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Thread: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

  1. #1
    1Adam12 Guest

    Default Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Even though I am a little late at getting this information out, we now know that there are 102 confirmed gangs in the OKC area. Out of the 102 gangs, there are 6 major gangs, which make up 50% of the gang population.

    If this makes you feel any better, places such as L.A., Chicago, and Houston, each have over 500 different gangs in their cities.

    If you have watched the news lately, you will see that there have been quite a few gang related shootings in the last 2-3 weeks. gang activity is very high right now, and with school being out, young kids are now being recruited by different gangs.

    This is not a north OKC problem or a south OKC problem, it is city wide.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Thanks for the info.

    Are there particular places in the city that are worse than others? What about downtown OKC?

  3. #3
    travich Guest

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    All I know is that I am sick and tired of the graffiti in the park and around my neighbhorhood. I'd like to catch one of these punks spray painting the kids playgrounds. :!

  4. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    I feel like I've been noticing more grafitti lately...didn't know if I was just more aware after coming back from Italy (where it is a major problem) or if there really was more of it. It (gangs and grafitti) makes its way into the schools, too. Very sad that so many kids get wrapped up in this.

  5. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by 1Adam12
    This is not a north OKC problem or a south OKC problem, it is city wide.
    Oh please. Let's be honest - this is a Black and Hispanic problem. That's not racist, it is simply the truth. South OKC, East OKC, The Highlands, etc. Let's not pretend there is a big gang problem in middle-class white neighborhoods, because that's just not true. We need to be able to speak the truth - as it actually is - not as the politically correct would "allow" us to say it.


  6. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Does OKC have and organized gang task force to counter this issue? I use to live in a city back in the great lakes that had a large issue with gangs. Their police department put together and organized task force that handled just gang related crimes and they eliminated something like 60% of the crimes.

  7. #7
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger
    Oh please. Let's be honest - this is a Black and Hispanic problem. That's not racist, it is simply the truth. South OKC, East OKC, The Highlands, etc. Let's not pretend there is a big gang problem in middle-class white neighborhoods, because that's just not true. We need to be able to speak the truth - as it actually is - not as the politically correct would "allow" us to say it.

    I saw the newscast when they spoke about gang activity, and they mentioned that it is a city wide problem.....yes, even a white, middle class problem. Sure, there are many black, asian, and hispanic gangs, but they are all over town. They may not live in the middle-upper class neighborhoods, but they do still make their presence known in these areas.

    What about the home invasions in the NW part of OKC......most all of them are gang related.

  8. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    I saw the newscast when they spoke about gang activity, and they mentioned that it is a city wide problem.....yes, even a white, middle class problem. Sure, there are many black, asian, and hispanic gangs, but they are all over town. They may not live in the middle-upper class neighborhoods, but they do still make their presence known in these areas.

    What about the home invasions in the NW part of OKC......most all of them are gang related.
    In that context, you are correct. What I hate is when the authorities, in order to appease the Masters of Political Correctness, will mention the "white gangs." Yeah, and they are a TINY minority. Organized gang activity is Black, Hispanic, and as you said, Asian. In fact here's the breakdown:

    • Nationwide, only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.

    • Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.

    Those are unbelievable statistics considering that white people are (for now anyway) still a big majority in this country.

    These statistics, by the way, are part of the new and revised, "The Color of Crime." It is controversial (of course) because the New Century Foundation dared to look at, well, the color of crime. But all statistics are from the United States Department of Justice and even those upset about the study don't argue its accuracy.

    You can download a .pdf copy here:

    Jared Taylor, who helped make "The Color of Crime" available, is a respected author and lecturer. He is NOT a racist and believes that race is a factor that is, too often, only discussed when it is discussed to reflect "white racism." The New Century Foundation believes:

    "Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society—language, religion, class, ideology—it is the most prominent and divisive. Race and racial conflict are at the heart of the most serious challenges the Western World faces in the 21st century."

    "The problems of race cannot be solved without adequate understanding. Attempts to gloss over the significance of race or even to deny its reality only make problems worse. Progress requires the study of all aspects of race, whether historical, cultural, or biological."


  9. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    writerranger, I think you better find a more credible source than Jared Taylor. He is closely connected to David Duke, Don Black, and Virginia Abernethy, who are indeed racists. He is also associated with the Council of Conservative Citizens, who have been called a racist organization by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    Amren.com is hardly a legitimate source for that data considering the white supremacist agenda they are pushing, and is incredibly biased at that. I have no doubt there is a higher percentage of Hispanics and African-Americans in gangs, but it is not just a Black and Hispanic problem. Until you can find credible data from a credible source, there is no evidence to prove your claim.

