The 80s called. They want their design back.
The 80s called. They want their design back.
Why does the "iconic corner" retreat from its roof line??
Here are a full set of the latest renderings -- this should be what is built:
I like the open-ended play area which encourages imaginative, individualized play; but I still figured they would at least have one set of swings and a slide or something.
Love the landscaping/garden aspect of it. So the pocket park is in place of the Devonian sculpture thing?
The pocket park is still shows a label with a sculpture; current renderings indicate it's perhaps not so monolithic.
First submission:
where are people going to park for the school?
It's going to be really interesting to see this in person.
This was a pretty interesting article that is "kinda" related to this.
New design is an improvement, but still not impressed, I wish Butzer Gardner Architects was able to design this project, they would have done a better job in my opinion.
It looks like a hospital for the Soviet army. I would blacklist them from submitting any more proposals and politely ask them to leave town.
I like it ... IMHO it looks great and fits very well in the area
Good grief. Some of the posts of late on here seem to be from people who have perhaps gone off of their meds.
I'm not referencing actual architectural critiques, and your post certainly wasn't the one that drew my attention. I suppose talk of blacklisting respected and accomplished firms and asking them to leave town just because you don't care for one of their designs might just be tongue-in-cheek, but frankly I found it pretty disturbing. Sometimes the hyperbole on here is a bit much, IMO.
There are well-meaning professionals involved in most of the projects batted around on this forum, people who have given much to the community, and who put their heart and souls into their work. Also, those projects are generally being done by people who are taking action rather than simply talking about it. There is a very good chance they, their friends or their business acquaintances scan this board from time to time. I am all for fair critiques and for trying to elevate the standards in OKC, but sometimes the things said on here are fairly mean-spirited and devoid of any real value. I personally would like to see the conversation elevated every bit as much as the city's design and planning standards.
Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I have officially been irked.
I try to make sure my posts have some entertainment value.
Design is a tough field and they tend to have thick skin. They can afford it with what I imagine they are getting paid for this. This is creepy & colorful, not functional. There are good architects in this city. One of them was recently profiled. Much of the contemporary architecture in this city tries way too hard to be futuristic. Good architecture lends dignity to the inhabitants, this doesn't.There are well-meaning professionals involved in most of the projects batted around on this forum, people who have given much to the community, and who put their heart and souls into their work. Also, those projects are generally being done by people who are taking action rather than simply talking about it.
Off topic: but while entertainment is great, remember that there are a lot of people (important ones) who view this forum in the shadows, and OKCTalk is rapidly growing in credibility. When the lines start to blur of what is serious and what is in jest, it can have an impact on credibility. I always think about the developers, city leaders, etc. who are reading this forum when I'm posting. I want them to continue to find our input and discussions credible and down to earth.
Maybe you should consider running for city council if you have an interest in civic issues. A forum's influence can only go so far. Ed Shadid's election seems to be what made the forum more influential. The reason I'm vocal on this issue is that people care what their elementary school looks like. If it doesn't look right, they won't move into the neighborhood. Obviously we want people to move downtown, so this school is much more important than any other right now. And this design isn't anywhere near good enough.
While I'm not a defender of the design at all, to state that people wouldn't move to the downtown area because they didn't like the look of the school is just ridiculous. Reasons for moving to the downtown area are much more complicated than that and the quality of the education has no relationship to the architecture.
This forum is very valuable to the continued progress of Oklahoma City, and yes it is very credible, open, and vocal forum for discussing various ideas. And yes, the people who make decisions view this forum (and I have personally been fired from a job over a comment on this forum, so I do know people other than members view it), and I'm sure do consider some of this as public feedback. With that said, I do take posting here seriously enough to not want to water down the credibility that has been built through logical discussions. Not against you being vocal, that's exactly what this forum is about. But saying off-hand remarks (even if light hearted) can water down the rest of your post.
I do agree with you that this building is underwhelming, I don't think it will detract from the neighborhood though. The function over form adds a huge benefit and resource to downtown. It will serve downtown greatly, even though it's looks may not be the most pleasant. (The 2nd attempt is a little better)
You are one of the more level-headed posters on here so I'm sure you were able to find a job you enjoy. I had my eye on a property in SoSa, was qualified for a mortgage, and quit my job to become self-employed. The next week it was announced that the school boundaries were expanded to include the property I had my eye on.
And so goes the long trend of other people/places benefitting from my criticism without me benefitting. Now that I'm self-employed I can't buy real estate for a while, but I can speak my mind. Things like "This school sucks". And yes it would be a factor in whether I moved down there, I don't know about anybody else.
If the exterior style of a building not being cool enough in someone's mind is reason to or not to move downtown, then they probably aren't very committed to the idea anyway. I can understand not being crazy about the design, but it isn't offensive...just could have been more to my liking. However, once again, let's see how it turns out. We have a tendency to be hyper critical of all designs on this board.
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