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Thread: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

  1. #51

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Quote Originally Posted by NoOkie View Post
    I think if you modify the curriculum to work with the technology, there's a lot of potential. I heard a story on NPR(Can't find the specific ones) about a school system that was using technology to time shift lectures(Basically, the students watch the lectures as part of their homework), freeing up class time for more small-group work and help. Coupled with some in-app methods of getting help after hours, it seemed like a clever idea. I remember reading another story about how college professors were using iPod touches in their class for a lot of surprising uses.

    tl;dr Technology, when leveraged right, can be an awesome tool. Just buying some tablets, throwing them at students and saying "Technology will help our kids!" is worthless.
    It was "The Story" and the school used the at home "homework" time for lectures (like you said) and had all the at school classroom time to individually hammer in the topic with one-on-one or small group interaction. The teacher in question said it interested the students more and improved grades.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    So, when I buy one of these iPads on Ebay can I get the "Property of PC Schools" sticker off easily?

  3. #53

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    So, when I buy one of these iPads on Ebay can I get the "Property of PC Schools" sticker off easily?
    Probably. While you are getting the sticker off, the parents will be busy getting questioned and/or fined for the missing iPad. Come on, do you really think they wouldn't know what was going on if you just "forgot" your iPad after awhile?

  4. #54

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Probably. While you are getting the sticker off, the parents will be busy getting questioned and/or fined for the missing iPad. Come on, do you really think they wouldn't know what was going on if you just "forgot" your iPad after awhile?
    That is the pot smoking kid's problem, not mine. All I know is I got an unused iPad cheap, Apple got a charitable tax write off, the kid got some pot (or whatever it is kids spend money on these days) and the parents got a bill. Seems everyone got what they want/deserve.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    That is the pot smoking kid's problem, not mine. All I kow is I got an iPad cheap, the kid used the money to buy some pot (or whatever it is kids spend money on these days) and the parents got a bill. Seems everyone got what the want/deserve.
    As long as there is a way to recover the cost from the people that choose to take advantage of this. I think that those people that will do that crap are in the minority and with everything you will have scumbags that will do that. Just like the people that rented bikes at Spokies and stole them.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Quote Originally Posted by LandRunOkie View Post
    I like Apple products as well, or at least did in the Jobs era. But the iPad seems more of a status symbol than educational tool. About reduced price for digital books, not really. That's the surprising thing. Books cost about as much as e-books. I'm pretty tech savvy, but give me a regular book any day.
    They shouldn't by any means because you don't have the cost of paper, press time and the manufacturing process. The same electronic file that makes the printed book is the basis for the e-book. If they are charging the same for it, they are wallowing in the profits (as if they weren't before).

    By obsolete I meant that the next, better, cheaper model will be out within a few months and many many multiple times by the time the bonds are paid off...and truly obsolete by the time the bond is paid.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Future teachers learning with iPads at University of Oklahoma

    The next generation of teachers to graduate from the University of Oklahoma will be armed with iPads as part of a pilot program designed to integrate education and technology.

    Future teachers learning with iPads at University of Oklahoma | NewsOK.com

  8. #58

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    So my son got sent home a replacement cost list with his books for 6th grade. I just went and added them up. $750 for his books. New iPads can be purchased for $500, and probably less with Apple's education assistance. And every single one of these text books has digital version (I know, because they came with a url to a site to access every text book, in case they leave one at school and need homework).

    If my son loses, burns, or sells his books, I have to pay to replace them. In the meantime, he's carrying around books which weigh a ton, are several years out of date, and will need to be replaced.

    An iPad would be lighter, could always be updated to the most current information, and has potentially a 10 year shelf life. Most homework could be done on the ipad, and electronically submitted (obviously, hand writing assignments would need to be done on paper). Make use of the tough cases for ipads, and they're almost indestructible.

    Whether it's an iPad or another table device (such as a kindle fire) I think it's just a matter of time for schools to switch from physical text books to electronic. It's more cost effective, easier, and can improve safety (no reason for book bags and lockers at School, so less places to hide weapons, etc). Add in the enhanced materials (when reading about civil rights, be able to launch videos, etc) you could improve education as well.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads


    Great post.

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience and perspective.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    jerrywall: great post and I don't disagree with any of it. But the question remains, does it make sense to take out long term bond debt (prob at least 10 years) to do this?

  11. #61

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    jerrywall: great post and I don't disagree with any of it. But the question remains, does it make sense to take out long term bond debt (prob at least 10 years) to do this?
    All school bond issues involve debt.. it's how it works. I guess it's up for the voters of a school district to decide if it's worth it and approve. That's one thing I like about Edmond, is that the voters have never failed to support a school bond issue. I know I'd approve it if I had a chance to vote.

    The other key to if it's worth it, is will it reduce the amount the school has to spend on paper and books over the next 10 years? If so, it could make it an easy choice. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the answer anywhere.

    And just for those talking about teacher's pay... it's against the law for teacher pay or any sort of regular operating expenses to be covered from bonds. So passing this doesn't take available money from teacher pay.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    They shouldn't by any means because you don't have the cost of paper, press time and the manufacturing process. The same electronic file that makes the printed book is the basis for the e-book. If they are charging the same for it, they are wallowing in the profits (as if they weren't before).
    Several large school systems (like the state of California), some universities and some non-profits have been working on creating their own e-books so they do not need to pay for each instance (some with the idea of other parties to use without cost) and there were probably some in subjects with decent books in the public domain already. At least a few of the text books (or supplement books) I had in college were written by the professor of the course and would have been free to the students if they had the option at the time.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    Several large school systems (like the state of California), some universities and some non-profits have been working on creating their own e-books so they do not need to pay for each instance (some with the idea of other parties to use without cost) and there were probably some in subjects with decent books in the public domain already. At least a few of the text books (or supplement books) I had in college were written by the professor of the course and would have been free to the students if they had the option at the time.
    We could always do a Maps for Ipads tax in OKC. Seems to work for everything else.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    All school bond issues involve debt.. it's how it works. ...
    I realize that, that's why you reserve long term borrowed money debt for something that is going to outlast the bond issue...like buildings...not technology that is going to be long obsolete before the bond is paid off...like I said before, it is like taking out a 2nd mortgage to pay for an oil change....I am in the Putnam City School District and will definitely be voting no on this one...and everyone I have talked to about it in the area feels the same.

