Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
If people in Albuquerque want to live in a dust patch more power to them, but there are nice places in Albuquerque that use very little water and still look inviting. Anyhow, this is a perfect illustration of what happens when the water runs out. Now if only they had back the money spent building those million miles of roads to the north and south (they are so barren even the Google Streeview guys didn't drive down them and they get paid by the mile).
You missed the point. There are alternatives to green watered lawns or urban concrete. When people live in arid climes sometimes they don't try to force what's not natural. As far as ABQ goes, I lived there 40 + years ago. The gravel rock yard adaptation had been there quite a while before I arrived and the choice isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It's a desert.

In addition to having yards that are a natural response to the environmental conditions in which they live, some people like it and some people love it. Others live in Florida.