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Thread: Boathouse Row

  1. Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Looks like the SkyTrail Adventure Zip Line along the Oklahoma River is taking shape.

    SkyTrail Adventure Zip Line Construction by AlonzoAdamsOKC, on Flickr

  2. #902

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    I drove by the other evening and to really make this area stand out, the I-35 river bridge needs some lighting effects like the Byers bridge.

    That would be a very noticeable enhancement, especially since development is moving that direction.

  3. #903

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Does anyone know the plan for getting people who've ridden the zipline to the south side of the river back to the north side? Is there going to be some sort of pulley system that will allow them to come back across the river on a zipline, or do they have to walk or be shuttled back? Currently the only way back is to walk west on the river trail to the new parking lot west of the Byers bridge. Then walk back east under the bridge and south again to the foot of the Byers bridge, then north over the bridge. My guess is that the whole trip is about a mile on foot. That's quite a hike back after a fast ride to get there.

  4. #904

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Just saw this come across in a press release feed.

    UCO Receives $2.5 Million from MidFirst Bank; Completes Funding for New Boathouse on Oklahoma River

    Media Contact: Adrienne Nobles, Assistant Vice President for University Relations, University of Central Oklahoma, 405-974-2103, anobles@uco.edu


    Construction on the CHK|Central Boathouse on the Oklahoma River will move forward thanks to a $2.5 million gift from MidFirst Bank to the University of Central Oklahoma Foundation.

    The gift, $2 million of which will go directly to the boathouse, completes the university’s fundraising initiative for the project.

    The CHK|Central Boathouse will serve as home to the Central Women’s Rowing team, and will also include a live music venue, outdoor performance area and an art gallery, establishing it as a unique presence “where art meets the river” in the growing Boathouse District on the Oklahoma River.

    In recognition of their support, the live music venues, including indoor and outdoor performance areas, will be named for MidFirst Bank.

    “Through this appreciated investment, our friends at MidFirst Bank have partnered with us to achieve this university goal. Our presence on the river will contribute to the thriving Boathouse district, offering athletes a place to train and the community and visitors a new venue to experience the arts,” said Central President Don Betz.

    MidFirst Bank Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Records added, “Like the university, we too appreciate the vision behind the Boathouse District. It is already creating economic and community impact, quickly becoming a beacon for athletes from around the world and a destination for visitors to the region. The completion of the CHK|Central Boathouse will further enhance the district and provide a gathering place where everyone can experience the arts. We are pleased to be a part of this monumental development in Oklahoma City.”

    Furthermore, MidFirst has donated an additional $500,000 to endow a faculty chair and assist with the university’s efforts to renovate its landmark building, Old North. A portion of Old North will focus on leadership advancement and will carry MidFirst’s name.

    “We appreciate the university’s gesture; inspiring and developing strong leaders generates long lasting impact and we are proud to be associated with such an initiative,” Records said.

    The gift also advances the university’s “Always Central” comprehensive fundraising campaign, moving it closer to the $40 million overall goal. The university publicly announced the campaign in September with more than three-fourths of the funds raised to support the five pillars of the campaign: students, teaching, facilities, programs and planned giving.

    “We are so thankful to MidFirst Bank for this generous gift and for partnering with us as we continue to advance the opportunities available to not only our current and future students, but also the Oklahoma metropolitan area through the ‘Always Central’ campaign,” said Anne Holzberlein, vice president for Development at UCO and executive director of the UCO Foundation.

    For more information on supporting the “Always Central” campaign or other efforts at the university, contact the UCO Foundation at 405-974-2770 or visit UCO: Foundation Home.


    Editor’s Note: Art for publication may be downloaded at www.uco.edu - /photo/Boathouse/. Conceptual architectural images provided by Elliot + Associates Architects.

  5. #905

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Great news!!

    Now, OU needs to get their act together and make an announcement.

  6. #906

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Quote Originally Posted by AltusBorn View Post
    Does anyone know the plan for getting people who've ridden the zipline to the south side of the river back to the north side? Is there going to be some sort of pulley system that will allow them to come back across the river on a zipline, or do they have to walk or be shuttled back? Currently the only way back is to walk west on the river trail to the new parking lot west of the Byers bridge. Then walk back east under the bridge and south again to the foot of the Byers bridge, then north over the bridge. My guess is that the whole trip is about a mile on foot. That's quite a hike back after a fast ride to get there.
    The zip line goes across and another zip line back across

  7. #907

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    The American Idol show that was auditioning at the 'Peake had their callbacks for the second round of auditions back in early November. I remember seeing Randy Jackson & cast at the Thunder game against Detroit.

    They had the second round in the Boathouse District, here's the story -

    Oklahoma City's growth to shine on "American Idol" | NewsOK.com

  8. Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Sounds like OU may have had a change of heart regarding building their boathouse downtown.

    OU Regents To Mull Radar Equipment, Rowing Center - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

  9. #909
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    May 2008
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    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Sounds like a training facility, not a boathouse. Where would they row...South Canadian River. LOL.