    I am not against them getting IPads, just find another way to do it is all.

  15. #65

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    The iPads will be purchased in phases, so not sure any will be obsolete before the bond is paid off. And since they are spending more on books that have to be replaced every 5 years, if they can reduce the books they are buying this can make sense.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Its much more difficult to absorb the material and make connections across the material on e-books. The whole e-book craze is just a scheme by the publishing industry honestly. What k-12 book goes out of date in 5 years? If anything, textbooks have gotten dumbed down over the years. Will definitely be voting no.

  17. #67

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    I don't live in the PC district but I wish I did, I would definitely vote yes. It makes me sad reading posts from people who haven't taken the time to learn the benefits of the iPads in the classroom. Good article - iPad a Solid Education Tool, Study Reports | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

    Public schools must keep up with new digital technology and not allow those benefits to be available only from expensive private schools. Kudos to the Putnam City School District for looking ahead, I hope the voters do as well.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Quote Originally Posted by LandRunOkie View Post
    Its much more difficult to absorb the material and make connections across the material on e-books. The whole e-book craze is just a scheme by the publishing industry honestly. What k-12 book goes out of date in 5 years? If anything, textbooks have gotten dumbed down over the years. Will definitely be voting no.
    School books are typically replaced every 5 years. They wear out, fall apart, and (in the cases of recent history books) get quickly outdated.

    As for not being able to absorb.. what? I do all my reading on a kindle, and absorb just fine. Reading is reading. There's not some magic power of osmosis that paper provides.

  19. #69

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    zookeeper: I dont thnk anyone is disagreeing with you about the benefits, the question remains is taking out long term bond debt (borrowed money) the best way to pay for it?

  20. #70

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    The article you linked to just said that an app on the iPad helped kids with algebra. It also said that e-books don't have an advantage over regular books. Maybe you missed that part because you read it on an iPad. Obviously if there was a magic algrebra teaching software, I think we would have heard about it before 2013.

  21. #71

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Quote Originally Posted by LandRunOkie View Post
    The article you linked to just said that an app on the iPad helped kids with algebra. It also said that e-books don't have an advantage over regular books. Maybe you missed that part because you read it on an iPad. Obviously if there was a magic algrebra teaching software, I think we would have heard about it before 2013.
    What are you getting at? The iPads would come at a discount. For educational purposes and the massive quantity. After you have purchased the original ebook, I'm sure these minor updates would be free or very minimal cost for the company to just update a few words rather than having to print an entire new book. The only thing I don't like is the bond issue. I don't know of how else to pay for this besides doing something like a penny sales tax until every kid in the district has an iPad. Either way if this is done right, I think this would be a money saver and an overall plus for the students there.

  22. #72

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

  23. #73

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    here was the unsigned reply I got from someone with Putnam City Schools:
    Thank you for writing to share your thoughts.

    By state law, purchase of technology is one of the allowable uses for bond funds. My guess is that a majority of computers in schools across the state were purchased with bond funds, although certainly you’ll find instances of computers being purchased out of general funds, grant funds or federal funds. You might wish to go to http://www.edmondschools.net/Portals...nd%20Issue.pdf, where you’ll see that Edmond’s bond proposal (which Edmond voters will consider on Feb. 12) includes money for computers and related technology.

    You’re right that technology does become obsolete over time, but that’s going to be true regardless of what funds are used to purchase it. In this particular case, our plan is to release iPads in phases and only after teacher applications for iPads demonstrate thoughtful classroom use for student learning. If iPads become obsolete during the course of this effort, we can use those funds for whatever is the new and better technology for student learning.

    You also ask if we have run out of things to properly use bond money for. I would tell you no, we have many productive purposes for bond funds. We know that there are repairs and improvements that need to happen in our buildings. There are investments we need to make in order for our buildings more secure, more energy-efficient and more watertight. Often there is a need for newer, safer and more efficient school buses, another allowable use for bond funds. I expect that at some point voters will see a bond proposal related to those needs.

    I appreciate hearing your viewpoint. I expect you will go to your precinct on Tuesday and vote your conscience, which is exactly what you should do and what we want all voters to do.
    Hmmm, they admit they have other needs where a bond issue that will raise taxes may make financial sense, yet they are still going this route? And they are missing the point about obsolescence, why borrow money for a longer term than the item is going to last? Akin to taking out a 10 year loan on a car that is only going to last you 4 or 5 years. Just because something is legal, doesn't mean it is the right thing to do.

  24. #74

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Thought this would help with the discussion.

    I found out this morning that the new testing company has developed practice tests that are iPad compatible. This means these tests can now be taking in regular classroom and not have to schedule time in a computer lab. This also allows a teacher to test the students several times over the year at the pace they so choose, and be able to get real time data and results so that they can tailor the lesson to fit the weak areas experienced by the student(s).

  25. #75

    Default Re: Putnam City Schools to vote on purchasing 10,000 iPads

    Congratulations to Putnam City for this passing.

    Some were concerned about the technology becoing obsolete. That's not happening anytime soon and there's no way to prepare for a future we can't predict. The Apple Educational program allows for many things regarding upgrades and replacements that aren't available to the general public.

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