Don't get me started. Most of these benches are not serving any purpose for transit. They are simply billboards.
See exhibit A:
This is right across the street from our Civic Center. Every time I see this I about blow a gasket. If I were in any leadership position at COTPA, the moment I saw this I would have demanded it be removed and would have wrote a nastygram to Tyler Advertising. I recognize that this area was modified for Project 180 but if Tyler wants to get the privilege of putting up billboards (see bus bench), then they had better police them up -- especially downtown.
As long as that bench sits there in broad daylight, obviously a living relic of our commitment to transit, even in our urban core, we will have a glaring reminder of how spineless our leadership is in solving transit issues.
Oh, and I am keeping track of how long it takes to fix this "bench".