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Thread: Aerial Pics of Downtown Oklahoma City

  1. Talking Aerial Pics of Downtown Oklahoma City

    KCGridlock came to town and took some pics of the city. While he admits he's not an OKC fan, he nonetheless had to admit the beauty of our city's downtown and core urban districts. The pics were posted on SSP, take a look:

    Nice OKC Aerial Pics - via KCGridlock

    I say to KCGrid or other OKC somewhat"haters", come back in 2-5 years, all of the red dirt around town will be filled in and we could then do some street scape pics (as we will have streetlife) - especially with our new NBA franchise (whichever of the two works out).
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Aerial Pics of Downtown Oklahoma City

    Someone needs to thank him for leaving Bass Pro out of the pics.

  3. Default Re: Aerial Pics of Downtown Oklahoma City

    Wow!!!!!!!!!! Those are some of the best shots I have seen! I told him thanks and invited him here for a Hornet's game..

    Thank you so much for letting us know.. things like this are on national forums and are enhancing the image of OKC..
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. Default Re: Aerial Pics of Downtown Oklahoma City

    Those are EXCELLENT pics.
    Continue the Renaissance

  5. #5

    Default Re: Aerial Pics of Downtown Oklahoma City

    Ive seen very few pictures like these of OKC,Thanks

  6. Default Re: Aerial Pics of Downtown Oklahoma City

    those are sweet pics. imo i always thought the theater looked good from ground level. wow, talk about out of place and tacky from the air. eeew

  7. Default Re: Aerial Pics of Downtown Oklahoma City

    Thanks for that link. Great pictures and some pretty good positive comments from the posters over there. I liked the comparison to Kansas City, but not the one to Midland, Texas.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Aerial Pics of Downtown Oklahoma City

    Those pics give a good representation of the density that's being created downtown and the comments show the appreciation people have for that option within sprawling cities.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Aerial Pics of Downtown Oklahoma City

    jbrown, don't worry about the Midland comparison. That guy never leaves Texas so he has nothing to compare to.

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