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Thread: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

  1. #51

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    did anyone read that maybe the wnba team might play in tulsa?
    Rhode of the DOK prophesized that, but, as of now, it's only a product of his imagination. I actually kind of like the idea. I have nothing against the WNBA, but I would hate for it to tie up the Ford Center and prevent other events from visiting the city. Now I guess they could play in the Cox arena any time some other event wanted the arena, like the Blazers do.

  2. Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP
    Yeah, I hear what you'r esaying, but it rarely happens. think of the Dodgers, The Colts, The Rams, The Raiders, etc. These are all teams that have moved markets and kept their name despite the tradition in their original market.

    It costs money to change a name and it affects merchandising. Some fans may even stay loyal to the team, at least as long as it has the name and the players they like. I think most like to keep the brand name and whatever value it has for the organization intact.

    And, secretly, I'm terrified they'd give it some hillbilly name...
    With Oklahoma and Oklahoma City just now coming out of the redneck image, that would be a disaster to name it something rednecky.

    In any event, Mr. Bennett... Change that outdated logo... Please.

  3. #53

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    With Oklahoma and Oklahoma City just now coming out of the redneck image, that would be a disaster to name it something rednecky.
    You'd think, but our new airport shuttles have horsies on them and say "giddy up" (it's even unclear what they're for, unless you know that "giddy up" is Oklahoman for "Parking Shuttle"), so there's still some goofy minded marketing people in the market.

  4. Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP
    You'd think, but our new airport shuttles have horsies on them and say "giddy up" (it's even unclear what they're for, unless you know that "giddy up" is Oklahoman for "Parking Shuttle"), so there's still some goofy minded marketing people in the market.
    I forgot about that. And the bad thing is that is the first thing a lot of people see when they arrive in Oklahoma City. How lame. And shameful.

  5. #55

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    I forgot about that. And the bad thing is that is the first thing a lot of people see when they arrive in Oklahoma City. How lame. And shameful.
    Hey, well maybe soon they can paint them green and yellow and name them Sonic Shuttles...

  6. Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP
    Hey, well maybe soon they can paint them green and yellow and name them Sonic Shuttles...
    Not bad. Only I hope they change the colors. Plus, they could give everyone on the shuttle a free Sonic Blast.

  7. Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    HOT ROD, people in Seattle are calling us a cultural wasteland. Please talk to them.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  8. #58

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    With Oklahoma and Oklahoma City just now coming out of the redneck image, that would be a disaster to name it something rednecky.
    Hmmm... wasn't the down home, "rednecky" atmosphere of this city that made it so attractive to begin with?

  9. Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by Redneck Cabbie
    Hmmm... wasn't the down home, "rednecky" atmosphere of this city that made it so attractive to begin with?
    Not to most people. Most are quite ashamed by it.

  10. #60

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Congrats from Tulsa OKC!!!

    This is great for the state and OKC...It certainly looks like OKC will have a permanent team within 2-4 years. I would prefer the Hornets in OKC and Sonics in NO but as long as you get one ill be happy!

    It would also be great if the WNBA Storm came to Tulsa what with the BOK Center and all. Tulsa certainly has the population to support the WNBA (Metro population around 1,000,000.

    Again, CONGRATS!!!!!

  11. Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse
    HOT ROD, people in Seattle are calling us a cultural wasteland. Please talk to them.
    Funny, since there's an exhibit from the Louvre coming next year to three places in the US: Oklahoma City, Seattle, and Indianapolis...

    Yeah I've seen the comment "Oklahoma City is a pit" as well as the joke about how Texas doesn't fall off into the ocean because Oklahoma sucks. Also a comment to the effect that the team would do okay here because there's nothing else happening. All of these were on the Post-Intelligencer talkback forum.

  12. #62

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Overall, I am tired of hearing everyone bash this city.

    There is nothing wrong with this city. We have great people and plenty of things to do. I would take living in OKC any day over rainy suicidal Seattle.

    We are just as deserving of a major league sports franchise as any other city. We have money, We have fans and our fans are loyal. You cannot walk the streets of this city without seeing an OU or OSU logo a thousand times within one day. Eventually Oklahoma will have every professional franchise here in our fine state.

