This is pretty crazy. It's been 600 years since this has happened. It will be interesting to find out exactly what caused this decision (Alzheimer's, dementia, or continued fall out from the various scandals).

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    I honestly didn't think it was possible for a pope to "resign" . . . Seriously, I thought that once you were chosen as pope, you were in that position for life--come hell or high water, like it or not. Has there really been a spike in the number of scandals on his watch? It's got to be for some other reason, but dang, this is just weird . . .

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    Sounds like he is not physically up to the demands

    "Strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me," the pope said, according to the Vatican.

    Not everyone is willing to recognize when limitations may impede abilities. Good on him is all I can say.

  4. Default Re: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    He did look very weathered during Christmas eve mass

  5. Default Re: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Sounds like he is not physically up to the demands

    Not everyone is willing to recognize when limitations may impede abilities. Good on him is all I can say.[/FONT][/COLOR]
    Yeah. I'm not sure the Church needs someone in command that is stuck in bed and otherwise fading away. It is just pretty much unprecedented though for the last 600 years that a Pope gives in to that. I'm not sure if it is a good thing or not overall. Will this open the door to more resigning before death? This could radically change how things operate.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    Interesting to see how it relates to St. Malachy's prophecy.... (not saying it does or doesn't, but interesting to see nonetheless).

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    St. Malachy's prophecy?

    I could check, and should, but I wonder how long the previous popes tended to live and if they typically dropped dead before becoming too weak to function. Plus, in the old days, they didn't do the globe trotting so many do, now.

    ETA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ages_of_popes - stuff about the ages of popes at election and at death.

    ETA: New Pope prospects - http://www.policymic.com/articles/25...-s-replacement

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    An African Pope would be a good idea. He might have a more realistic than traditional view on condoms. It would go a long way to help stem the flood of various std's.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    I am showing my ignorance here but is catholicism a major force in Africa where the AIDS epidemic is so high? I may be mistaken but I thought the cultural norms of multiple wives and concubines was a major contributing factor along with the bias against condom use and lack of power by women to demand better treatment.

  10. Default Re: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I am showing my ignorance here but is catholicism a major force in Africa where the AIDS epidemic is so high? I may be mistaken but I thought the cultural norms of multiple wives and concubines was a major contributing factor along with the bias against condom use and lack of power by women to demand better treatment.
    Distribution of World Catholic Population Continent 2000 - Beliefnet.com

    Numbers are a bit old, but shouldn't change too much.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    St. Malachy's prophecy?

    I could check, and should, but I wonder how long the previous popes tended to live and if they typically dropped dead before becoming too weak to function. Plus, in the old days, they didn't do the globe trotting so many do, now.

    ETA: List of ages of popes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - stuff about the ages of popes at election and at death.

    ETA: New Pope prospects - New Pope 2013: 7 Contenders For Pope Benedict XVI's Replacement
    There was a poem published in the 16th century and attributed to an 12th century saint (although it was probably written by the person who published, as that' now these things tend to go). It was basically 112 short lines in latin about each of the coming popes, and they're broad enough in a Nostradamusy sort of way that you can tie them to the people who ended up being the pope. According to it, Benedict's successor is supposed to be the last Pope, and will serve during Judgment Day.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    Thanks. Hope he lives a long time!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Distribution of World Catholic Population Continent 2000 - Beliefnet.com

    Numbers are a bit old, but shouldn't change too much.
    That's a sobering chart.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month

    85 sure isn't the next 55.

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