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Thread: Pete's Place

  1. #1

    Default Pete's Place

    This place is good, the best thing you have, is private room no matter the size of your party, great food and service.

    The legend of Krebs begins with Pete's Place | NewsOK.com

  2. Default Re: Pete's Place

    Probably the worst "Italian" food I've ever had. Been there three times over the years (only once by my choosing) and it was bad to terrible each time. Just take pasta and cover it with Chef Boyardee and you've pretty much duplicated their entrees. I know many people rave about the place, but its on my 'worst of' list. I've heard other choices in the area are much better. I will have to give them a try some time.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pete's Place

    I grew up in McAlester so I would go on a regular...but you can argue that Roseanna's is the best...however Pete's place is also known for their great Choc Beer (Choctaw Beer), everybody has their opinion, but I love Pete's...

  4. Default Re: Pete's Place

    My husband's from McAlester, and he said he was never too thrilled with this place. He and his friends always talked up Isle of Capri, but I've never been there myself so I can't vouch for it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pete's Place

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    I grew up in McAlester so I would go on a regular...but you can argue that Roseanna's is the best...however Pete's place is also known for their great Choc Beer (Choctaw Beer), everybody has their opinion, but I love Pete's...
    98% this. In my much younger days, back when Pete's was barely a hair past a run down house, I loved it. Today, while it'll do, it's been trading on the presump' for quite some time. My slightly younger brother prefers Isle, Myself, I've been a strictly day time visitor to Krebs for a long long time, and that means Rosanna's (which I thoroughly enjoy.)

    I don't get down that way as often as I used to,but on the bright side, in recent years I've discovered Bella Vista, Italianos (OKC) and Gaberino's (Norman) and there are a couple of other places I can add in locally as well.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Pete's Place

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Probably the worst "Italian" food I've ever had. Been there three times over the years (only once by my choosing) and it was bad to terrible each time. Just take pasta and cover it with Chef Boyardee and you've pretty much duplicated their entrees. I know many people rave about the place, but its on my 'worst of' list. I've heard other choices in the area are much better. I will have to give them a try some time.
    I couldn't have said it any better myself. Pete's Place is God awful.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pete's Place

    hmm, I've ate there a couple of times and thought it was good. Perhaps the beer (my sole purpose of visiting) was clouding my judgement.

    :shrug: at least they make great beer

  8. #8

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pete's Place

    We frequented Pete's in the 60's when I was a kid and it's one of my favorite childhood memories. I remember Mom saying that Pete's started a downhill slide when they bought a ravioli maker and stopped making them by hand. We've had occasion to visit Pete's and Roseanne's in the last few years, and both served doughy and unimpressive pasta as well a squishy meatballs that could have used a trip thru the deep fryer. I do, however, like the lamb fries (would love them if they were thicker than a sheet of paper). I really think the Krebs restaurants pale in comparison to even the chain restaurants like Olive Garden.

    My best recommendation for Italian food is Villa Ravenna in The Farm shopping center, Tulsa. If you're ever that way, give it a try.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pete's Place

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post

    I don't get down that way as often as I used to,but on the bright side, in recent years I've discovered Bella Vista, Italianos (OKC) and Gaberino's (Norman) and there are a couple of other places I can add in locally as well.
    Italiano's has closed.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Pete's Place

    sumbitch . . . and before i even had a chance to see if all of the glowing reviews were accurate . . .
    really: Italiano's was on the go-to list . . .

  12. #12

    Default Re: Pete's Place

    That makes me sad, though there are others that would bother me more if they were shuttered.

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