    I would love to take any person who doubts Oklahoma's ability to support sports to Norman or Stillwater on game day. (Especially when our beloved sooners or cowboys have just won against a big rival) You will see fans as far as they eye can see spending money and celebrating.

    I am willing to bet a paycheck that at least two major league sports will call Oklahoma home with in the next 10-15 years. 25-30 years from now, we will probably have all major league sports playing in Oklahoma.

    BTW, when we win our first professional sports championship, the Oklahoma City Police Department will not have to don their riot gear and head to the streets.

  13. Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    It is really funny. I use to bash Nashville, Louisville, and Little Rock because of the states being hick havens.

    Those three cities are quite cosmopolitian and very nice to look at in a lot of parts.

    If these blasters would visit Oklahoma City with the same open mind I did when first travelling to the cities I mentioned, then the bashing would come to a screetching halt... Fast.

    Now Cincinatti, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh? Those are totally different views. Pittsburgh is named perfectly. It is a pit. And, yes. I have been to all of them.

  14. #64

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Not bad. Only I hope they change the colors. Plus, they could give everyone on the shuttle a free Sonic Blast.
    I don't mind the colors. Hey, some have said OKC is the Green Bay of professional basketball. Fitting, since the colors would be similar.

    Also, I obviously hope Sonic would support any team we get here, which you know they will. But I don't think we want to carry the fast food tie-in too far. That's not much better, image-wise, than hillbilly stuff.

    As far as bashing OKC, I don't see the need for these places to do it, but I can understand their perspective. OKC is changing and getting a lot better, but it is certainly not as cosmopolitan as a city like Seattle, nor does it have a third of what there is to do there. While I find the insults in bad taste, we also can't pretend the city doesn't have shortcomings in the entertainment or quality of life areas. The only way we can make it better is to recognize the areas in which we can improve. I think that's why most of us are so enthusiastic about contributing to this forum in the first place.

    It would also be great if the WNBA Storm came to Tulsa what with the BOK Center and all.
    That's not a bad idea, but if I was the owner and could feasibly pull it off, I would leave them in Seattle. That city supports it pretty well, relatively. The WNBA is struggling as whole, too. That being said, if it could fly, I think it would make a great connection between Tulsa and OKC.

  15. #65

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    If we do get the Sonics, I'm sure the new owners will want to maintain connection with history of the club, as their has been lots of value built up over the decades in recognition. They've always been pretty successful and well-regarded and if I owned them I wouldn't want to toss that out the window.

    I would expect them to slightly update the logo and uniforms but maintain ties to the club's past, as that is very marketable.

  16. Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Oh everyone, I tell everyone up here I meet about the good and positives of Oklahoma City. Most everyone I talk to up here already know it is a big city, but that's about it.

    They usually think it is so much smaller than Seattle but are surprised to hear the city populations are actually the same. OKC's metro is basically the same population of King County (Seattle and its Eastside suburbs county), and that's what I tell them - then most people start to give OKC a bit more respect (because Greater Puget Sound (AKA Seattle/Tacoma CSA) is more than JUST Seattle, its also Tacoma (0.9M by itself), Seattle MSA (2.4M), and Olympia (.5M)).


    I think some of if not most of the OKC bashing you're possibly hearing (although I have not see ANY even in the Seattle forums and talk shows, as I was intentionally looking for bashing of OKC), probably has to do with the apathy of losing the team AS WELL AS Bennet promising Seattle that he wants to keep the team in Seattle.

    Most people in Seattle are smart enough (highest college grads and graduate schoolers in the nation) to know that the Sonics are gone. Most are upset that this guy is coming in and making a promise only for marketing purposes. Most wish he'd instead say "we plan to move the team on such and such date, and we plan to tip our hat to Seattle and the tradition by retiring the name SONICS once we move."

    I really hope Bennet does retire the name (and as some have said, the colours/uniforms). Let the era of Seattle Supersonics go with respect, and the new era of Oklahoma City major league sports start somewhat "fresh".

    Also, I actually like the idea many have said here, with Tulsa being a venue for the WNBA STORM. In fact, I think OKC should share a few home dates with Tulsa, especially during the ONLY time of the year where the NBA and WNBA seasons interfere with each other (June during NBA playoffs).

