4. "Family or household members" means:
a. spouses,
b. ex-spouses,
c. present spouses of ex-spouses,
d. parents, including grandparents, stepparents, adoptive parents and foster parents,
e. children, including grandchildren, stepchildren, adopted children and foster children,
f. persons otherwise related by blood or marriage,
g. persons living in the same household or who formerly lived in the same household, and
h. persons who are the biological parents of the same child, regardless of their marital status, or whether they have lived together at any time. This shall include the elderly and handicapped;
5. "Dating relationship" means a courtship or engagement relationship. For purposes of this act, a casual acquaintance or ordinary fraternization between persons in a business or social context shall not constitute a dating relationship; 22 O.S. 60.1