Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
Its amazing to me to have seen the birth, maturation, and now, ultimate demise of an entire industry in just the span of about 30 years. Blockbuster is a dying dinosaur, and I'm amazed they've stayed open this long. I think physical media as a distribution mechanism for digital content, aside perhaps from the desire to own a given title, is simply going away IMHO.
I still recall a long discussion my brother and I had, many, many years ago, when video rentals were in their infancy and "the current big thing." The gist of the conversation was that movie theaters would have to make some monumental changes in order to survive. We talked about how they could build plush new theaters--like those in the olden days, rather than the little tacky viewing rooms in multi-plexes. We wondered just how large the screens could get and how much the sound systems could be improved. We thought about them having actual good food . . . and even adult beverages (such as those we were enjoying during our discussion! =)

Apparently, the same conversation was taking place among people with the backing, the drive and the fortitude to actually do something with the idea.

Although--thanks to Netflix--we almost never go out to the movies, I salute those visionaries who were able to transform a concept into reality.

(Frankly, I thought all of the Blockbuster rental locations were already closed . . . are they getting rid of the "Blue Boxes" as well?)