    By sharing the WNBA with Tulsa, that could only solidify our market as they WILL support our NBA team. It also could finally bring our state together - something they could have done moreso with us when they had the USFL Outlaws. Nonetheless, If we could share some WNBA home games with Tulsa, it could give them some major league status and taste, solidify our state's support of major league basketball, finally bring PRIDE to the whole state (not just OKC, and jealousy from Tulsa), And show that OKC doesnt mind to share some of our success spillover with Tulsa.

    We could become the new (and much more successful) Phila and Pittsburg of the 21st Century [meaning two very successful metros in the same state, one significantly larger than the other, but even the smaller one has major league aspects in its own right].

    It could finally unite our state a bit, but I dont think we should just HAND Tulsa the WNBA. We can share some dates but not hand it to them. I mean, Tulsa is in the NBA-Development league, so I'd say we should establish relationships that way - in addition to our major state schools (OU, OSU, OCU, TU, and UCO).
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  17. #67

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    I grew up in Seattle, spent the first 20 years of my life there. I've been in OKC for about 2 years now, so maybe I can throw out a little perspective.

    First, I've really enjoyed my stay here in OKC. The downtown has really impressed me and there are some great restaurants and bars tucked away in various corners of the city. Things like OKC Rocks and Bricktown really make it an interesting place to live. Lake Hefner is well done and the river shows lots of promise.

    About Seattle...HOTROD can back me up on this...
    There are few places in this country that can compare in natural beauty. There are two mountain ranges visible from downtown, plus you have the ocean, numerous lakes, and year round green, green, green. If you are at all interested in the outdoors, it is the place to be. The downtown is fantastic, and is turning into a true live and work downtown with dozens of tall tower condos going up every year.

    The temperatures are super mild, and as for the rain...in the summer Seattle gets on average less rain than OKC. In the winter, it pours...but then that just means more snow to ski on in the mountains!!!

    On the balance, although I have enjoyed my stay here in OKC, I will probably move back to Seattle when I get the oppurtunity. Of course, I am biased!

  18. Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by ptwobjb
    There are few places in this country that can compare in natural beauty. There are two mountain ranges visible from downtown, plus you have the ocean, numerous lakes, and year round green, green, green. If you are at all interested in the outdoors, it is the place to be. The downtown is fantastic, and is turning into a true live and work downtown with dozens of tall tower condos going up every year.
    I visited Seattle a few years ago and found it refreshingly different. It is a great city with a unique identity. Catching a view of Mount Rainier was definitely the highlight. I also liked the concentration of downtown retail on Pine.

    But I couldn't live there because it is sooo different. Even though I would like to see OKC change in a lot of respects, its culture and geography are ingrained in me.

    Glad to see you like it here. Lake Hefner is definitely a place to forget where you're at. As the user groups (biking and climbing clubs, etc) get larger and/or more sophisticated, either they or the marketplace will improve the recreational climate. We have great rowing and mountain biking facilities because the users are passionate about sharing them with everyone.
    Continue the Renaissance

  19. Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Quote Originally Posted by thecains
    Congrats from Tulsa OKC!!!

    This is great for the state and OKC...It certainly looks like OKC will have a permanent team within 2-4 years. I would prefer the Hornets in OKC and Sonics in NO but as long as you get one ill be happy!

    It would also be great if the WNBA Storm came to Tulsa what with the BOK Center and all. Tulsa certainly has the population to support the WNBA (Metro population around 1,000,000.

    Again, CONGRATS!!!!!
    something nice about okc coming from a tulsan. now thats news worthy. thanks

  20. #70

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    Most are upset that this guy is coming in and making a promise only for marketing purposes.
    I also think that the NBA has asked him to do this. While Stern definately seems to be a little upset with Seattle, he of course does not want any lame duck teams. He's not even a really big fan of relocation. So, while it does come off as pandering to Seattle, people need to keep in mind that these guys have to keep the NBA as a whole happy. None of the owners want to see someone tell a market that they're set on leaving before the year that they're actually going to leave. Too much revenue for all to lose...

  21. Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    yes PTWOBJB, Seattle is a very beautiful place. I dont think its too much of a secret tho.

    It does have a rather large "signature" downtown with many skyscrapers full of local businesses - it looks even more impressive/taller than it is due to the geography of the region.

