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Thread: The Hobbit

  1. #1

    Default The Hobbit

  2. Default Re: The Hobbit

    Saw this in IMAX 3D last night. Granted, I'm a huge fantasy nerd, but I was blown away and had a giant smile on my face the whole time. I didn't have any problem with the 48fps people seem to be whining about and felt the movie was visually breathtaking , it was really a very beautiful movie. Every location was awesome, from Bag End to Erebor (for any WoW nerds out there, it kinda felt like you were taking a griffin back to Ironforge) to the Last Homely House of Elrond. Goblin-Town was insane.

    Plenty of action, some epic battle scenes (would easily be worth seeing twice just to try to take in everything that's going on during some of them) and even a little bit of comedy. Complaints that it has a different feel than LotR are unfounded I think as the book isn't as dark to begin with. I wasn't sure how Peter Jackson would be able to stretch it into 3 movies but after what I've seen so far, bring it on.

  3. Default Re: The Hobbit

    Going to see it this week. Can't wait. I'm right up there those with the biggest fantasy nerds (yes I'm a WOW geek as well). The Hobbit was my favorite book to read during grade school. So I'm looking forward to this even more than I was with LotR.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    Of course, some site or blogger said it wasn't as exciting as the LOtR. Really? Um, it's a totally different story and it's in 2 parts at that. It's not a trilogy and widespread story of all of Middle Earth against Sauron. It's a story of one hobbit's journey. I read the book about 3 years ago and I breezed through it. I could picture every little detail and how it would look when Peter Jackson finally put it to film. Other than this turd blogger, I can't wait to see the movie and I like what I'm hearing as far as fans of the series.

    Any of you guys read The Silmarillion? Interesting if you're down with the history of Middle Earth...

  5. Default Re: The Hobbit

    I'm about halfway through The Silmarillion. Love the back stories and think we'll see a lot of things pulled from this as Jackson bridges everything to LOTR in the next two movies.

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    It would really be awesome... kinda like a 2012 (the movie) theme...to see Middle Earth being swallowed and re shaped by the great sea. I researched the difference between the maps provided in all the books and from the first age to the third age, the only landmark that is virtually the same is the Misty Mountains.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    I enjoyed it. It was very long and if you're not into these kind of movies it would get really boring. But overall I though it was excellent.

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I enjoyed it. It was very long and if you're not into these kind of movies it would get really boring. But overall I though it was excellent.
    I suspect that if someone isn't into that kind of movie they won't have to worry about getting bored because they won't go anyway.

  9. #9

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    That's why they make movies like Lincoln. =)

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    I loved the original series, but this one just didn't do it for me. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't really that good either. I really don't think this story needed to be dragged out into 3 movies, and it shows with just how much padding was added to the movie. Yet despite the padding, they still didn't do a great job of giving us a reason to care about the members of Thorin's band, or even do much to distinguish them. Unlike Fellowship of the Ring, it just didn't like the story accomplished enough for a single movie, they introduced three main plot threads and

    This is probably the low point in the Jackson series for me. It wasn't a horrible movie, but it doesn't hold to the high standards his previous movies had. Hopefully the other two do more, but this one didn't get it off to a great start.

  11. #11
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    Quote Originally Posted by Hawk405359 View Post
    I loved the original series, but this one just didn't do it for me. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't really that good either. I really don't think this story needed to be dragged out into 3 movies, and it shows with just how much padding was added to the movie. Yet despite the padding, they still didn't do a great job of giving us a reason to care about the members of Thorin's band, or even do much to distinguish them. Unlike Fellowship of the Ring, it just didn't like the story accomplished enough for a single movie, they introduced three main plot threads and

    This is probably the low point in the Jackson series for me. It wasn't a horrible movie, but it doesn't hold to the high standards his previous movies had. Hopefully the other two do more, but this one didn't get it off to a great start.
    Are you a fan of the book? Does it follow the book very closely? I'm doing a quick re-read in preparation for seeing the movie.

  12. #12

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    Are you a fan of the book? Does it follow the book very closely? I'm doing a quick re-read in preparation for seeing the movie.
    It's been a long time since I read the book, but I did like it when I did. Of what I do remember, the book could have been told in one 3-hour-movie, maybe 2 if you were dead set on cutting nothing. Jackson split it into 3 movies though.

    Basically, they added a lot. Things that weren't elaborated on in the book are shown in great detail in the movie. Characters that get slight mentions get rather long, extended scenes devoted to them. So while the LotR trilogy cut out things to make the books translate better into movies, the Hobbit trilogy adds a bunch of stuff to the movies to drag them out into three, which in my mind, makes it flow worse than the book did.

