Quote Originally Posted by progressiveboy View Post
Why do you feel it would be more feasible to build in Tulsa? I think Stroud would be a great location and get support for the NFL from both major metropolitian areas in the State. Tulsa alone could not support a team, OKC, maybe?
Unless you get near equal steaks in the ownership, corporate support and city/county subsidies between the OKC & Tulsa; It is going in the city with more ownership/corporations/subsidies. As it has been stated, OKC is in reasonable shape to support one pro team, we need both growth in number of large corporate backers and population to really be in a position to have both NFL and NBA longterm. Tulsa is pretty close on population but having enough corporate support is more suspect.

Another problem with halfway between is it is equally bad access for both cities. It goes contrary to the concept of making it as easy as possible for your high end clientele that bring in the bulk of your stadium revenue. During lean years two hours of driving will be one more reason not to go.

Most stadiums built today are built with a mix of city, county and sometimes state backing. The city and county it would financially benefit can not contribute a meaningful amount of the construction budget, It is extremely rare for any city to help in a project like this not in their city limits and the state is in no position to be building a stadium at this time.