    It does have highrise condos going up, not necessarily the dozens per year (that would be Vancouver BC who puts up dozens of skyscrapers a year), but nonetheless Seattle has been in a downtown renaissance of sorts since about 2001 or so, which began with the retail sector on Pike/Pine Floater was impressed with, as well as the high rise condo renaissance in Belltown.

    And yes, Seattle does have a laid back culture that's often hard for most Eastern (yes OKC is considered Eastern because you all mostly follow NY, Chi for most things) cities. Its even different from San Fran because its not quite that liberal.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  22. Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    That being said, it will be difficult if not impossible for the Sonics to stay here. Key Arena sucks, plain and simple. Honestly, its not much better (or bigger) than the State Fair Arena in OKC. Its in a similar "fair" environment but there is a nice business community that sprung up around it (called lower queen anne, for the fact that it is at the bottom of Seattle's tallest hill - Queen Anne).

    The former owners (Howard Schultz) wanted out of the place, as with their lease agreement, they lost tons of money because of the lack of seats/amenities. Almost everyone has a new arena (including local communities Vancouver BC and Portland) which blow Key Arena out of the water. In fact, the only thing Key Arena has going for it is its history - being with the Seattle World's fair and the history associated with the Supersonics.

    But all of that is long history. And it is a new day. The former owners (and even the ones before them) tried to get the city/state to upgrade or raze and rebuild but the only thing that happened was a "facelift" and lowering of the floor which resulted in a few thousand seats costing some $36 thousand dollars (annual).

    You might say, Seattle/Tacoma certainly has the population in its region to support a 16K seat Key Arena. And certainly, there are lots of rich people here with disposable income that could go to the games (we have no income tax and lots of Microsoft and dot-com millionaires as you all know). So how could a group from OKC come in and buy the team out from under "successful Seattle"?

    Well, its because no body really cares about the Sonics, they just care about being a big 3 city. Having the original big 3 major league sports means most to people here than anything associated with the current SONICs. Its about reputation, its about status. We were OK with the NHL not being here, the fan base is not quite as big and those real die hards from here and Portland go up to Vancouver anyways. How could we compete?

    But lately, the Sonics have sucked. And support for the team is at an all-time low. Everyone knows about the mystique of the old Sonics and if you listen to the news reports - those who are crying about losing the team ONLY talk about the past (and the POP of the Puget Sound region somehow equals market/profitability).

    Yet, over 3/4 of the residents here dont care about the Sonics or the NBA. If they were playing good, then perhaps that number would be lower and more would support the team. BUT, such isnt the case - we dont even have the big names (Shawn Kemp, Paton, et al) that we used to have that drew long time support.

    So, now you see how an investment group from OKC can come into a Puget Sound market full of millionaires and billionaires - any of whom could buy the team and keep it here if they cared; but nobody does anymore save the long time historians and civic minded.

    Also of note, there is an tax opposition group here who just turned in enough signatures to put the issue of NOT building a new Arena with taxes on the ballot in November. IT WILL PASS!!! meaning, no new arena for the Sonics in Seattle (using state funds).

    So, the only hope for keeping the Sonics in Seattle is .. Bellevue (Seattle's Eastside mega suburb) rich people building the team a stadium. This "could" happen, but it is very very unlikely - otherwise, wouldn't those same Bellevue people have bought the team from the former ownership group led by Starbuck's billionaire Howard Shultz and then built them a stadium on the Eastside.? :spin:

    It would be like this, you mean to tell me that the only way to shake up this community of rich/successful people living in nature's paradise would be for an OKC investment group to purchase the team - then Bellevue would build an arena??>?

    doesn't compute - so look for the Sonics (or some form of the teams) to call OKC home once a buyout can be reached. Its only $50M so Im positive that can be raised and the Sonics/Storm will move on.

    Congrats to OKC, good luck luring the Clippers or Trailblazers to Seattle (and they'd still have to build them an arena for those teams to move).
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  23. #73

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

  24. #74

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    I don't think it's a coincidence that Bennett's one-year arena timeline coincides with the Hornets' likely departure from OKC.

  25. #75

    Default Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!

    What do ya'll think about this? Where will this "world-class" arena be built?

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