  10. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Sorry, Jared Taylor has always distanced himself from these people you mentioned. David Duke showed up - unannounced - at a recent AmRen Convention and really angered Jared Taylor. Anyway, that's all trying to blur the message by lefty race-baiters. SoonerLIBERAL, did you understand these statistics are from the DEPARTMENT of JUSTICE? I have even heard black "leaders" admit it's a sorry state of affairs. You want to obscure the issue by blaming the messenger. Typical far-left, blame "the man" behavior. By the way, you name the Southern Poverty Law Center. You think THEY are credible? Read up on the great "Morris Dees." No, SoonerLIBERAL, "The Color of Crime" is what it is.... and what it is.....is the truth. Hell, who needs statistics? Talk to a cop.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerliberal
    writerranger, I think you better find a more credible source than Jared Taylor. He is closely connected to David Duke, Don Black, and Virginia Abernethy, who are indeed racists. He is also associated with the Council of Conservative Citizens, who have been called a racist organization by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    Amren.com is hardly a legitimate source for that data considering the white supremacist agenda they are pushing, and is incredibly biased at that. I have no doubt there is a higher percentage of Hispanics and African-Americans in gangs, but it is not just a Black and Hispanic problem. Until you can find credible data from a credible source, there is no evidence to prove your claim.
    You really haven't provided an argument here Lib. These people support Taylor's work for their own reasons. Unless you've seen Taylor out there recruiting the David Dukes of the world to endorse him, I don't think your attack on the author's credibility holds much water.

    Heck, instead of attacking the author's credibility, you attack people who randomly showed up at events he was speaking at. Then, from that non-argument, you reason that the author isn't credible. That's pretty weak.

    I don't really support one side or the other here, but you're just going to have to do better than that. If you're really interested in shooting holes into this argument, lookinto the methodology behind those stats (if there is any at all). When stats like that are so strongly weighted in one direction, they either show a very alarming trend, or the method by which they were collected was designed to produce certain results.

  12. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger
    Anyway, that's all trying to blur the message by lefty race-baiters. SoonerLIBERAL, did you understand these statistics are from the DEPARTMENT of JUSTICE? I have even heard black "leaders" admit it's a sorry state of affairs. You want to obscure the issue by blaming the messenger. Typical far-left, blame "the man" behavior.
    Typical far-left, blame the man behavior? Remember the Dan Rather episode? Remember the Swift Boaters? Remember the whole NY Times episodes? It goes both ways buddy.

    Regardless, it is naive to think the gang rates are not higher for minorities, including African Americans and Hispanics, but it is not just a "Black and Hispanic problem". You cited the controversial statistics yourself: 10 percent of gang members are white.

    It is more of a class problem than a race problem as I see it. African Americans are more likely than European Americans to live in poverty-ridden conditions. The same applies to Hispanics compared to Caucasians. Therefore, naturally, the crime activity goes up, including gang activity, as the income goes down. And if a certain race is more likely to be in the lower income group, then the crime activity for them will more likely go up.

  13. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerliberal
    Typical far-left, blame the man behavior? Remember the Dan Rather episode? Remember the Swift Boaters? Remember the whole NY Times episodes? It goes both ways buddy.
    Maybe I'm missing something, but what does that have to do with anything? The typical "lefty" behavior I was talking about was the whole, "Blame 'the man'" crap. Meaning, it's always the rich, white guy's fault. The obvious meaning from the left is that if there is anything ever "racial" going on - it's the fault of the white guy. "Blame the messenger" is something everyone uses, I agree, I was just pointing out that you were doing that with the Color of Crime Report.

    As for the "poverty causes crime," myth.....that won't wash. Look, I have black neighbors that could have written my post. We get along great and discuss this kind of thing all the time. They agree with me that the black community has got to get a grip on their behavior- period. It doesn't help to have the left always blaming poverty, racism, etc. Middle-class blacks are speaking out more and more on the cycle of crime and blaming everything but their own behavior.

    The big difference is that the black community has professional race hustlers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to make excuses. They will jump on something like the Duke Lacrosse Hoax, but say nothing when 5 black football players gang-rape an 11 year old white girl (last week in Fresno). In the former, it was full-blown coverage, made to look like a white-on-black "hate" crime. In the latter, race has hardly been mentioned at all. Had it been 5 white football players raping an 11 year old black girl - the coverage would be front-page and prime-time. Where's Nancy Grace when you need her?


  14. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger
    As for the "poverty causes crime," myth...that won't wash. Look, I have black neighbors that could have written my post. We get along great and discuss this kind of thing all the time. They agree with me that the black community has got to get a grip on their behavior- period. It doesn't help to have the left always blaming poverty, racism, etc. Middle-class blacks are speaking out more and more on the cycle of crime and blaming everything but their own behavior.
    I'm trying to figure this out, but for some reason it isn't making sense. Are you saying people are more likely to commit a crime just because they darker colored skin?

    As for the media, there are plenty of problems to go around. The Duke guys are obviously innocent, but the cable news commentators on CNN, FOX, and MSNBC are convinced they were guilty and have spent endless hours on a case that should have barely even been covered by local news. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson probably should shut their mouths, especially when it comes to things they don't even know what the hell they are talking about, but do they really have that much of an impact now as they used to have? Joe Gangsta probably doesnt even know who they are. There is a dire need for some real leadership that can connect to the youth and help advance the less fortunate.