    I expect the other movies to get a lot more added to them to pad out the adventure and actually make Bilbo and the dwarves a part of events they weren't a part of in the book.

  13. #13
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    Thanks, I will set my expectations accordingly.

    Judging from the previews I've seen, there were some things added (I don't recall Radagast the Brown? riding in a sleigh pulled by giant rabbits, for example). Its not a deal breaker for me though. If they can leave out the entire part about Tom Bombadil in TLOTR, I can get over a little artistic license with this one too.

  14. #14

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    I, for some reason, thought that the story was just An Unexpected Journey and then There and Back Again. I did not know of this third movie (part 2). Does kinda seem like a knock down drag out considering this is only one book. Jackson's just making sure he gets paid for the next three years. They probably have already wrapped up on the majority of the shooting and the rest of the time will be finishing touches on CG/special effects and editing.

  15. #15
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    I thought it was only going to be two movies as well.

  16. #16

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesFiend View Post
    Saw this in IMAX 3D last night. Granted, I'm a huge fantasy nerd, but I was blown away and had a giant smile on my face the whole time. I didn't have any problem with the 48fps people seem to be whining about and felt the movie was visually breathtaking , it was really a very beautiful movie. Every location was awesome, from Bag End to Erebor (for any WoW nerds out there, it kinda felt like you were taking a griffin back to Ironforge) to the Last Homely House of Elrond. Goblin-Town was insane.

    Plenty of action, some epic battle scenes (would easily be worth seeing twice just to try to take in everything that's going on during some of them) and even a little bit of comedy. Complaints that it has a different feel than LotR are unfounded I think as the book isn't as dark to begin with. I wasn't sure how Peter Jackson would be able to stretch it into 3 movies but after what I've seen so far, bring it on.
    Just out of curiosity, do you live in OKC or did you see the movie somewhere else? Both the AMC and Warren
    IMAX were only showing the movie in regular 3D. The HFR 3D version was on a different screen.

    While the picture quality was great, I found the HFR to be extremely distracting. It felt like someone kept hitting the fast forward button every few seconds. It was most noticeable on the slower scenes.

    The actual movie itself is good, but probably 30 minutes too long. I personally can't see a good reason (except for money!) to extend this movie to 3 parts, but I'm sure they'll all be good.

  17. #17

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    I hope to be proven wrong, but I fear a three part Hobbit package might suffer from the same dragging some scenes out waaaaaay beyond useful, e.g., the second and third Matrix films, and any Family Guy toon with a Peter/Chicken fight.

  18. Default Re: The Hobbit

    Yeah, it was at the Warren. That's what I get for just assuming the Imax would run the newer tech I guess. Ugh, there are way too many versions of this movie. Now I want to see the 48fps to compare.

  19. #19

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesFiend View Post
    Yeah, it was at the Warren. That's what I get for just assuming the Imax would run the newer tech I guess. Ugh, there are way too many versions of this movie. Now I want to see the 48fps to compare.
    Yeah I agree. The only way I knew I was getting the 48FPS version was buying tickets online. I'm not sure why the Warren didn't have the IMAX 48fps.

    If you see it again in 48fps, let me know what you think. It seems to be a love/hate thing among everyone so far.

  20. #20

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    I found the 48 FPS to be a bit jarring during some scenes. It was almost too smooth.

    It was great for the action scenes, though.

  21. #21

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I suspect that if someone isn't into that kind of movie they won't have to worry about getting bored because they won't go anyway.
    Yeah, but I meant if you are going for someone else.

  22. #22

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    Messed this post up beyond repair. If someone could just delete this that would great.

  23. #23

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    I hope to be proven wrong, but I fear a three part Hobbit package might suffer from the same dragging some scenes out waaaaaay beyond useful, e.g., the second and third Matrix films, and any Family Guy toon with a Peter/Chicken fight.
    They could make their own miniature series from those. lol

  24. #24

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    I saw the 48FPS version the other night at the Warren. I thought it was the most visually stunning movie I have ever seen. With the 3D, it was like sitting in a theater watching a Broadway play.

    As far as the movie itself, I wasn't excited about seeing it due to the trailers I had seen and the reviews I had read. After seeing it, I can't wait for the next one.

  25. #25

    Default Re: The Hobbit

    OK I have to ask... what difference does 48FPS make to a movie? What FPS are movies usually shot at?

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