  10. #910

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Why would they try and build their own facility, when a literally world class Olympic training facility is such a short distance away?

  11. #911

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Quote Originally Posted by Decious View Post
    Sounds like OU may have had a change of heart regarding building their boathouse downtown.

    OU Regents To Mull Radar Equipment, Rowing Center - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |
    What a dumb decision.

  12. #912

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    For rowers, it would be comparable to training every day in a pro-football stadium every day if you were a college football player. I agree, dumb decision.

  13. Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Snowman - i was referring to OCU. I do not know where they train today.

    The OU training facility looks nice though. What i'm wondering is if OCU will do anything on campus. Since the boathouse is so close to campus, it makes more sense to use the boathouse and the actual river as the training site.

  14. #914

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Snowman - i was referring to OCU. I do not know where they train today.

    The OU training facility looks nice though. What i'm wondering is if OCU will do anything on campus. Since the boathouse is so close to campus, it makes more sense to use the boathouse and the actual river as the training site.
    It was my impression that OCU started exclusively training out of Devon after it was built, though with the river down for construction recently on water training would use the Exchange Boathouse. They might be able to use some of the facilities near Overholser for water training but the last time I was over their their was no room for rowing shells due to all the space being taken up by the rental and youth kayak boats but the last time I was over their was before the east basin was down.

  15. #915

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Looking at the OKC Chamber's February issue of The Point, they have a two page spread on the Boathouse District. It discusses the Sky Trail and other items that they don't really explain. Does anyone know what these are:

    As part of the 80 foot high Sky Trail there is the Sky Slide. My guess is that's what they're calling the zip line that will go across the river.

    Base Jump Power Fan. Where is this suppose to be at in the design of things?

    Competition Speed Wall. A what? LOL

    It all sounds pretty fun and I'd be happy to try all of them if I can.

    Pages 10-11

  16. #916

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Here is the slide, the zipline is called Air Express Zip Line.

    The fan is probably indoors

    Harder to say on the climbing wall some renderings show the wall being built on the main structure, others show it built as a separate structure, some have both.

  17. #917
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    This whole area is just going to be awesome. I can't wait it for it all to be done.

  18. #918

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Looking at the OKC Chamber's February issue of The Point, they have a two page spread on the Boathouse District. It discusses the Sky Trail and other items that they don't really explain. Does anyone know what these are:

    As part of the 80 foot high Sky Trail there is the Sky Slide. My guess is that's what they're calling the zip line that will go across the river.

    Base Jump Power Fan. Where is this suppose to be at in the design of things?

    Competition Speed Wall. A what? LOL

    It all sounds pretty fun and I'd be happy to try all of them if I can.

    Pages 10-11
    per the same newsletter CHK and OU boathouses will start construction this year

  19. #919

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Looking at the OKC Chamber's February issue of The Point, they have a two page spread on the Boathouse District. It discusses the Sky Trail and other items that they don't really explain. Does anyone know what these are:

    As part of the 80 foot high Sky Trail there is the Sky Slide. My guess is that's what they're calling the zip line that will go across the river.

    Base Jump Power Fan. Where is this suppose to be at in the design of things?

    Competition Speed Wall. A what? LOL

    It all sounds pretty fun and I'd be happy to try all of them if I can.

    Pages 10-11
    I believe the base jump power fan is at the right of the picture in Post #937. I was out there over the weekend and was told there would be three ways down, zip-line, slide, and jumping. The way it was explained to me was that you would be hooked to a cable and literally free fall from the top of the structure coming to a slow stop just before you hit the ground. I don't know any specifics about how it works, but that was the general jist of it. This is also the first picture of the slide I've seen. Doesn't look like what I envisioned. I was told it was a "water-less, friction-less" slide that depending upon the weight of the individual could approach speeds of 50mph. I don't see those type of speeds on a twisty slide like what's pictured.

    Are plans still on to build the surf-park facility?

  20. #920

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    The surf park is still listed, all the renderings I saw on it have the surfing in the building under the zip line

  21. #921

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    The surf park is still listed, all the renderings I saw on it have the surfing in the building under the zip line
    i believe that the surf park is now going to be located outside ..

  22. #922

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    i believe that the surf park is now going to be located outside ..
    I hope they kept the skylight that was above it anyway

  23. #923

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Quote Originally Posted by kswright29 View Post
    I believe the base jump power fan is at the right of the picture in Post #937
    Yes sir, I see it right there. Looks like the cable goes straight down into the circular fan base on the ground. Thanks!

    And thanks Snowman for posting that pic, as that is the first time I too have seen it. Truly going to be amazing when it is all said and done!

    I just looked at the rendering at the top of this thread and it looks like there are two zipline towers on the south shore line. I figured it would be a zip across and zip back across but maybe it's going to be zip across, zip along, then zip back across.

  24. #925

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    So, you are in a secured overhead harness the entire distance as you work your way through obstacles and challenges to the top.

    Very cool.

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