    Additionally, the fact that how many Elizabeth Smart's or Jessica Lunsford's or Natalie Holloway's have there been covered on the news? Plenty, but I can't recall one missing minority being covered, in near as much depth as those three missing people.

    I still cannot see why you insist on blaming the left on the problems that America faces. I do not see how a political party is the cause of all of this. Socioeconomic problems are obviously the primary cause to crime, moreso than race. I mean, the crime rate is obviously lower in Edmond and Nichols Hills than in Capitol Hill or even white neiborhoods in Warr Acres, not due to race, but due to lack of wealth and moreso lack of education. Racism has declined incredibly and is becoming a non-factor in most cases, but whether we want to believe it or not, it is still a reality in isolated cases.

  15. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerliberal
    I'm trying to figure this out, but for some reason it isn't making sense. Are you saying people are more likely to commit a crime just because they darker colored skin?
    Yes. That's exactly what study after study has shown. This is a not a phenomenon in only the USA. It's everywhere - the world over. It's not popular to say it - (and flame away) - but it's the truth. We cannot explain it all yet, but the evidence is there. Exhibit A: The African Continent. There are all kinds of exceptions, I am not making a blanket statement regarding ALL people of any race. But to pretend there are no differences in the races is sheer folly.

    Racism has declined incredibly and is becoming a non-factor in most cases, but whether we want to believe it or not, it is still a reality in isolated cases.
    It's not very isolated. It's everywhere, just not the way the mainstream media would like you to believe. The hatred many blacks have for white people is not a well-hidden secret. If you're looking for racism in America today - look no further than the local chapter of the NAACP.


  16. #16

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    One thing you have to keep in mind is that we are in the middle of the summer and school is not in session.

    Juvenile crime and gang activity always rise in the summer time. Most of these young kids have no positive roll model living at home. The few that do are left unsupervised until Mom or Dad comes home from work.

    When school starts next month the gang violence will decline.

    I just wish they could start a program to keep some of the schools open in the Summer. Instead of teaching regular curriculum in the summer they could teach hobby classes and run athletic programs. I am sure hundreds of teachers would love to spend the summer teach a kid their favorite hobby.

  17. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Has anyone seen the movie Rize? It was actually really touching.. I enjoyed it a lot. It is about inner city kids, gangs and hip-hop dancing and trying to better themselves.. very sad but still inspirational. I recommend it.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  18. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    I realize in a couple of the posts above I came across like a bigot or something. Please let me explain.... Understand that "racism" is not what I am about. That's not me at all. However, I am very much interested in genetics, IQ, race, etc. I honestly feel there is a lack of open debate on these issues and I know that makes some people uncomfortable. (The same people who freak out when a coach honestly tries to discuss the superior athletic abilities of young African men and women). I read and study a lot on this topic and hope that people here at OKCTalk respect the research and investigation into a much misunderstood topic. Without it though, drug companies would not be moving forward on race-based drug research. Many people don't realize that there are drugs that help African-Americans (or more accurately, Africans) that don't do a thing for Caucasians. This came about by a decision to move ahead with genetic research that recognizes racial differences. On topic with this post: Please consider crime and adrenalin production, adrenalin production and athleticism, these issues are real. It's not racism - it's all about three letters: D-N-A. Please don't write me off as a "racist" for having views that are a few years ahead of our times (IMO). One day, all people will recognize how Political Correctness kept us from engaging in honest, intellectual research into topics that, while uncomfortable, are necessary for scientific and cultural progress.


  19. #19
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    I overheard that a gang is thinking of retailiating the loss at Crossroads. They're thinking about committing another incident at the mall on a Friday night.

  20. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    I overheard that a gang is thinking of retaliating the loss at Crossroads. They're thinking about committing another incident at the mall on a Friday night.
    I still think Crossroads should hire those black-outfitted, intimidating looking ultra-security firms. It may seem odd, but I have heard their presence makes real shoppers feel more comfortable and they play rough and tough with the gangs. They take no gruff and basically their job is to take the mall back.


  21. #21
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger
    I still think Crossroads should hire those black-outfitted, intimidating looking ultra-security firms. It may seem odd, but I have heard their presence makes real shoppers feel more comfortable and they play rough and tough with the gangs. They take no gruff and basically their job is to take the mall back.

    Anyone for airport security when entering a mall?

  22. #22
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    I overheard that a gang is thinking of retailiating the loss at Crossroads. They're thinking about committing another incident at the mall on a Friday night.
    That sounds familiar. I heard the exact same thing.

  23. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Sounds like a very stupid gang if their members are running around warning everyone in earshot that they might retalitate ... LOL
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  24. #24

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    It would be very interesting for someone to do a study on people of differing racial backgrounds, and what they viewed for entertainment growing up. I would be more interested in a study that shows racial groups who entertain themselves with gangster rap, hip hop culture, vs other methods of entertainment, say listening to non violent music, or practicing the arts.

    That'd be an interesting report to read.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    I bet a lot of the so called "gang" graffiti aren't even tagged by gang members. As I recall from when I was teen it was usually done just for fun.

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