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I have been following this board since about 2008 a year before I even moved here. And as was mentioned before, this board alone is a unique feature of living here and a great place for sharing ideas and news.
I have been here for about 3 1/2 years now and just love it. We moved here from Orlando and don't miss it at all. I have to echo most everyone's mention of loving the civic pride and unity here. I, too, think that is unique this day and age and is something special that people might overlook unless they experience living somewhere else.
We are so transient as a nation, so it is hard to live someplace and feel like everyone is rowing in the same direction. The Thunder has really helped with that, I am sure, and I really feel like everyone just wants to be better. We want to make the quality of life better and are proud of the fact that we are headed in the right direction. I love that. A lot. There is just such a dynamism and positivity that is so refreshing and exciting. I have never lived somewhere like this. I grew up in Los Angeles (so huge...so you get all that comes with that), lived in St. Louis for 10 years (loved it compared to L.A., but I think it would frustrate me if I lived there now because they just cannot get their act together to develop their urban core...they have been talking about it for about 20 years!), and most recently Orlando.
Orlando is a unique city. Everything revolves around tourists (obviously) and so all development is with an eye for their needs, not really the locals. There is so little city pride, it's just sad. That is one of the things I missed most after living in St. Louis, which was such a great change after L.A. (although I would argue that L.A. has more unity and civic pride than Orlando even though it is much bigger). Orlando is full of people from other places (I find lots of people I meet here are from here...although with a good economy I do meet a fair number of transplants more and more) and folks from Orlando are generally there for selfish reasons.
What I mean is that they have moved there from northern climes mostly to escape cold weather. If this is reason these people are moving there, to have perpetual vacations, you can just imagine that their thought is mostly self-centered and not community centered. Home is wherever they have moved from...it will NEVER be Orlando, and so they neither want to financially nor emotionally embrace Orlando as home. So you lose out on any sense of civic pride. "I just am here for fun in the sun, don't bother me about civic improvements and all that...".
I have never been a basketball fan, and, just like OKC, Orlando is a one sport town...the Magic. But in the last spring that I lived there ('09) in their run to the Finals, the city wasn't buzzing like OKC did last year. Mostly because most people bring their loyalties with them, they don't root for the hometown team. I never picked up on the Magic. And I am a huge sports fan. But there just was not the unity behind the team...even when they are good. People went to the Magic game to watch the Celts, or the Knicks, or the Bulls...even the Heat (lots of Miami transplants, too.) This lack of unity is so annoying. In STL, if the Rams or especially the Cardinals were in the playoffs, everyone wore their colors to work/school, etc. Just like we do here. And here, well I don't think I have more closely followed any team in my life more closely than I have the Thunder for the last three seasons. The team, the passion, (the winning, no doubt) is just fantastic to be a part of. I am a huge NBA fan now. Never saw that one coming.
Bottom line, Orlando (and FL in general) is like a shiny, sporty convertible rental car. It is fun. Everyone has a good time in it. But no one really cares about what happens to it. As they say, no one ever washes a rental car. OKC is a real place. It is genuine in all ways and for me, that has been really great to experience.
There is really a lot to love about OKC. As I tell people around the country who are dubious of my love and pride for OKC, I tell them that it has most of the amenities you want from a big city without the headaches (traffic, high cost of living, crowds). And really that is so true. We are pretty lucky here. And the thing is...it's only getting better. If you are willing to be patient as the city transforms, you are going to be a part of something special and interesting. And that is something that not all people can say no matter where they live and how "cool" that place may be.